How To Combat Candida

If you have never suffered from a condition called candida you have no idea how lucky you are.  It is a nasty form of thrush that can crop anywhere from mouth to the genitals and sometimes it can travel to vital organs if it is left unchecked.  Some people have never suffered a bout, and I am one of those, but many people occasionally get this condition if there is an overgrowth of yeast within the system.

How does this happen?  It is the result of an imbalance between the good and balance within your intestinal tract.  If you have been ill and you have been on antibiotics, this can often happen as this medication destroys good as well as bad bacteria.  It is for this reason you should try and clear your condition up without resorting to these.  Other triggers are stress related conditions which also cause an imbalance.


Much research has been done by the naturopathic laboratories and they have developed several oxygen delivering supplements such as Threelac to get the balance of your intestinal flora right again.  This supplement is available both on the internet and in the high street.  However, the internet will give you all the information that you need about the workings of this product.

This product is delivered to your intestines by taking it orally. As the name suggests, it contains three beneficial bacteria that are encapsulated to prevent them being destroyed as they travel through the stomach.  As already mentioned above, yeast bacteria do not like oxygen.  They will die off when it is delivered to your colon.

You may suffer some effects such as a loose stool.  However, this is a good sign as it shows that the product is working properly.  It is advisable, therefore, not to stray too far from a toilet in the first couple of days.  If watery stools are not present, it is possible that you should increase the dosage of the product.  Trial and error will make sure that you get the dosage just right for your system.

Your condition will be greatly helped if you seek to cut out all foods that contain yeast such as white bread and other refined stuffs.   White sugars will also help the yeast producing bacteria to flourish. You may have noticed this if you have ever baked your own bread.

It is helpful if you like food that contain probiotics as it contains bacteria that are healthy for you.  You should absolutely stay clear of commercially prepared sauces and foods which often contain wheat to thicken them.

Another beneficial thing to do is to take up some exercise.  This does not have to be a session in the gym.  A walk every day will do the trick just as well.  This way you will feel your energy levels slowly rising again.  You will find that you will not suffer many throat and other infections if you get your lifestyle in order.

Why The Taking Of Oxygenating Products Is Beneficial

A disruption of the balance of good and bad bacteria in our intestinal tract is the biggest cause of maladies and more serious diseases if this state of affairs is allowed to go unchecked over a period of time.  If anaerobic bacteria, these are the ones that do not need oxygen to thrive, get the upper hand the aerobic ones that need oxygen will not be able to do their work properly.

The biggest culprit in all this is our modern day diet which is absolutely packed with additives that we do not need for health, such as refined flour and all other foods that have calories but no nutritional value at all.  These additives are included in convenience foods to make them look more palatable and tasty to eat.

Aerobic oxygen

You need to understand that these foods clog up your system due to the glutinous content of some of the ingredients.  This causes your gut to become an oxygen poor environment that results in the dying off of the good bacteria. The result of all this is a clogged up system where impacted matter clings to the intestinal wall.

Our bodies are finely tuned machines; our food provides fuel, minerals and vitamins to keep us healthy and the lungs take in air to oxygenate our blood.  However, if you live in an area with a high incidence of air pollution, you can see that the air that we breathe is not very healthy.

There are several products on the market that will deliver extra oxygen to our bodies, one of which is Aerobic oxygen.  This is taken by mouth and will deliver the oxygen directly to where it is needed; the intestines.  Much research has gone into products such as this and to date there is nothing to suggest that these supplements are harmful in any way.

The oxygen breaks down all the compacted waste with the result that you will have watery stools for some days.  This is normal and it shows that the product is working well.  When your system is clean, a proper balance between the intestinal bacteria is re-established.

This supplement has the added benefit of having anti-bacterial properties.  If you should suffer from recurring infections and colds, it is an ideal product to take to heal yourself without resorting to antibiotics.  Your immune system will be boosted without disrupting the balance of bacteria.  As we all know, the effect of antibiotics is that it kills good as well as bad bacteria.

Many back packers take this supplement as part of their luggage as a few drops added to a glass of water or to your toothbrush will kill bacteria such as e-coli and others causing diarrhoea.  You will be protected if you go to a country with a less than safe water supply.

If you combine this with a well-balanced diet of fresh vegetables and fruit you should live to a ripe and healthy old age.

Why Good Health Is Easy To Achieve

It might seem simple, but good health is only achieved when your digestive tract is healthy.  A good working colon is able to deal with the waste products of what we eat efficiently. If things go wrong and some of this waste gets impacted and stick to the intestine wall you will eventually feel tired and lethargic.  The reason for this is that your body will find it more difficult to take up nutrients.

You should never ignore the early signs of tiredness and perhaps frequent throat infections and the like as if you leave things as they are, there comes a point that the toxins produced by this waste can cross over into the bloodstream and may seriously affect the major organs.  You can understand that this can cause major deterioration of the working of these.

