How I Improved My Health With Probiotics

Probiotics have been a buzz word for some time now.  They are said to help to maintain the balance between good and bad bacteria in your gut.  In all there are some 400 different strains of these organisms in our digestive tract.  The one that most people have heard of is lactobacillus acidophilus.

You will probably know that lactobacilli are found in live yoghurt products.  What if you are intolerant to lactose, though?  The easiest way to take these is in a probiotic dietary supplement called Fivelac.  This product has minute traces of lactose in it which most people can tolerate.

How I Improved My Health With ProbioticsIf you suffer from diarrhoea it is said that these organism can help you combat it.  It will also alleviate wind problems and cramping of the stomach.  An oxygenated intestinal tract can also prevent candida rearing its ugly head.

Most problems start with poor digestion where matter that cannot be processed such as all refined foods will stick to the intestinal lining and stay there, causing either diarrhoea or constipation.  A product such as the above mentioned dietary supplement aids the good bacteria to liquefy this matter so that it is easily got rid of.

To have a clean tract is very important as many illnesses have their origin there.  If all is working well your immune system will be boosted and you will be better equipped to combat viruses and bacterial overgrowths such as candida.

I have been taking probiotics for some time now and it does seem that you become very regular in your daily toilet arrangements.  I am also fighting fit as I have modified my diet to eat healthy foods and cut out all foods in packets and convenience foods.  You will be amazed what a difference that will make and how easy and tasty it is to eat healthily.

It is also essential to take daily exercise which is good for the circulation, gets your body and lungs working properly.  If you lead a sedentary office life you will have noticed that you do not take as deep a breath as if you were walking the dog and it is really important for the cells in our bodies to get enough oxygen.

You may wonder why you should take probiotics if your lungs will provide enough oxygen to all parts of your body.  Well, the air we breathe is not as clean as at the beginning of the industrial revolution and we inhale many pollutants at the same time.

In the first days of taking a supplement or probiotic foods you will suffer from bloating, nausea and perhaps symptoms that are like flu.  However it should only take a matter of days to subside until your digestive tract is clear of debris and bacterial overgrowth.

If this should not be the case perhaps you are on an unsuitable dietary supplement and you could switch to another that suits your system better.

Fivelac and other similarly working supplements are available from thefinchleyclinic

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These Five Keep Intestines Alive

Because of our fast food culture it seems that digestive disorders are occurring more and more in our modern age.  This can be anything from bloating, upset stomach to urinary infections and even candida.  Most of these have their origin in our gastro intestinal tract where foods are broken down and nutrients taken up.

Modern, highly refined foods are hard to break down and they will coat your intestinal lining with debris that your body will not easily expel.  It stands to reason that you should get rid of constipation and the easiest way to do this is to take a dietary supplement called Fivelac.

Although this product contains a very small amount of lactose, it is generally tolerated by lactose intolerant people.  You will be able to take probiotics without the need to consume milk products such as live yoghurt.

There are other things that can trigger bowel problems such as modern medication, stress, inactivity through a sedentary job and low fibre consumption due to the refined foods.  Although we mostly suffer from constipation, sometimes you can also suffer from diarrhoea in these instances.

Modern medication to clear up bowel problems are often very bad for the kidneys and if you can clear the problem up yourself naturally that has got to be the best way.  You should not confuse the above product with laxatives.  Laxatives such as Senna are very harsh and they should never be taken for a prolonged period.

Whatever your problem is things need to be sorted out before more long lasting problems will manifest themselves.  Impacted waste produces toxins which could be released into your bloodstream which could cause chronic conditions later on in life.

If you should suffer from candida which is a yeast overgrowth, it is important that you avoid foods that contain yeast to stop the condition from getting out of hand.  It is recommended that you should step up your intake of water.  Many people are dehydrated in our modern world without even knowing it.

It is a great mistake not to care about your digestive system.  There are simple steps you can take to keep your bowels clear, apart from taking a probiotic supplement.  My mother always used to say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

There is some truth in that as apples contain a decent amount of fibre which is needed to keep the intestinal lining clean.  As funny as it may seem, bananas are a very good fruit to add to your diet.  Even though they are easy to consume, they are packed with vitamins and fibre too.  However you should always make sure that you drink plenty of water after eating them.

It stands to reason that most green vegetables contain plenty of fibre in the form of cellulose.  We cannot digest it so it leaves the body undigested when we go to the toilet.

Benefits Of Fivelac

First there was Threelac and now there is Fivelac but is one better than the other?

