There are plenty of sceptics when it comes to any medicines or supplements bought online and not prescribed by a General Practitioner but the fact is that most modern medicines are mostly derived from natural substances found in plants and presented and wrapped in serious looking little white boxes.
Pharmaceutical companies are some of the wealthiest companies in the world and can make billions out of just one product where ironically it is often just finding the right blend of naturally occurring products from plants to chemical elements.
One supplement found on these pages is best referred to as MSM as the full spelling of this sulphur compound is longer than that Welsh railway station place name.
It can be bought in tablet form or used as a cream on the skin mixed with various pleasant smelling natural additives. There are a number of controversial claims to the success of the product in particular the possible help it gives to sufferers of osteoarthritisand other types of joint aches.


MSM by Finchley Clinic

Whether it works comes down to the individual but as conventional medicines have no cure-all solution it certainly would do no harm to try if you suffer from this condition.
Like many supplements it is always worth reading the responses from other users. Those who have taken the step and bought and used the goods are the best judges of the effectiveness or otherwise.
It does seem that this sulphur centred compound has helped a number of people but it could equally be true that for some it might be psychosomatic. On the other hand, there have been countless clinical trials of drugs throughout the ages where placebos were given to half the participants and the new drug given to the other half and the placebos got a better result!
It does no harm to try alternative supplements as long as they do not interfere with any mainstream medicines and it might be better to inform your GP before starting on them.
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking the doctor is always right. If he can provide no evidence that a supplement bought here has harmful effects in conjunction with the more conventional medicine he may be prescribing then you have every right to do as you please.
Some years ago an Englishman living in the South of France joined in with a discussion in one of the newspapers in England about alcohol consumption and the medical profession.
He said that he had gone to his French doctor complaining of something and when the doctor asked how much alcohol he drank, rather sheepishly he replied one bottle of red wine every evening.
The Doctor immediately exclaimed that this was where the problem arose as he should be drinking two bottles a night.
In other words it can be said with any supplement that a little of what you think will do you good, probably will. Part of any process of getting to feel better is having a mind that wants to.
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Part of today’s problem with obese children and adults is the ignorance people have about the values of the food they eat. Many people eat what they like the taste of and with children this is often sweet things at the expense of healthy things.

Many people of a certain age will remember being virtually force fed their greens by their parents when they were small tots. Eat your greens they are good for you or eat your carrots they’ll help you see in the dark.

Unfortunately many parents today lead by bad example and eat simply what they like the taste of without any thought to the nutritional values.


Biocare from Finchley Clinic

The digestive system is designed to break down foods into essential nutrients and water to be absorbed mainly in the small and large intestine. When certain nutrients or vitamins are in short supply things can go wrong with the body and it is now thought that most problems are linked in this way to poor diets of junk foods.

There are known benefits of various essential fatty acids in controlling many parts of a healthy body and these are known as Omega 3, 6 and 9. In this content the word essential has a slightly less than usual interpretation as it means the body cannot produce the fats on its own.

The range of Omega fatty acids can only be digested in whole form and the bulk of them come from dark green vegetables, fruit and berries as well as many types of fish with some being far more concentrated than others.

Going back many decades every mother in the UK used to give small children a spoonful of cod liver oil. This tradition goes all the way back to malnourishment in children after the First World War and continued for many generations further.

The human body cannot make its own Omega 3, 6 and 9 and has to get it from an outside source and as most of the source comes from all the things young children mostly hate like oily fish, dark fresh greens like curly kale and so on, it is hardly surprising that since kids these days are no longer bullied into eating they are simply not getting enough.


The various supplements Biocare available at reputable online stores like The Finchley Clinic can boost the Omega levels in the body and there are many claims from authorities in every aspect of medical and alternative care of the benefits derived from this.

As with any supplement this is not designed to replace any medical advice you may have received or medicines you may be prescribed but if you read the contents of these pages and especially the posts left by others who have tried and benefitted then you should be able to choose from the full range of products a number that you feel will be beneficial to yourself.

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Many years ago a writer of science fiction predicted that at some time in the future humans will have lost all their limbs as everything will be controlled by machines.

Fortunately it remains pure fiction as it is proven that we have changed very little physically over the past few hundred thousand years and even our coccyx which is all that remains of our tail remains the same size as those found on ancient skeletons.

What is alarming is the number of jobs that involve sitting all day in front of a computer screen. Our bodies are designed to be far more active than this and apart from other problems the digestive system works better when we are more active.


Any dog owner will know that the dog defecates more often than us simply because it is more active.

With the junk foods and even worse sugary drinks it is not surprising that along with our inactive day job the intestines can get clogged-up and can do with a little help to keep things moving along.

Many health professionals from all branches now accept that the majority of all illnesses that can hit us our brought on by poor diet. Perhaps this should come as no surprise as the whole purpose of the gut is to break down foods with powerful acids and enzymes to the point where essential for life nutrients and antibodies can enter our blood stream and keep us alive.

When the digestive tract is not working to its full capability then some illness is bound to follow even if it is just unusual tiredness or headaches.

