Relieving Digestive Discomfort

The majority of people will have experienced some form of digestive discomfort in their life. Whether that’s in the form of acid reflux, heartburn, indigestion or constipation, most people will be no stranger to the acute discomfort that these sorts of conditions can result in. Continue reading

Is This Supplement Too Good To Be True

There are many health supplements available today and every day a few more are added. When a product arrives the public sometimes think, oh no, not another one.

When Colostrum as a supplement arrived some years ago, we were sceptical. What is Colostrum and why should we take it? The good news is that this dietary supplement genuinely helps people with digestion problems such as colitis.

Colostrum is the first milk that an infant consumes straight after birth. It is full of natural antibiotics and has properties to boost the immune system.

You may well ask why we as mature people need baby milk. Well, this substance does not seem to have any side effects whatever age you are and it is readily tolerated by anyone who should add this supplement to their daily regime.

Colostrum’s main advantage is that it contains Polyproline rich peptides which are very useful in an immune system that is underactive. Conversely these ingredients also help in an overzealous immune system where autoimmune diseases are present. Autoimmune problems are the ones where the body attacks itself.

People who started taking this supplement for other reasons and have been on it for some time, reported fewer colds and winter flu. And others where disease had already taken its grip found that the healing process was much faster.

There are other properties attributed to this supplement. Among a few are regeneration of injured muscles, fat burning ability and producing lean muscle mass, the regulation of blood sugar and more. Since it also repairs collagen, you will feel younger and look better too.

Antibiotics seriously impair your immune system and will destroy bad as well as valuable bacteria. If you are or have been on these you can do no better than to boost immune responses.

You will have to make sure that the colostrum supplement you are buying has been produced from safe sources. By this is meant it should be harvested from cows that are not readily exposed to antibiotics, pesticides and are hormone free.

For further information on what is colostrum and where to obtain the supplement, go to thefinchleyclinic