The fact that Threelac is still available and just as popular means there is probably little difference between the two but research suggests that it is just a matter of trial and error and what works for one person may not necessarily work for another.

Both the products are designed to combat the dreaded candida that impacts on the lives of many and is often difficult to get rid of. To understand candida it is necessary to appreciate that we all carry in our intestines a small amount of this particular yeast.

For most of us it is usually kept under control but sometimes something triggers it off and then as a di-morphed organism it can convert from yeast to fungi and then back again.

The trigger is very often down to a poor diet and most processed foods from readymade meals to snacks on the run simply do not contain enough nutrients for our intestines to absorb.


Signs of candida infection often start with stress, chronic fatigue and allergic reactions. One way of testing is to take the saliva test which involves spitting into a glass of water first thing in the morning and noting if that saliva forms strands hanging down from the surface.

This is not a failsafe test as it can be indicative of many other problems such as an overabundance of any of the one thousand or more different toxins that we regularly carry around in our bodies.

There are other additional benefits with Fivelac other than treating candida as the product is designed to introduce extra good bacteria into the intestines.

The intestines contain most of the two or more kilos of bacteria we carry around with us. Candida is not the only microorganism that can get out of control. Apart from the handful of yeast organisms of which candida is the most recognisable and problematic, there are an estimated 500 to 1,000 different types of bacteria amongst the many trillion we carry.

In normal circumstances a fine balance is kept between them all and we then develop no illness but when the balance is out and harmful bacteria grows too quickly then we have problems with a huge variety of minor and major ailments.

Anything probiotic can only be good for our intestines and along with this product and similar ones available from The Finchley Clinic there are other natural foods and drinks that also help keep a healthy gut.

Amongst the obvious is live yoghurt and the far harder to find live Kefir. Kefir is a popular Eastern drink that is like a creamy milk product with an additional friendly live culture and has been around for thousands of years.

If you think of all of these products that deliver good bacteria into the gut as reinforcements for the front line troops then you won’t be far away from the truth.

Why Fivelacs Will Change Your Life

According to statistics digestive problems are on the increase and they are now the first and foremost common problem afflicting the population.  They manifest themselves in various ways from irritable bowel syndrome to haemorrhoids and occurring with greater frequency.   They were almost unheard of in the time of our grandparents.  One reason, of course, could be that they did not live as long as we do nowadays.

Be that as it may, the use of probiotics has shown some promise in lessening the symptoms considerably.  Unfortunately these are milk bacteria and some people are unable to drink milk without getting an allergic reaction.  In this case there are dietary products such as Fivelac that may be able to help.

Food allergies, medication, stress and low fibre consumption, to name but a few, are all contributing to the increase in bowel problems.  They cause an imbalance in the intestinal flora.  This in turn leads to the bowel becoming irregular with either constipation or diarrhoea.


Constipation causes food to lie in the intestinal trace which then becomes impacted and produces mucus and toxins.  In this case the last thing that you need are laxatives which are harsh on the intestinal lining.

Instead it is much more sensible to resort to foods that have fibre in them such as leafy vegetables.  Anything refined should specifically be avoided as they will only exacerbate the problem.  Psyllium as a bulking agent would be an excellent choice.  However, you should ensure that you drink enough water.

In the case of Candidiasis you should try and avoid milk products too, but you can eat live yoghurt which contains the probiotic bacteria.  However, if you cannot take any milk products, then you can take the dietary supplement mentioned above with confidence.  This product contains minute traces of the milk bacteria.

Probiotics help to re-establish a balance between good and bad bacteria in your intestines.  When the pH balance is restored it will help to fight the yeast overgrowth.  During the time the overgrowth dies off, you will find that you have flu like symptoms.   This feeling should pass very quickly. Once the balance has been restored you will feel more energised and well.  Previous symptoms such as bloating, headaches and a general malaise will gradually disappear.

The product is designed in such a manner to prevent the acidic stomach environment destroying it so that the supplement arrives in your intestines fully operational.  If you should find that you still get an allergic reaction from this product, there are other similar products that will do the job without the help of probiotics at all.

Since we depend on our intestines to keep us healthy because that is where most diseases find their origin, it makes sense to avoid foods that cause our digestive tract such grief.  Leafy vegetables are excellent as they contain amounts of antioxidants that will help the liver cleanse our system.  Spicy foods, alcohol and dairy products are best avoided.

To obtain Fivelac and get additional information about this supplement please go to

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Many in the health profession from dieticians, nutritionists and general medical have all known that the simple expression that claims what you eat is what you are has a great deal of truth in it.

