How the Introduction of an Oxygenated Supplement Help to Improve Your Well-Being

Oxygen is fundamental for life on earth. Without it, we would die. However, the issue is not as simple as this, because oxygen is essential in all areas of health and well-being. A lack of oxygen, even when non-life threatening can cause widespread issues within the human body – many of the issues you may experience, but have never made the connection between them and a lack of oxygen.

 Aerobic oxygen

Conversely, too much oxygen can be problematic too, and this is why people do not simply attach to an oxygen breathing-machine. It is better to introduce oxygen to the body in a more natural manner, such as through exercise or using an oxygenated supplement, such as Aerobic Oxygen.

In modern times, it is harder to acquire adequate levels of oxygen this is because of various changes to the environment and to our lifestyles.

Environmental Problems

With the industrial revolution, we have witnessed an incredible amount of pollution. When we first started to industrialise, smog from coal was a huge issue and caused widespread problems. Following advances in technology, we ran into the problem of CFCs, which as you may or may not know, is largely responsible for the whole in the ozone layer. Lately, we have the issues associated with consumption – landfills, energy by products, etc. This has led to an increase in the number of pollutants in our environment. These pollutants enter the body and diminish the effects of oxygen in the body. For this reason, we need to find a way to introduce purer forms of oxygen into the body.

Modern Lifestyle

The biggest problem with modern lifestyles is our sedentary living. We need exercise to get the blood pumping and the oxygen flowing. Another problem is the increase in the use of air-conditioning, which further introduces pollutants into our living space, which consequently leads to increase stresses on the body and further affirms the use for additional oxygen.

There are many issues affecting the volume of oxygen in the environment, and these are contributing to an increase in health problems amongst the majority of people.

What are the effects of a lack of oxygen on the body?

Clearly, there are many problems associated with a severe lack of oxygen. However, these are not the problems to which we will refer here. Instead, we will consider the effects of less oxygen, which is the problem affecting most people. If you have any of the following issues, and you cannot find a cause, then you may need to consider a lack of oxygen absorption in the body:

  • Candida-Yeast infection
  • Lowered immune system
  • Mental Health Problems
  • Aches and pains in the joints
  • Fatigue
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Cognitive Impairment
  • Digestive problems
  • Concentration and memory problems
  • Pale appearance
  • Allergies
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Depression

This list is non-exhaustive and simply there to illustrate the many problems that can arise from reduced oxygen in the blood.

What can you do to rectify the problem?

Well, improving your lifestyle is a great place to start. You must eat a healthy and balanced diet and exercise regularly. Get out in the fresh air, as well, it may be polluted, but is much less so that your home is likely to be. Take an oxygen supplement that can introduce greater oxygen levels in the blood stream. Aerobic Oxygen is one of the more popular supplements and this is because it works well and has very few side effects. One of the common side effects, however, is diarrhoea – if this happens, it means that you are taking too much and you simply need to lower the dose.

If you would like to learn more about Aerobic Oxygen and the benefits that you can expect from it, please visit

How to Fight the Common Cold and Keep it From Coming Back

Some people rarely catch colds, whereas others seem to suffer from frequent bouts – regardless of the time of year. If you fall into the latter category, then we are certain that you understand the frustration of the commonly advocated advice of ‘just do nothing and wait for it to pass’. If it were true that the common cold could not be beaten, then we would all catch it – wouldn’t we? Well, some people never catch colds, and this is because they do certain things that help them to fight off the virus before it takes a hold on the immune system. Sure, there is no known cure, but there are certainly known preventative measures, and there are ways to reduce the length of time of infection. Here, we will explain to you what the lucky ones do.

Prevention is better than Cure

The best thing that you can do is to avoid catching the virus in the first place. This is simply a matter of maintaining good hygiene. Make sure that you wash your hands with an antibacterial wipe or soap after you touch anything that others have touched – particularly during wintertime when the virus is particularly prevalent. Remember that the virus can live for up to three hours on non-organic surfaces, so do make sure that you keep on top of sanitation within your work and home space.

