What Are the Benefits of Olive Oil?

You’ve probably heard the rumours; olive oil is excellent for your health. Well, it’s certainly true and it’s backed up with evidence. People with a Mediterranean diet, which is rich with olive oil, live longer than other demographics; in fact, while she’s not Mediterranean, Jeanne Calment, the oldest person who ever lived, rubbed olive oil into her skin every day, and she lived to 122 years old!

Here, we’re going to consider some of the benefits that you can expect from using olive oil enthused products.

  1. Heart health: olive oil can have widespread effects on the heart. It can improve the electrical impulse signalling, reduce any furring of the arteries and veins, and reduce high cholesterol.
  2. Blood pressure: olive oil helps to reduce blood pressure, and as such, all of its associated illnesses. For example, long-term use of olive oil has been shown to reduce the incidence of stroke.
  3. Inflammation: many people don’t realise the massive impact that inflammation has on the body, but it is the root cause of many illnesses. From Alzheimer’s disease to rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation is implicated in many different, but commonplace, diseases. Olive oil can help to reduce inflammation, and as such, can prove a fantastic option for warding off the long-term damage associated with these diseases. A spoonful of olive oil keeps the neurologist and rheumatologist away!
  4. Liver disease: olive oil can help to prevent certain liver problems, such as fatty liver disease. You would assume, given that it’s a fat that it would make such a condition worse, but it actually helps.
  5. Ozonated olive oil can be used to treat thrush, ringworm, and a variety of other bacterial and yeast infections. Ozonated olive oil is olive oil that has been treated with ozone. It makes it thicker and creates an active oxygen particle that makes it effective in treating these conditions.

In short, there are good types of fat and bad types of fat. Olive oil falls firmly in the ‘good’ category.

If you would like to learn more about olive oil and its benefits, in particular, the benefits of ozonated olive oil, then please visit the finchley clinic

17 Booster Enzymes In 1

The simple object of eating food is to provide energy but the way this happens is anything but simple and is instead one extremely fascinating process.

Our digestive tract is a highly sophisticated food processor that starts with a raw material and finishes with very little waste. Most of the stuff we defecate is water with some cellulose and dead and alive bacteria.

Just about everything else has been absorbed through the lining of the walls of the intestine in the shape of tiny molecules of nutrients. In other words the system has chewed, thrown acid at and broken it all down to minute molecular level.

Active Digestive Enzymes

The teeth and the stomach do most of the mechanical business but the real work is carried out by a number of extraordinary juices collectively called enzymes.

Many people with food allergies have one or more enzyme deficiency and there are a number of supplements that contain booster amounts of these common enzymes that may help. Active digestive enzymes contain 17 essential enzymes and may improve digestion.

The first enzyme to spring into action is in saliva and you can actually taste it working. If you bite a piece of bread and keep it in the mouth awhile it will begin to turn sweet. This is because the enzyme amylase converts carbohydrate to sugar.

The next important part of the digestive system is the stomach where another enzyme, pepsin, survives in the acidic environment and mixes into the food with the churning of the stomach muscles.

Passing to the small intestine after around sixty minutes other enzymes are automatically released from the pancreas as well as from the lining of the intestine.

Every enzyme has a specific target to deal with and this finely tuned chemical reaction involves many of the sixty elements that reside in our bodies other than the main 5 that we are mostly created from.

The pancreas is one of the most fascinating parts of the human body but also one that can be vulnerable to failure usually resulting in both types of diabetes.

For more on Active Digestive Enzymes please Visit at thefinchleyclinic

Magic Magnesium For Better Health

There are a number of probiotic supplements with the dual purpose of delivering a boost of good bacteria into the intestines whilst dislodging and loosening compacted waste thus creating a looser stool.

They all aim to keep the bowels cleaner by clearing waste faster often by releasing oxygen molecules that creates an inhospitable environment on the anaerobic bacteria build up that may be part of the problem.

Mag 07 is a magnesium based compound that transports the oxygen that over twelve hours is slowly released in the intestines. Many similar products also have this ability to pass through the acidic stomach and arrive in the intestines unscathed.


Although the human body is 99% made from five different elements with oxygen being the greatest, the remaining 1% consists of sixty other elements. Yet they are equally essential to good health and in many cases to life itself.

Magnesium is one of these elements that are used by every single organ in the body particularly in muscles including the heart and the kidneys.

Some recent studies reveal that magnesium deficiency may be the root cause of many illnesses or at least a contributory factor. Unfortunately discovering whether you have a deficiency or not cannot be performed with a simple blood test as very little is stored in the blood.

Yet again it seems granny was right and eating your greens is good in another way as it is now known to contain high levels of magnesium as well as performing and providing so many other useful purposes.

Like other minerals and vitamins the body naturally only stores as much as it needs and a healthy diet that includes the usual fresh vegetables, nuts, fruit and whole grain will ensure you have good levels of nutrients.

Nutrients are mostly absorbed through the lining of the small intestine and to a lesser extent in the large intestine. This is why it is so important that there is no blockage or even a partial one and constipation is only creating a hostile environment that can trigger many health problems.

For Mag 07 powder thefinchleyclinic

Oxygen For Your Dietary Problems

A company called Global Healing Centre is the producer of Oxy powder. As can be gleaned from the name of this product, it contains oxygen. What is the use of that, you may ask.

In fact oxygen has the power to keep your intestines free from impacted waste. It does this without containing a laxative! Laxatives are very abrasive and if you use them you need to realise that they are harsh on the intestinal lining. Furthermore, the latter are habit forming over time.

Oxygen is considered a beneficial free radical apart from us needing it to stay alive. Due to our heavily polluted, our unhealthy lifestyle and lack of exercise we sometimes do not breathe enough of it in for our cells to stay healthy.

This is why taking a dietary supplement such as Oxy powder can be very a beneficial addition to your daily meals. It will help clear waste and, therefore, removes toxins, it will give you a normal bowel function, it will help with greater assimilation of minerals and vitamins and to top it all, it will give you increased energy.

When you start to take this product you will notice that your abdomen becomes flatter. This is not weight loss, merely it means that you are shedding impacted waste material and you become less bloated.

If you are ill at the moment, you will not take in enough oxygen to supply your bodily needs. It is especially important at this time that you make sure you become well again. A clean digestive tract free of toxins and waste will work normally again and soon you will become active and well again.

This is supposing that you do not suffer chronic conditions. However, even if you suffer these you will feel better than before. In this case, however, you may want to add other natural products such as probiotics and calcium.

Calcium will help to make your body more alkaline rather than too acidic. A healthy body’s PH is finely tuned and you need to get the balance right as soon as you can.