Cccc – Colon Cleansing Colosan Capsules

A healthy diet and regular mealtimes should ensure a perfectly balanced digestive system but with busy lives and hurried eating most suffer at some time or another with a gut problem.

The digestive system is a highly complicated system that involves eight metres of alimentary canal and a number of organs and glands yet few of us bother to wonder what happens after we chew and swallow our food.

Much of the process is conducted in the longest part by far and that is the small intestine. It is here that most of the work is done in breaking down the food to the point where nutrients are released and absorbed into the blood stream.

It is also in the intestines that most of the million upon million little microbes of bacteria and related organisms assist in the process.

It was only a century ago that the importance of roughage in the diet was first understood. The digestive system breaks down everything and absorbs a great deal but the cellulose in vegetables such as fresh greens scours the lining of the intestines keeping them clean.

Cccc - Colon Cleansing Colosan Capsules

Unfortunately fresh and healthy food is not something many town people bother about when leading busy lives and a lack of understanding results in too much over processed foods and too much salt and sugar.

Both these cause problems and challenge the delicate digestive system with common results such as high blood pressure and obesity.

One way to keep the intestines clear is colonic irrigation but this only works at the lower end of the system in the large intestine. It is a controversial practice and not for everyone.

It seems safer and far more logical to ingest an agent that will flush the system from the top down and this is where something like Colosan capsules can help.

Available from The Finchley Clinic online the capsules should be taken in accordance with the instructions and if this is new to you then it may be better to start the treatment at the beginning of the weekend as more frequent trips to the lavatory are likely.

For Colosan capsules Visit at thefinchleyclinic

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Now You Can Get Rid Of Toxins In Your Body The Natural Way

If you are constipated your colon cannot work properly and waste and toxins are unable to leave your body.  The toxins are absorbed and travel elsewhere in your system and the waste is left lying about in your colon causing all kinds of problems.

This state of affairs pose a serious health risk and you will probably feel bloated, tired and your immune system will collapse.  It is thought that even cancer can be caused by it.  It is therefore a matter of urgency to clear the blockage, preferably naturally.  There are dietary supplements available such as Colosan which will do the job naturally and effectively.

ColosanIf you would rather clear the blockage in a different way you should increase your intake of fibrous foods gradually.  You need to understand that they will also soak up much water so it is important that your drink enough during the day to deal with it.

You will know when you are constipated if you do not go to the toilet every day and perhaps only a couple of times per week.

If you are not ready to alter your diet drastically the dietary supplement mentioned will oxidise the faecal matter and turn it into a liquid mass which is then easy to expel by the body. It does not contain any harmful ingredients.  It is available in powder form to be added to water and capsules and it is a relatively cheap way to clear your colon.

If you are thinking of trying out colonic irrigation then you should know that this method clears the lower part of the colon of everything, including good and bad bacteria.  If you should use a dietary supplement the whole colon is cleansed without removing the good bacteria.  This is because the oxygen delivered will help the good bacteria to perform their function whilst the bad ones die off because of the oxygen introduced.

This product should never be mistaken for a laxative.  Laxatives are not kind to the lining of the intestines and they only give a cursory cleanse.  On top of that they are habit forming and it will make the colon lazy in expelling unwanted matter. It is much better to change your diet rather than touch laxatives.

Before you take any product to cleanse your colon you should read up on it and make sure that the manufacturer is bona fide.  The trouble with these kinds of products is that because they are classed as a food rather than a medicine, there is sometimes no clinical data available and you will have to rely on testimonies of other people and the standing of the company that produces the supplement.

Once you have got your energy back you should ensure that you keep to a healthy diet to keep your colon working effectively and not in a sluggish manner.  Now and again you could also take a maintenance dose of the supplement if you feel you would benefit from it.

For further information and prices of Colosan please visit thefinchleyclinic

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Symptoms of Colon Problems and how to solve them

Food should be chewed well before it is swallowed as this is the first part of the whole digestive system and the more it is chewed the quicker it will go through all the other processes.

The next stop is the stomach where these chewed up bits are softened up by acids before moving to the next and longest stage, the journey through the intestines.

This next part of the journey is over eight metres long and the exact time the food takes to be fully processed before waste is expelled depends on many variables.

The type of food can dictate the length of time it takes as western over-processed foods take longer to break down than simple natural foods.

It also varies with individuals and can also be affected by health issues. Despite the fact the digestive tract is a whopping nine metres long and turns bananas, fruit cake, steak and chips and any other food you can think of into a uniform small piece of waste consisting mainly of water and dead bacteria is an indication of how efficient it is.


Apart from the enzymes and acids that start the process the critical part played by those trillions of bacteria must not be forgotten. It is these little microorganisms that finally break it all down until the nutrients and water can be absorbed through the intestinal lining via minute blood capillaries.

Any blockage or hold-up in the intestines must be removed as quickly as possible if we need to avoid an imbalance of the different bacteria. The first sign is usually a bit of discomfort like bloating or fewer trips to the lavatory.

Something to help move it along such as the colon cleanser, Colosan can be very useful at this point and if you have not yet tried it then read some of the testimonials on the Finchley Clinic site to get some more independent comments.

Some people suggest colonic irrigation but that seems a very harsh way to clean the colon when this gentler and cheaper method is available.


Solving Colon Problems

With a perfectly healthy diet that includes plenty of fresh fruit and vegetable along with roughage such as kale, lentils and grains we should not suffer any bowel problems.

Unfortunately there are times when we over indulge in processed and high fat foods and often get a bloated feeling in the gut and sometimes constipation.

The early signs of colon problems can be that bloated feeling, constipation and perhaps excessive wind. If it continues for too long then other signs may reveal themselves such as unusual tiredness, irritability and possibly headaches.


These secondary signs can all be to do with the fact that a blockage in the intestines will result in nutrients not being absorbed satisfactorily. With any blockage or compacted waste stuck to the lining other more sinister problems will follow such as a build-up of pathogens and an increase in the wrong sort of bacteria.

The gut is lined with trillions of these microorganisms and it is thought that there are between five hundred and one thousand different types. Each has a specific purpose but less than a hundred have been identified and their specific purpose understood.

There are two obvious routes to take when the colon feels blocked and one involves an oral supplement and the other a colonic irrigation.

Colonic irrigation is highly controversial and disapproved of by most medical practitioners. It can be a little like taking a hammer to crack a nut and many believe that far from just flushing out waste it also removes a great deal of healthy flora from the gut and may leave an imbalance of healthy bacteria.

What little is known about bacteria results in people calling the two kilos we carry about inside our bodies as good or bad. The fact is there must be a reason for all the different types and it is certainly true that we would have no immune system and defence against any disease without the good gaining strength fighting the bad.

Upsetting the balance between the bacteria is a little like taking something out of the food chainand an example of that is when ancient wetlands are drained and a line of creatures suffer such as in a part of Western Turkey where migrating and nesting storks no longer find their primary food source of frogs which in turn used to keep down mosquito larva.

A gentler approach to cleaning the colon is to take something like Colosan that is more than just a mild laxative as it helps promote healthy bacteria in the colon as well.

Available from The Finchley Clinic this is a tried and tested product that has stood the test of time and has a loyal following.

When taking a course of this product it is worth remembering to look carefully at your diet and work out how you can improve it. One tip might be to look at all products that are truly probiotic as these will help multiply healthy bacteria.