 Aerobic oxygen

Do not allow people who have colds to stand too close to you, even if you feel rude about asking them to step away.  Just say something like ‘I suffer from recurring colds, so could you please stand a little distance away from me so that I do not catch the virus?’. Most people will totally understand.

If you do think that you have come close to the virus then avoid touching your face until you have cleaned your hands (or whichever parts of the body you feel may be contaminated). The virus needs to enter your body in order to gain a purchase, so do not touch any open sores, your mouth, your nose, or your eyes.

When the Worst Happens

If you have not managed to prevent a cold, you need instead to treat it once it is here. There is an old wives tale that says, ‘starve a fever feed a cold’. It turns out to be pretty accurate. You need to eat plenty of fresh and healthy foods, and in particular drink many fluids. Soups are fantastic in treating the common cold because they contain plenty of nutrients that the body needs to repair itself, the warmth is soothing on the throat, and it makes you feel happier and cosier. Do not buy tinned or sachet soups (although they do provide the liquid you need) it is much better to make your own soup using fresh vegetables and meats (e.g. ham and pea, or chicken and leek). If you are too weak to make soup, just buy the homemade shop soups – these at least contain fresh produce.

Introduce oxygen to the body because this helps to fight off dangerous bacteria. Aerobic Oxygen is a fantastic supplement that will help to improve oxygen saturation in the body. Oxygen is nature’s natural cleanser, it works in a similar manner to an antibiotic and can rid the body of toxins, too. Many people are turning to Aerobic Oxygen as a supplement that they take regularly because it helps to treat many ailments, but it also works as a preventative measure as well.

If you would like to know more about Aerobic Oxygen, then please visit

Why You Should Consider Using a Colon Cleanser

The colon is responsible for a wide range of functions in the body. When working correctly, it will contribute to an overall feeling of general well-being. However, when the colon is working less efficiently, it will lead to widespread problems, including:

  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Weight Issues
  • Mood Disorders including depression, mood swings and anxiety
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhoea
  • Aches and pains in the joints
  • Feelings of fatigue
  • Reduced concentration and focus
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Lack of energy
  • Headaches
  • Lowered immune response efficiency
  • Increased susceptibility to disease, allergy and infection
  • Bad breath
  • Bad body odour
  • And various other issues

Given the above list, you should now be aware of the importance of maintaining a healthy colon. Often, the problem lies not in disease, but in the level of compacted waste in the lower intestinal tract. Compact waste builds up in the walls of the colon and the intestines and this prevents these organs from absorbing nutrients and expelling toxins. Sometimes feeling unwell is a simple matter of having a blockage in the lower digestive system, and this problem is easily fixed through the use of a colon cleanser.

oxy powder

A healthy colon, therefore, is essential in feeling happy and healthy. If you have been feeling unwell or generally under weather, but you cannot find the cause of your problem, it may be that often overlooked—but essential—organ, the colon.

Which Colon Cleansers are Available?

There are many different types of colon cleanser, but they fit broadly into two distinct categories, and it is these that we will consider below:

  1.  Colonic irrigation:

Colonic irrigation is a process undertaken by a specialist therapist. For some odd reason, you will usually find these therapists working at a beauty therapy (probably because a clean colon leads to clearer skin). It is an invasive process, and it can feel incredibly embarrassing. In basic terms, the therapist inserts a plastic tube into the rectum. This is attached to a water pump. Water is pumped into the body via the rectum. Your colon and intestines will fill with water, the therapist will massage the area, and then the water will be released – all of that wasted faecal matter will leave the body. Some of the wastage will have been there for months, if not years.

