Probiotics: Helping the Body in a Number of Ways

Probiotics are an essential part of human immunology and digestion. They play many and varied roles. For instance, they help us to break down our food making it easier to digest. They also help to fight off bad bacteria that cause infections.

Usually, we have enough probiotics to carry out everyday functions, but there can be times when we need to replenish our probiotic fauna with the use of supplements, such as Optibac probiotics.

Below, we’re going to explore a number ailments that probiotic supplements have been proven to help. There are many unsubstantiated claims about probiotics, but those listed below are widely accepted by the medical community.

Helping to Prevent Diarrhoea Following Antibiotic Use

Antibiotics kill off bacteria. Unfortunately, they don’t discriminate between good and bad bacteria, so both suffer. This can lead to diarrhoea as the antibiotics kill off our digestive fauna that helps to fight off infections. There is also some evidence that probiotics protect against certain strains of food poisoning.

Helping New Born Babies Develop a Strong Immune System

When babies are very premature, or born via caesarean section, they can lack some of the probiotics needed for a healthy body. Giving these babies probiotics can help them to fight off infections that are dangerous to young immune systems. However, these probiotics aren’t the type you buy in the shop. You can’t just give your child Optibac probiotics and expect them to be fine. Instead, the doctors will prescribe the relevant strain.

Helping to Prevent Flatulence and Bloating

Good news for dads everywhere, taking a probiotic supplement can help to stop flatulence. They do this by reducing the amount of gas in the digestive system. This gas is often a by-product of other bacteria. For instance, some bacteria produce sulphur. This is the source of the bad smell when people fart. Probiotics will consume this sulphur and prevent it from accumulating in the digestive tract.

If you would like to learn more about probiotics, then please visit thefinchleyclinic