In our age our lives have been made easy by convenience products. We can now buy pre-cooked meals in packets, frozen foods, tinned products and also health supplements.

It is no wonder that the dietary supplements are very popular with us as they are a convenient way to take vitamins, minerals and probiotics to keep us healthy. They are especially handy in our convenience food society.

Health supplements

Yet again, today, the British media is warning us that there is an epidemic in youth obesity with attendant problems. Every day children, sometimes as young as 7, are being diagnosed with diabetes on a larger scale than before. This is largely to do with modern diet and our lack of enthusiasm to cook healthy meals.

Of course, in a society where money has to be earned just to keep afloat, there is precious little time to spend hours in the kitchen. This is why convenience meals that can be served in minutes have become so popular.

You need to know that most modern foods are full of sugars. You only have to read labels on drink bottles, tins of food and of course the ready meals to see that they are full of unnecessary ingredients. Some of these ingredients are hard to digest such as sugars and starches and they are left behind stuck to the lining of the digestive tract.

Apart from anything else these ingredients make you fat and since they are left to fester in our intestines you will soon start to feel bloated. This debris will start to form toxins which could cross over into the bloodstream.

Once this happens they can travel to all major organs, thus causing damage. Have you ever suffered from candida?

This is a condition that is caused by the yeast fungus. A yeast overgrowth in your intestines will cause oxygen loving bacteria to die off and causing an imbalance in your gut flora. The yeast fungus loves an oxygen poor environment and if you ever suffered from a yeast overgrowth in your sensitive parts you will know how uncomfortable that is.

Apart from being hard to get rid of, the toxins can also spread to the rest of the body and may cause chronic conditions that will come to haunt us as we get older.

You can change your diet, but if you are not inclined to do so, there are dietary supplements available that will cleanse your colon gently and effectively. Some are probiotics in powder or pill form and others are oxygenated products that will do roughly the same.

They are all designed to introduce extra oxygen to your intestinal area. This will help the good bacteria to recover, which will the rebalance your intestinal flora.

If you should also modify your diet, to take in more fresh fruit and vegetables you will go a long way to keep your body healthy. You should, however, not forget to exercise regularly to keep the circulation going.


Have you ever watched people as they walk by when you are sitting quietly having a glass of wine? You will not fail to have noticed that there are so many obese people around. Yes, the world population is getting bigger by the minute.

The reason for this is that there are too many refined sugars and flours about which are very hard for our digestive systems to cope with and they also cause many diseases such as diabetes and a yeast overgrowth called candida.

If you find yourself in a position where you are often bloated, suffer from diarrhoea or constipation, the chances are that your digestive tract is overloaded with indigestible foodstuffs. You can do something about it and the easiest way to get rid of this impacted waste is to take a dietary supplement called Threelac.



This supplement is a good way to deliver probiotics right to the heart of the problem. It is especially beneficial to people who find foods that contain these, such as milk products, which those amongst us that are lactose intolerant, cannot take.

Although this product contains minute traces of lactose, it is generally well tolerated by most people. However, there are other supplements on the market that do pretty much the same thing for those who find even the smallest trace difficult to digest.

The aim of the three bacilli is to re-oxygenate the intestinal tract so that the beneficial flora can do its work to liquefy impacted matter. Candida is the result of a yeast overgrowth which started in your intestinal tract because of the blockage caused by impacted waste.

You can imagine if waste sticks to the intestinal lining then your body cannot take up the necessary nutrients from the food that is eaten. The impacted matter produces toxins which allow the yeast loving anaerobic bacteria to thrive as they love an unhealthy atmosphere where there is a scarcity of oxygen present.

The probiotic bacteria will allow the aerobic bacteria to recover so that a balance between good and bad can once more be established.

If the balance is not restored in your intestines and nutrients cannot be picked up by the bloodstream to nourish the body your immune system will be compromised. The result of this is that your body will be unable to fight infections such as a candida overgrowth.

This in turn can allow the condition to become chronic with serious results. An unhealthy gut can also cause other diseases to take hold. So you can see that many ailments have their origin in your digestive system.

Of course, the process involves some discomforts as you can well imagine. For a start you will suffer some loose stools for a few days. It cannot be otherwise as liquefied matter will have to be expelled somehow.

Initially you may also have increased symptoms of being unwell which are absolutely normal and is the result of fungal die-off.


Camu camu powder is produced from a low branched tree that grows in the lower Amazonian rain forest region. Like most fruit with a high anti-oxidant content it is purplish red in colour, resembling a cherry.

It has been found that it is extremely high in vitamin C content. As it is sour in taste it is sold in health food outlets in Camu camu  powder form so it can be easily blended to mask the flavour.



One of its health benefits is that it fights inflammation and is commonly used to boost the immune system due to its anthocyanin content, which is a form of anti-oxidant.

Since vitamin C is an anti-oxidant it is a proven fact that if you increase its intake when a cold develops the duration of the cold is much shortened. Since prevention is better than a cure, it makes sense to increase your intake of this vitamin to prevent winter infections from happening.

Because vitamin C is needed for collagen production, it is a powerful tool to treat skin infections and if applied directly to the skin it can prevent skin damage due to sun exposure and the effects of ultra violet rays.