A digestive system that is performing poorly through a poor diet is now thought to be the single biggest cause of many ailments from minor to major.

If you think how easy it is to destroy a healthy flowering plant in a pot sitting on your windowsill by not letting it have sunlight, fresh water and some plant nutrient then we as humans are not a whole lot different.

The roots of the plant absorb the water and nutrients just as our intestines do exactly the same. The wrong food and liquids for both plant and human can lead to disease and chronic illness.

We all know what sort of food and drink is good for us but our lifestyles do not always permit us to follow the exact course. We are in any case human and humans are notoriously good at taking risks and devil may care the consequences.


When you feel bloated and tired, constipated or windy it may be a sign of accumulated unhealthy food and drink. This may result in infrequent trips to the bathroom and may be a sign of some partial blockage in the intestines.

Think again of the plant and root analogy where there has not been enough watering and the earth is too dry and hard. The same may be happening in your intestines with both plant and human having the same problem of not being able to successfully absorb water and nutrients.

Both environments are teeming with healthy and not so healthy bacteria and where the plant may need some healthy plant food the intestines needs a boost of good bacteria and oxygen to help clear the way.

Probiotics and added boosts of oxygen are the single best way to unclog a poorly operating digestive system.

Try and encourage good bacterial growth with probiotics such as alive yoghurt or maybe if you can find it, some Kefir. There are also some products here like Fivelac that prove popular with many who suffer recurring gut problems and as the name implies this product contain five healthy types of bacteria.

When it comes to this point in your life it should also become obvious that there are ways to avoid the problem in the future simply by following a healthier diet and getting more exercise. It seems unlikely that when cavemen walked the Earth they suffered such problems because in general they ate very little meat, a fraction of the salt we now find so much of in all prepared foods as preservative and certainly no artificial sugars.

Follow the instructions for Fivelac and start with a small dose as printed on the leaflet contained within the box and also remember that if it makes you need to dash for the bathroom in a hurry that is merely a sign you’re on the road to recovery.

For Fivelac

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If you feel generally not on top form there may be several reasons for this.  It is likely, however that something is going on in your intestinal tract that, of course, you cannot observe.  Or is it?  Every individual has a different rate at which food is processed, but roughly speaking you should be going to the toilet at least once per day to pass a stool.

If this is not the case, then old debris is left behind and you may have become constipated.  This can lead to all kinds of complications as your body is not able to pick up nutrients and the impacted waste will start to form toxins which can pass through the intestinal lining.


The prudent step to take is to try and get rid of impacted matter.  This you can do by taking a natural product called Fivelac.  This supplement contains five different strains of bacteria which, when taken together in one product will help to stabilise the PH levels in your intestinal tract.  They will introduce oxygen and probiotics to your system so that the good bacteria can go to work to attack the impacted debris to liquefy it.

The toxins mentioned above will, once they enter the bloodstream cause all kinds of problems, amongst which an overgrowth of yeast which is caused by anaerobic bacteria, i.e. they thrive without oxygen, to overwhelm the good bacteria.

A yeast overgrowth causes candida and thrush which are a menace to get rid of.  However if you re-establish a balance between the two bacteria, your immune system will perk up and will better be able to fight off the infection.

It is a no hassle supplement to add to your daily diet and it should be taken with a little water.  This product has shown not to have any adverse side effects and people who take it have generally been very positive about the efficient working of the supplement.

You will feel a little worse for the first few days as your body is ridding itself of the yeast overgrowth.  Impacted and now malleable debris will also produce loose motions.   It is, therefore, advised not to stray too far from the bathroom to prevent embarrassing accidents.

Of course, you have to ensure that you change your lifestyle too.  You should definitely stay away from convenience foods such as ready meals and commercial sauces as these contain starches which may have caused the overgrowth in the first place.

You must ensure that you keep your large and small intestines clear of debris and you can do this by starting to eat fresh greens and more fruit.  These foods have enough roughage in them.  It is also beneficial to take some probiotics which the above supplement will supply you with.  Not all people can take yoghurt products as some of us may be lactose intolerant.

These work by the dislodging of waste materials for easy removal from the body.

All dietary supplements including Fivelac can be obtained from reputable internet sites including

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There are several reasons why we can become lethargic and generally feel under the weather.  You cannot pinpoint exactly what is going on inside your body, but there is a chance that you may be suffering from a yeast overgrowth.  This is entirely possible if you eat large amounts of yeast containing foods or eat foods such as sugar and refined starches that will convert into excess yeast.

