As Strong As Ox-y Products

Due to the stresses of modern day life, for example a fast paced career, it is quite hard to just simply relax. Stress can affect our health and this may not be just our mental health.  For example, stress could be one of the factors that affect the way our digestive system functions. Stress, a poor diet and sedentary lifestyle could have a negative impact on the digestive tract.  Feeling sluggish and worn down, bloating, cramps and constipation are some of the effects that could be the sign of an unhealthy colon.

What Is A Healthy Colon?

A healthy colon ensures regular bowel movements which are normal shaped. This ensures that the waste and other toxic matter is expelled from the body.  A healthy colon will also have the right balance between good and bad bacteria in the gut. The good bacteria have an essential function as it helps to break down undigested food, and gain the nutrients that are needed by the body.

Oxy powder

To help with your journey to a healthy colon, you may want to consider a supplement.

Oxy products may help you to have a happy and healthy colon. Using stabilised oxygen, this may help to get rid of the build-up of the matter in the colon.   An undesirable environment is created for the bad bacteria and it does not affect the good bacteria.

Oxy Products are formulated to help give your colon a helping hand.

If you are interested in buying oxy products please visit The Finchley Clinic

Antioxidants and Anti-Aging

Within the food and beauty industry, anti- aging is a popular term. From moisturisers to food such as avocados, anti- aging is certainly a hot topic.


This is a chemical that is found naturally in the body and it is also man made.  Antioxidants are essential to repel the free radicals (this is a molecule which is missing an electron) that can do a lot of damage to cell and stop it from functioning properly.

When these free radicals create a change reaction, when this occurs in a cell, it could cause damage and even death in that cell.

Acai capsules

Acai capsules

Antioxidants are believed to help slow down the process of aging as the chemical helps to speed up the cell replacement. However, as we age this process slows down so a diet rich in antioxidants may help the aging process and this could, for example, be reflected in our skin.

Over the last few years a little known fruit has been praised for its antioxidant rich properties. Acai berries are native to Brazil specifically the Amazon rainforest. This fruit has a deep purple colour and has gained popularity in the last few years as it is has been grouped along with the superfoods. The term superfoods are foods that are high in nutrients and have a range of health benefits.  Goji berries, kale and quinoa are some of the foods that have gained this label.

Acai berries are antioxidant rich and can be eaten in its natural form, drunk as juice or consumed in a capsule. The Finchley Clinic- acai capsules which are a convenient way to gain the antioxidant properties that the fruit is known for.

If you are interested in Acai capsules it is available at The Finchley Clinic