It is no wonder that this dietary product has become a buzzword in the health industry world. Anti-oxidant products such as these are even said to be a powerful tool in cancer prevention because they protect our DNA cells against damage. Although anti-oxidants do not directly attack cancers, they boost the immune system so the body is better able to prevent cancerous cells from forming.

You should be able to get all the vitamin C you need if you eat a healthy and balanced diet. However with our modern convenience foods and their overuse it is possible that you may be lacking in this vital substance.

Also, as we age, our bodies become less sufficient in absorbing vital nutrients. Vitamin C cannot be stored by the body and as we get older we will need more of these nutrients to keep us healthy.

Of course, there is much you can do to stay healthy. We all know that being overweight puts a strain on our bodies and it is important to maintain a healthy weight. This you can achieve by taking plenty of leisurely exercise and to eat fresh produce.

It also helps the body to absorb iron which will prevent anaemia and is essential in the production of red blood cells which is necessary to carry oxygen around the body. Here again, if you have always eaten a healthy diet you should not be iron deficient but as we get older you may need a dietary top up.

Coming back to anti-oxidants, too high a dose can interfere with cancer treatment drugs, so it is a prudent step to consult your physician before embarking on a regime of taking higher doses of anti-oxidants than normal.


Acai capsules are capsules that contain the dried pulp of Acai berries. What are they? This fruit is the product of a palm tree that grows in the Amazon rain forest. These trees grow naturally in this region or are commercially grown in plantations. The fruit they produce are very akin to a small grape and dark in colour.

The fruit is said to be high in anti-oxidants, is protein rich and is a source of vitamin C and calcium. Like many fruits that are high in anti-oxidants they boost energy levels, protect against cancers, boost natural immunity and protect against heart disease.

Another benefit is that they can help with weight loss because they supress appetite. They have other properties beside and you may want to research these berries on the internet.

There is much talk about anti-oxidants in the media and from the medical profession. You will find this substancein all fresh fruit and vegetables. However some fruits are higher in anti-oxidants than others and berries of these palm trees contain a higher level than most others.

As we age our bodies will start suffering from oxidative stress. This is because we will start losing electrons to oxygen laden electrically charged molecules generally known as free radicals. Acai capsules are capsules that contain the dried pulp of Acai berries.As you may know, these free radicals can do much damage to your cells’ DNA and it is imperative that you keep to a healthy lifestyle as you get older.

Acai capsules

Free radicals are unpaired electrons. Since electrons like to go around in twos, they will try and steal an electron from our DNA molecules. This is when the free radicals become dangerous to our health. If they do not find an electron quickly these unpaired electrons will die off quickly and this happens quite regularly.

You should never take supplements or put yourself on a high anti-oxidant regime if you receive cancer treatment as it may interfere with the medication you receive. It is always sensible to have a chat with your health provider in these circumstances.

It needs to be said that our bodies are very adept in protecting themselves, but you still have to eat sensibly and get plenty of exercise when you get older to keep your body healthy. The key is balance in your system and if you are a healthy individual then you have probably got the balance right with diet and exercise.

We all know we are living longer and that is no coincidence. Better medication and information about lifestyles have all helped to get us to reach a higher age. However, every drug that is marketed today does have side effects that can be very serious and have to be counteracted by other drugs to minimise damage.

It is a much better idea to keep our bodies in tip top condition and strengthen our immune systems, especially as we age rather than to wait until something goes wrong and we need medication.


Our modern lifestyles have allowed the world population to reach a greater age. It has also produced drugs to stave off diseases which in earlier times put an untimely end to our lives. However, some of these drugs have come to haunt us as bad bacteria and pathogens in our bodies have developed a resistance to them.

Antibiotics are a case in point and doctors, especially in the country I live, are advocating strengthening our immune systems with natural products. In the United Kingdom you can do the same by researching health products London for natural alternatives to antibiotics.

Health products London

I have a friend who is now 91 who was recently advised by her doctor to take probiotics so that her body would be able to fight off viruses and other illnesses that so often floors the elderly. My friend is not, of course, in as good a health as a younger person might be, but for her age she is in fantastic shape.

So much so that she takes herself off to the beach each morning to have a good swim. She has to be assisted in this by being driven there by someone as her eyesight prevents her from driving herself in the last year or so.

If we would all take more exercise and lead a healthier lifestyle there is no reason to believe that more people would live to a healthier old age. As the saying goes, if you do not use it, you will lose it and nothing is truer than taking regular exercise every day to stop the muscles from seizing up and keeping the circulation going.

Of course, some are luckier than most because they live in a less polluted place or they have a natural propensity towards good health. Even in cities you can keep yourself healthy by walking rather than taking public transport. It would serve you well too to have a good look at what you eat every day. Eating healthily does not cost the earth; it merely requires you to spend a little longer in the kitchen to cook meals from scratch.

You can reduce your time in the kitchen by making a healthy meal such as a stew which can be dressed up as other meals, for instance by adding some spices to last a few days.

If you are intolerant to milk products and can, therefore, not take probiotics in lactose form, modern health products are there to help you. Probiotics are available in pill or powder form and although they can contain minute traces of lactose which bothers very few people. However, there are also oxygenating supplements available that have no lactose in them at all.

Convenience foods are all well and good in our busy lives, but they should be consumed sparingly as they contain all kinds of unnecessary ingredients such as starches and colourings to tempt the eye rather than the stomach.