There is plenty we can do to keep our digestive system working healthily and the first obvious one is to eat a better and well-disciplined diet. We can also ensure plenty of exercise and if the day job is sitting in front of that screen all day then a walk around the office every twenty minutes will help as well as a walk to work instead of taking the bus.

When things do go wrong then there are some supplements that may help. These are not the sort of things your doctor can prescribe but then again sometimes General Practitioners can be a little too liberal with antibiotics as a cure for all.

What may be required is something found at The Finchley Clinic where alternative and proven supplements can greatly aid digestion and help repair damage.

Just one of the products called Colostrum is shown to have helped many people suffering a bloated gut feeling as well as others suffering IBS.

Colostrum is actually the same product that breast feeding babies enjoy and offers a variety of health giving properties. It is packed with antibodies that helps promote immunity from bad bacteria.

Take a look through all the other similar products at this site and to help understand the balance between the claims and the results there are plenty of customer comments.

For Colostrum


Despite the best efforts of television cooks and government sponsored educational programs the fact remains that the majority of people in Britain and most other parts of the World all eat too much junk food.

By junk we mean a lazy person’s guide to eating where it is often a fast food takeaway or a ready supermarket meal that just needs five minutes in the microwave.

This kind of food is bad for two main reasons and the first is that they are usually stuffed with salts or sugars to act as preservatives and thus extend the sell by date and the second is that they are lacking in fresh fruit or vegetable fibre.

Colosan Powder

Excess sugar and other poor diet have led to the explosion of cases of diabetes and clinical obesity. Lack of exercise particularly with growing children has also not helped and for that we can blame the hours spent on the latest wireless gadgets and the lack of time spent outside playing in the fresh air.

Junk food is a waste of time for that remarkable part of the body we call the complete digestive tract where the sole purpose is to absorb nutrients and water. If there are no nutrients then there seems little point in eating it.

Poor food and lack of exercise inevitably results in a bloated feeling that can also lead on to other minor but annoying side effects such as constipation, tiredness and perhaps headaches.
This may be a sign that somewhere along the intestines there is a partial blockage of waste matter.

This blockage, no matter how temporary, will be preventing the lining of the intestine from doing its job of absorbing nutrients. Worse than that, it will also become a breeding ground for unhealthy bacteria living throughout the lining of the whole digestive system.

In this situation a boost is needed to clear the passageway and get things operating properly.

There are various products available at this site and it may be a bit of trial and error to find the one that best suits you. As much feedback as possible is here on the website from customers who have tried several of the products and this should help you choose the right supplement hopefully straight away.

One popular one is Colosan, a product that consists mainly of allotropes of magnesium oxide that releases extra oxygen in the intestine where it is needed most. Extra oxygen feeds good bacteria in the gut which in turn helps get things back to normal.

Eating healthily and taking regular exercise can help prevent all these problems just as a regular dose of naturally occurring good bacteria in Kefir or live yoghurt can also assist and once with the help of these products available here online your problems are solved then a change in lifestyle and food should be looked at.

For more on the benefits of Colosan see

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Many in the health profession from dieticians, nutritionists and general medical have all known that the simple expression that claims what you eat is what you are has a great deal of truth in it.

A digestive system that is performing poorly through a poor diet is now thought to be the single biggest cause of many ailments from minor to major.

If you think how easy it is to destroy a healthy flowering plant in a pot sitting on your windowsill by not letting it have sunlight, fresh water and some plant nutrient then we as humans are not a whole lot different.

The roots of the plant absorb the water and nutrients just as our intestines do exactly the same. The wrong food and liquids for both plant and human can lead to disease and chronic illness.

We all know what sort of food and drink is good for us but our lifestyles do not always permit us to follow the exact course. We are in any case human and humans are notoriously good at taking risks and devil may care the consequences.


When you feel bloated and tired, constipated or windy it may be a sign of accumulated unhealthy food and drink. This may result in infrequent trips to the bathroom and may be a sign of some partial blockage in the intestines.

Think again of the plant and root analogy where there has not been enough watering and the earth is too dry and hard. The same may be happening in your intestines with both plant and human having the same problem of not being able to successfully absorb water and nutrients.

Both environments are teeming with healthy and not so healthy bacteria and where the plant may need some healthy plant food the intestines needs a boost of good bacteria and oxygen to help clear the way.

Probiotics and added boosts of oxygen are the single best way to unclog a poorly operating digestive system.

Try and encourage good bacterial growth with probiotics such as alive yoghurt or maybe if you can find it, some Kefir. There are also some products here like Fivelac that prove popular with many who suffer recurring gut problems and as the name implies this product contain five healthy types of bacteria.

When it comes to this point in your life it should also become obvious that there are ways to avoid the problem in the future simply by following a healthier diet and getting more exercise. It seems unlikely that when cavemen walked the Earth they suffered such problems because in general they ate very little meat, a fraction of the salt we now find so much of in all prepared foods as preservative and certainly no artificial sugars.

Follow the instructions for Fivelac and start with a small dose as printed on the leaflet contained within the box and also remember that if it makes you need to dash for the bathroom in a hurry that is merely a sign you’re on the road to recovery.

For Fivelac

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