The difference between aerobic exercises and taking a supplement called aerobic oxygen is that when you exercise you take in increased amounts of oxygen through the mouth for the muscles of your body to utilise.  The supplement is a product that delivers extra oxygen directly into the blood stream.

We need this oxygen for the cells of our body to use the energy from the foods we eat.  This dietary product is taken orally in liquid form so it travels to our digestive system where it is then taken up by our blood stream.

The trouble with exercise and the air we breathe is that our cities are very polluted and we do breathe in harmful stuffs as well.  This is not the only way out bodies do not use as much oxygen as we need.  If we are stressed out we are also depleting our oxygen reserved and our diet does not help at all.

Aerobic Oxygen

Nowadays we eat far too much junk and convenience foods which does not provide much oxygen either.  You should have a look at the package in which your convenience food is wrapped.  You will find many ingredients we do not need at all such as colourings, starches and flavour enhancers.  On top of this type of food is often highly refined.  White sugars and flours are used which hold empty calories.

The above mentioned supplement has been around for some time and is a brand that is sold all over the world and has gained approval from many people who have used this product.

If your body does not get enough oxygen, our immune system will not be as effective and we leave ourselves open to every bug that comes around in the winter time.  I happen to live in an area with no industry and clear skies and I never pick up any infections that go round.

However, if I were to live in a city such as London I would certainly add a supplement such as this to my daily diet.

This dietary supplement has other uses too.  If you are planning to take a lengthy trip to a country where there is no clean water, you would do well to add this oxygen supplement to your list of things to pack.

A few drops added to water will ensure that you do not end up with Delhi belly at an awkward time.  If you find that the tap water looks less than pure, a few drops on your toothbrush is all it needs to make sure that you brush your teeth safely.

If you need to carry water, you can add this supplement to the container to keep your water safe to drink and if you need to rinse vegetables then you should add this product to the rinsing water too to make sure the food is safe.  This is especially important if you eat salad stuff on your travels.

Aerobic oxygen is available from

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Why Fivelacs Will Change Your Life

According to statistics digestive problems are on the increase and they are now the first and foremost common problem afflicting the population.  They manifest themselves in various ways from irritable bowel syndrome to haemorrhoids and occurring with greater frequency.   They were almost unheard of in the time of our grandparents.  One reason, of course, could be that they did not live as long as we do nowadays.

Be that as it may, the use of probiotics has shown some promise in lessening the symptoms considerably.  Unfortunately these are milk bacteria and some people are unable to drink milk without getting an allergic reaction.  In this case there are dietary products such as Fivelac that may be able to help.

Food allergies, medication, stress and low fibre consumption, to name but a few, are all contributing to the increase in bowel problems.  They cause an imbalance in the intestinal flora.  This in turn leads to the bowel becoming irregular with either constipation or diarrhoea.


Constipation causes food to lie in the intestinal trace which then becomes impacted and produces mucus and toxins.  In this case the last thing that you need are laxatives which are harsh on the intestinal lining.

Instead it is much more sensible to resort to foods that have fibre in them such as leafy vegetables.  Anything refined should specifically be avoided as they will only exacerbate the problem.  Psyllium as a bulking agent would be an excellent choice.  However, you should ensure that you drink enough water.

In the case of Candidiasis you should try and avoid milk products too, but you can eat live yoghurt which contains the probiotic bacteria.  However, if you cannot take any milk products, then you can take the dietary supplement mentioned above with confidence.  This product contains minute traces of the milk bacteria.

Probiotics help to re-establish a balance between good and bad bacteria in your intestines.  When the pH balance is restored it will help to fight the yeast overgrowth.  During the time the overgrowth dies off, you will find that you have flu like symptoms.   This feeling should pass very quickly. Once the balance has been restored you will feel more energised and well.  Previous symptoms such as bloating, headaches and a general malaise will gradually disappear.

The product is designed in such a manner to prevent the acidic stomach environment destroying it so that the supplement arrives in your intestines fully operational.  If you should find that you still get an allergic reaction from this product, there are other similar products that will do the job without the help of probiotics at all.

Since we depend on our intestines to keep us healthy because that is where most diseases find their origin, it makes sense to avoid foods that cause our digestive tract such grief.  Leafy vegetables are excellent as they contain amounts of antioxidants that will help the liver cleanse our system.  Spicy foods, alcohol and dairy products are best avoided.