2.   Supplements:

The most popular supplement available is the Oxy Powders. The powder is taken in tablet form and it usually contains Magnesium oxide, acai gum and citric acid. They act together to introduce oxygen to the lower digestive tract. This oxygen then works upon the compacted faecal matter, loosening and liquefying it. The matter simply passes through the system, taking dangerous toxins with it, and improving the function of the colon. Because it has a laxative effect, you will need to take it at a specific time of day, to avoid being caught out in an embarrassing situation. Most people tend to take the tablets at night, especially when first embarking on the treatment.

If you would like further information about Oxy Powder, or other types of colon cleanser, then please visit

How to Introduce Greater Oxygen Saturation in the Body

Oxygen is vital to the health of any living organism (at least as far as we are aware, there could be other types of life somewhere out in the cosmos, but on Earth, we need oxygen). Unfortunately, modern living has interrupted the absorption of oxygen and its abundance in the body.

Several factors relating to our lifestyle affect the amount of oxygen we absorb:

  1. Pollution: with increased levels of population since the industrial revolution, the air is less clean now than ever before. Couple this with the industrialisation of some of the largest countries in the world (namely, India and China – the latter of which now consumes more coal than all other countries put together. It should come as no surprise that oxygen levels are becoming increasingly difficult to obtain without the pollution of our bodies with other, dangerous, elements, such as Carbon Dioxide.
  2. Sedentary Lifestyle: when we exercise and are active, our bodies consume and require greater levels of oxygen. As the body gets used to this added oxygen, it becomes better and more skilled at oxygen absorption. If this process is interrupted via a lack of activity, our bodies are less adept at deriving oxygen from the air. Modern day stress depletes our oxygen reserves.
  3. Increased Levels of Stress resulting from Toxic Environments: If you work within certain industries, such as the construction industry, you may find that you are overly exposed to dangerous levels of toxins. This will deplete oxygen levels.
  4. Emotional distress and Stress: Modern life is fraught with difficulties and responsibilities. When this happens, we tend to suffer from what is called ‘adrenaline exhaustion’. When this occurs, our body will use up greater levels of oxygen in order to over compensate.

 Aerobic oxygen

What happens to the body when it lacks oxygen?

Clearly, when the body is completely devoid of oxygen it will die; however, low levels of oxygen saturation are dangerous too, although not necessarily life threatening. Some common symptoms that occur when we are short of oxygen include:

  • Lack of energy and fatigue
  • Mood disorders and cognitive impairment
  • Increased susceptibility to stress
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Aching joints and muscles
  • Anxiety

It is important, therefore, that we ensure that we have the correct levels of oxygen in the blood and in the body.

How Can You Ensure that Your Body Gets Enough Oxygen

There are several things that you can do to help improve oxygen saturation:

  1. Exercise: when we exercise we breathe more heavily and we pump blood around the body faster. This helps to reoxygenate the body.
  2. Diet: maintaining a healthy diet will help the body to eliminate dangerous toxins. This means that oxygen saturation is greater and is not compromised by other factors, such as CO2.
  3. Aerobic Oxygen supplements: aerobic oxygen is a specially formulated supplement that is taken orally. It introduces oxygen to the body via the digestive system and helps to increase oxygen saturation in the blood.

If you would like further information then please visit

What is Oxygenated Powder and How Can It Help Improve Health?

Oxygenated powder, or Oxy Powder, is a high-quality cleanser for the lower digestive tract. It contains a specially combined mixture of magnesium hydroxide, organic acai gum, and citric acid, which work in combination to introduce an oxygen rich environment to the lower intestinal tract.

The oxygen released from the Oxy Powder (which is usually available in a vegetarian capsule) will help to transform compacted fecal matter into something more liquid. Clearly, then, oxygenated powder works very well as a laxative, but its laxative effects are secondary to the importance of introducing oxygen to the blood stream and large and small intestine and colon.

 Oxy Powder

Oxygen is released slowly (usually over the course of a few hours) with the resulting effect that it removes toxins and helps to stabilize the gut environment and remove bad bacteria while promoting the correct environment in which good bacteria is able to thrive. The preservation of friendly bacteria and the elimination of bad bacteria is one of the reasons why Oxy Powder is as effective as a cleanser.