Many people do not realise that the external symptoms of yeast overgrowth is the result of what is going on inside your body and particularly in your intestines. No amount of creams on the affected area on the outside is going to cure what goes on inside.

Therefore, if you suffer from thrush or vaginal itching, the chances are that candida bacteria are at play here. If so, it is a prudent move to try and clear up the infection naturally, rather than to resort to antibiotics.  Antibiotics will make the condition much worse as they tend to kill off bad as well as beneficial bacteria.



To this end, there is a product called Fivelac available to you that will help you achieving a rebalance between good and bad bacteria.  It is important to re-establish a healthy gut to get you back to rude health and to clear up recurring infections.

The trick here is to stick with the product and give it time to start working.  This means that sometimes you have to take it over some months to feel the benefits. We are not all the same and products may work immediately on one person, but take a little longer to kick in.

This product is taken orally with a little water.  As the name suggests it contains five different strains of bacteria that together strive to restore the PH balance in the intestines.  This will allow the good bacteria to flourish again and keep yeast proliferation in check.

Although limited clinical testing has been done as to the efficacy of this product, customer reviews have nevertheless been very positive overall.  There are few reported side effects, one of which is that you may experience a sudden brief period of the underlying problems intensifying.  However, this phase passes very quickly.

All you need to remember is that symptoms of nausea and others, means that the toxins are gradually being removed from the intestinal system.

It is undoubtedly to your benefit to modify your diet at the same time as adding dietary supplements to your daily routine.   The use of probiotics is often recommended, but if you are lactose intolerant this is not suitable for you.

The supplement above described has minute traces of lactose added and lactose intolerant people should experience no problems in taking this product.

Other good things to do are to add fibre to your diet in the form of leafy vegetables, whole-grains and nuts.  Exercise is beneficial too to get the circulation going so a walk with the dog every day is an easy way to achieve this.

If you need to read more about Fivelac and other beneficial products we urge you to visit


How To Restore Balance

Fivelac is a wholly natural preparation designed to help candida sufferers or anyone who suffers from bloating of the stomach, headaches lethargy and repeated outbreaks of infections. Candida bacteria are a natural and necessary part of our intestinal flora. It is when our colonic tract is not healthy that they multiply causing an imbalance.

There are various reasons that cause this imbalance.  If you have suffered an illness and had to take antibiotics is one of them.  However, the major cause of a malfunctioning gut is our diet. These days we eat far too many foods that we were never intended to eat.  These are the refined products you will find in the supermarkets.

They are there for our convenience and many have been prepared with white flours and sugars.  We have all been guilty of buying the occasional ready meal when we do not fancy cooking.  It is when these start to form part of everyday life that our intestines get bombarded with glutinous substances that are hard to get rid of by our bodies.


The real problem occurs when the debris that is lying around gets impacted and starts sticking to our intestinal lining.  The body has to labour hard to get the proper nutrients from our food, resulting in insufficient energy for our organs.

If this situation is left to go on for too long, we could even become malnourished and toxins can travel to our major organs, causing havoc with our health.  It is, therefore, imperative to take prompt action to rid the intestines of the impacted faeces.

In this instance it is better to try the above mentioned supplement, as already said it is completely natural and there is no awareness of it having deleterious side effects.  In other words, it will do your body no harm.

The way this product works is to deliver five different pro biotic bacteria to your intestinal tract with the intention to provide more oxygen to help the good bacteria get re-established.  The result of introducing extra oxygen to the tract via these bacteria will be that the impacted matter will be broken down.  This will produce a watery stool for a couple of days, indicating that the supplement is working as it should.

You might even feel a little nauseous when the excess anaerobic bacteria die off in the process.  This too is normal.  It all helps to restore the balance between the good and bad bacteria that will help you back to health.

It is said that we carry quite a few pounds extra because of this debris by the time we reach the age of forty.  You may even be pleased to see that your distended belly will get flatter in the process and that you experience some weight loss.

You may find that this supplement is a little expensive.  However, once you feel better you can reduce the intake of this product to a maintenance level to minimise the cost.

To find out extensively about Fivelac you should visit our website at

The Many Symptoms of, and Ways to Help Improve Digestion

A poor digestive system can be responsible for a whole host of problems, many of which may come as a surprise to you. Amongst the commonest problems associated with poor digestive health are:

  • Bloating

  • Gas

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Constipation

  • Nervousness

  • Diarrhoea

  • Lethargy

  • Irritability

  • Cramps

  • PMS

  • Migraine

Many people are unaware just how problematic it is to have a slow or inefficient digestive system. Fortunately, there are things that you can do to improve digestive health, and they are not too radical. The effects of making a few changes, though, can be life changing; good digestive health will help you to be more energetic, happier, and comfortable. And it is easy to make changes, one step at a time and slowly, you will get there.