To obtain Fivelac and get additional information about this supplement please go to

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If you have ever suffered a yeast overgrowth, called candidiasis, you will know how uncomfortable this condition is.  Yeast fungi live naturally in our bodies and on our skin and normally, if you are healthy, they pose no problems.

However, due to antibiotics and an unwise lifestyle they can proliferate and can cause untold damage if you do not try to eradicate the problem.  Your discomfort can be helped enormously by adding probiotics to your diet.  These are naturally found in live yoghurt, but if you are lactose intolerant you will be helped by taking a dietary product called Threelac.

There are various ways to combat this condition.  You can either take the said supplement, but you can also cleanse your colon.  There are specific natural dietary preparations available for this if you find that you cannot get on with probiotic supplements.


The supplement works by introducing three live bacteria directly to where they are needed, i.e. the intestines.  The supplement is not destroyed by the digestive juices of the stomach.  These natural and helpful bacteria will help to destroy the candida yeast, thus restoring the pH balance of your intestinal tract.

In taking this supplement your may initially feel worse as the yeast fungi die off.  You may also have loose bowel movements, which is understandable as the dead matter will have to be expelled somehow.

Once you are starting to feel better, it makes sense to revise your diet.  You should really cut back on refined foodstuffs such as white bread and sugar.  It is better to cut these out of your diet altogether since bread contains yeast and sugar is food for the yeast fungus.

There are plenty of nice foods that you can eat to minimise the risk of a recurrence of candida.  There are grains that are gluten free and meats such as chicken, beef and fish are also beneficial.

You need to know that candidiasis if not checked can become systemic.  You may ask what this word means.  Systemic means that it will affect your system and uncontrolled candida can affect all the organs of the body.  This can lead to the onset of chronic illnesses.

By tackling the overgrowth in the intestines, you will prevent toxins from travelling through the intestinal wall and attacking your organs via the bloodstream.

Are there any side effects when using this product? If you are lactose intolerant, then perhaps you should consider a similar product that works the same way.  However, the two milk bacteria that have been added to this product are there in minute quantities.  If you are severely lactose intolerant they may still produce an adverse reaction.

As with all products, holistic or not, if you are on existing medication, it is always wise to consult your doctor before you add these dietary supplements to your daily food.  As already mentioned the die off may cause you to feel under the weather with flu like symptoms.

If you would like more information about Threelac you will find it at

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Most people have in their lives experienced that bloated feeling, where perhaps constipation is at fault. It is uncomfortable and perhaps at those times it would be a good idea to think of cleansing your colon.
This is easier said than done. You can either visit your local colonic irrigation clinic, but a much easier way to push matters along, as it were, is to take one of the several dietary preparations such as oxy powder which are very efficient in liquefying impacted matters.
The way this powder works is that this product contains oxygen that does not get destroyed by the stomach where food is broken down to be digested. The oxygen manages to reach the intestinal tract where it goes to work.

oxy powder
Oxygen helps the aerobic bacteria to become more efficient. These bacteria may have died off through illness, creating an imbalance in your intestines. You need to know that if the bad bacteria get the upper hand, your intestines become oxygen poor, allowing these bacteria to flourish with attendant consequences.
It is very often in these circumstances that some people experience a yeast overgrowth which is caused by such an imbalance. This over production of yeast is manifested in signs of candida or thrush, if your mouth is affected.
Apart from candida being uncomfortable, it can also become a chronic condition which could affect all your major organs if left to its own devices.
Because your good bacteria cannot combat the bad ones, it often happens that faecal matters become hard and impacted, causing your intestines to malfunction and become less efficient.
This will result in your body not being able to take up nutrients with the result that your organs do not get the necessary tools to function properly.
You can see that health and well-being starts with a healthy colon. If this part of your body is in good order the rest will follow.
Unfortunately modern medicine such as, for instance, antibiotics have much to do with creating an imbalance of our intestinal flora. The aim of these medicines is to get rid of infections. The unhappy by-product is that they do not only kill bad bacteria, but the good ones too.
These modern dietary products will clean the entire colon, not just the lower part of it. Colonic irrigation is not as efficient as that. They will also not destroy the good bacteria. If you go for irrigation good as well as bad flora will disappear.
Although these products are entirely harmless, you will experience some loose stools for a couple of days. It may make you feel a little under the weather. However, this is normal as your body has to get rid of impacted matter and died off bacteria somehow. It is advisable that you stay near your home and toilet for a few days until matters have sorted themselves out.
If you would like to give Oxy powder a go your can do no better to log on to for more information.


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