How Can Oxygenated Powder Improve Health

The formula helps to clean the colon, and a clean colon is vital to health. The colon, and the small intestine, help to eliminate toxins from the body. If toxins are allowed to build up, they can cause all kinds of problems, and at their worst can contribute to mutations in DNA, which is the cause of cancer. Eradicating the body of toxins before they cause severe problems is clearly beneficial and this is the primary importance of an oxygenated powder.

Furthermore, the large intestine, small intestine, and colon are also responsible for absorbing nutrients from our food. If they are not working optimally, they will not absorb sufficient amounts of vitamins and nutrients. This will mean that the body cannot work as well as it should; it also means that you need to eat more food in order to get the necessary amounts of nutrient. When these organs are not working as well as they could be prone to lack energy, feel low, and put on weight. A good cleanser, such as Oxy Powder, will help the body eliminate compacted waste matter, which is largely responsible for the problem of mal-absorption.

Because oxygenated powder cleanses the lower and helps to improve function, it has widespread health benefits. These include:

  • Increased ability to fight infection
  • Decrease susceptibility to allergies, disease and infection
  • Improved immune response
  • Balanced mood
  • Reduced incidents of candida (the yeast bacteria responsible for the Thrush infection)
  • Improved energy levels
  • Stress and fatigue reduction

There are other benefits in using Oxygenated powder, depending on its purpose for use; for example, if using the supplement as a laxative you will experience none of the rebound effects that tend to occur with traditional laxatives. There are no nasty side effects when using oxygenated powder. In fact, it is widely considered one of the safest supplements available.

If you would like further information about Oxy Powder then please visit

How to Improve Your Immune System

Your immune system is responsible for dealing with foreign bodies that can cause illness, disease, lack of energy, and in extreme cases, cancer. It is important, therefore, that you maintain a healthy immune system. Unfortunately, in today’s fast-paced world, this is not always easy. We are constantly bombarded with dangerous toxins, which contribute to a lowered immune response and in consequence, leads many of us to feel tired and run down.

 Oxy powder

Fortunately, it does not need to be this way: we can improve the function of our immune system, and there are many ways to do this. Clearly, the best approach is to tackle the problem from all avenues, and here, we show you how to do this. It is quite simple and straightforward, but it is surprising just how many people ignore this advice.


According to experts, if exercise were a medicine it would be hailed the miracle cure. Exercise helps us in so many different ways: it boosts our mental health, it wards off mood swings, and it keeps the heart, lungs, and all our organs for that matter, to function at optimal capacity. When it comes to the immune response, exercise is invaluable. We do not know the exact mechanisms involved, but we do know that the white cell count increases and that the quality of the blood is improved – this means that our bacteria/virus fighting faculties can carry out their job at optimal performance. We recover more quickly from injury and illness and we are better protected against them in the first place. Exercise is essential – you don’t even have to do a lot, all you need to do is half an hour three days a week and even if that seems too much, a little exercise goes a long way, and something is always better than nothing when it comes to getting in shape.


Eating the right kind of food (that food which the human body has evolved to cope with, so vegetables, fruit and meat) will help to keep the immune system in tip-top shape. Our bodies need the right nutrients in order to work properly. By eating the correct food, you will ensure that you deliver the things to your body that it needs to function. If, for some reason, you feel that you are not getting an adequate number of nutrients, you can take a supplement. Vitamins are a great source of nutrients, but you should be getting all you need from your diet. Another supplement that can work wonders for your immune system is Oxy Powder. Oxy Powder is taken in tablet form. It works on the lower digestive tract, removing any compacted waste – this helps the colon and the small intestine to better absorb nutrients from food, thus improving the immune system. If you feel that you eat the right types of food and you exercise enough, but you are still feeling rundown, then Oxy Powder colon cleanser may offer you that extra, and much needed, boost.

Find out more about Oxy Powder and how it can help boost your immune system, visit