Change Eating Habits

  1. You need to slow down your eating. Most people eat too fast, which means that they over eat. In turn, this slows down the overall system as it goes into overload. It is also harder for the body to digest food because there is less time to make the necessary amounts of saliva which contain an essential enzyme responsible for the breakdown of some proteins and nutrients, which help absorption further down the system.

    1. So, slow down. Some people do this by eating with chop sticks; others count a certain number of chews before they swallow. Whatever you need to do, slow down!

  1. You need to make sure that you are getting enough dietary fibre. This fibre helps to clean your lower digestive tract by, literally, sweeping waste matter along the system, which prevents faeces from sticking to the wall of the colon and lower intestines, thus helping to improve the absorption of nutrients.

    1. Get fibre from fruit and vegetables, and whole grains.

    2. Avoid processed food.

  1. You need to increase the number of good bacteria in your digestive tract. In the past, people balked at the idea of introducing bacteria to the gut, but now, most of us know that we need certain types of bacteria to enable us to digest food. We have a symbiotic relationship with a number of friendly bacteria.

    1. Take a supplement such as Fivelac to improve the number of good bacteria in the system.

    2. Eat foods that are high in friendly bacteria, such as yoghurts and cheese.

    3. Avoid things that eliminate good bacteria, so try to cut back on nicotine and alcohol (- this will also help to reduce stress, which helps your digestion, too).

Make Some Life Changes

Try to reduce stress as much as possible. This means that you need to create a good work/home/leisure balance.

Hobbies are great for reducing stress because they are what psychologists call active pastimes. They take your mind away from yourself and prevent you from dwelling on stressful situations. This helps to reduce stress, and it releases happy hormones. If you can combine your hobby with something physical, then even better.

For more information about Fivelac, or general digestion questions, please visit

Spotting the Symptoms of Candida and Finding the Right Cure

Candida is an irritating condition that is extremely prevalent in the modern world. It occurs when there is an overgrowth of yeast in the digestive tract. Candida, although benign, will cause a range of symptoms, which may include: lethargy, oral and genital thrush, migraine, fatigue, bad breath, weak immune systems, depression, anxiety and itching.

Given the wide range of symptoms, it is unsurprising to learn that a candida infection can be hard to diagnose, and many people return to their doctors repeatedly in order to find out the problem, these people are often initially misdiagnosed as suffering from other, more serious illnesses. For example, it is common for people to be diagnosed with chronic depression; when in fact, they simply have a case of chronic candida. As you can imagine, the consequence of a false diagnosis can have far reaching and devastating results – if you are diagnosed with depression, for instance, you may find it harder to gain meaningful employment



It is therefore essential that people learn to recognise the symptoms of candida (as listed above) and then find suitable solutions to the problem. Here, we take a closer look at some of the things that you can do to help beat candida once and for all:

  • Candida is often attributed to the consumption of refined wheat and sugars, so the first thing to look at is diet. You need to eliminate white bread and pasta from the diet, and substitute them with whole grain alternatives. It is also worth reducing carbohydrates of all types. Instead, eat greater levels of meat, fruit and vegetables.
  • You must also treat the external symptoms of the infection. To do this, you should visit your pharmacy and ask for anti-fungal cream. These creams are excellent, and will help to prevent the accidental reintroduction of yeast into the body. Candida is contagious, so you must eliminate it as much as possible – this means that you should also treat family members, too.
  • Exercise is another good one, but it does not prevent the infection. What it does do, however, is improve the immune system and boost mood, so you will feel less anxious and depressed – both of which can be symptoms of the infection.
  • Reduce the intake of foods that naturally produce yeast. As mentioned, you need to avoid eating white breads and rice, but you should also reduce your intake of cheese and brown breads too, although a little of each is okay.
  • Take a probiotic supplement such as Fivelac. Fivelac contains ‘friendly bacteria’ which will fight off and prevent the reoccurrence of the candida yeast infection. This will help to restore you body’s natural PH balance and will result in greater feelings of health, more energy and create a general feeling of well-being.

By following these rules, you will soon find improvements. However, bear in mind that some solutions, such as dietary changes, can take several weeks or months to take effect. The creams and the probiotic solutions will start working within a couple of hours, and so these are certainly the first call of action. If you would like to purchase a probiotic formula, then please visit