Oxy powder

Diet will play a major part in rectifying matters.  However if you are fond of modern convenience foods that there is a product called Oxy powder that you can use to rid yourself of impacted debris and to normalise the situation.  It is a better way to rid yourself of putrid waste than to take yourself off to the nearest colonic irrigation clinic.  This method will only remove debris in the lower part of your intestinal tract.

You need to understand that to take this product does not come without some consequences.  You will suffer watery stools for the first couple of days.  The oxygen in the powder will liquidise the impacted matter.  These stools are not to be confused with diarrhoea.  For this reason the preparation is best taken at night.  The supplement will work best if you follow the taking of it with an acidic drink such as lemon juice or vinegar.  This is because the oxygen will interact with it for better results.

Ideally, following a good diet is also of importance.  Nowadays we eat large quantities of refined products such as starches and sugars which will form a glutinous mass which will stick to the colon lining.  It does not really matter which article you read on the internet, all will tell you that for good health you should stay away from convenience foods.

There is now such a wide choice available of fresh produce that there is no need for these unhealthy foods.  Of course, fresh foods will require more cooking, but in the summer months, a good salad will be much better than a packet or pre-cooked lasagne for instance.

Fish and chicken are a healthy option as opposed to eating red meats all the time.  If you are not really a fan of fish, you may still like tuna or sardines.

The best thing is to start reading labels on the packet foods you will find in the supermarket.  Soups, for instance, are packed with flour derivatives such as gluten which is a cheap way for the manufacturers to thicken sauces.

If you can, try and increase your water intake to keep your body healthy.

How To Cleanse The Easy Way

Have you ever thought of having a colonic irrigation procedure performed on you?   If you have, you should read up about this way of ridding your bowels of impacted faecal matter.  You need to find a respected practitioner who knows what he is doing.

This procedure does not come entirely without risks.  If your practitioner is inexperienced in such matter, and there are many around that are not, you may end up with a perforation which can produce an infection.

The equipment should be sterilised between each patient to prevent cross contamination.  When visiting the proposed clinic, have a good look if the room is spotlessly clean and the equipment looks clean too.

You need to realise that good as well as bad bacteria are flushed out of your system, as well as the impacted matter.  Some people will want to use a probiotic preparation after the procedure that can be inserted into the rectum or make use of oral probiotics to re-establish the beneficial bacteria quickly.  Because the colon has been cleansed they will find it easy to recolonize your gut this way.

Generally irrigation should only be performed for ostomy care or before surgery. Colosan An ostomy is an opening that has been artificially made to facilitate the elimination of bodily waste.  This can happen when the bladder, colon or rectum is diseased and they are no longer working.

A much safer route to go down is to take a dietary supplement, but it is strongly recommended to take a product like Colosan rather than those which contain harsh fibres such as herbal laxatives.  Your diet should also be amended to include foods that include natural fibres which are found in fresh fruit and vegetables.  You should also increase your water intake which will greatly help in keeping your stools normal.

So what is this supplement? It introduces oxygen to your intestines which will have a cleansing effect.  This product should be taken in water and straight after than an acidic drink, like lemon juice has to be taken.  It should also be taken on an empty stomach.  You should then not eat for at least half an hour.

This supplement will then produce watery stools as the impacted matter is dissolved.  For this reason it is pertinent to stay near your toilet until you get the dose right for your body.  This product does not usually produce nasty side effects such as headaches or nausea during the detoxifying process.

Once the colon has been cleared your body is able to take up the nutrients our food provides more efficiently.  Your organs will be provided with extra nutrients and oxygen.  This will have the result that lethargic symptoms will disappear and if you have skin eruptions, they will clear up too.

A happy side effect of this product is that you will probably lose weight.  This is because you will consume less food as your body will not need so much to get the nutrients to the right place.

How You Can Provide Extra Oxygen For Your Body

The depletion of oxygen within our bodies is the single most important cause of many diseases.  The growing lack of it is due to several factors.

The first is our love affair with convenience foods.  These are playing an increasing part in our modern lives.  We are so busy these days making a living that it is just easier to pick up a ready meal from the supermarket and heat it up when you get home.  These foods have very little nutritional value apart from satisfying hunger.

They are packed with refined products, such as starches and sugars and often contain more than the recommended dose of sodium.  These starches hit the intestines and produce a mucus rich waste that sticks to the gut lining.  In time this becomes impacted.  The result of this is that nutrients are increasingly difficult to pass from the intestines into the blood stream.

Our internal workings are very simple; the intestines provide fuel for our bodies and the circulatory system transports oxygen and nutrients to the various organs around the body.  The lungs take oxygen from the air too.

Aerobic oxygen

This is the next factor for concern.  Due to air pollution the quality of the air has deteriorated markedly.  Add to this all the pesticides we use to grow crops and you can easily see why our bodies have to work harder to eliminate all these toxins from our bodies.

There is now a product on the market called Aerobic oxygen which is a supplement that is taken orally.  This supplement contains a high concentration of electrolytes of oxygen and the product is completely non-toxic.

When this supplement is delivered to the intestines it has the effect of breaking down the debris impacted there because of the extra oxygen being introduced.  Good bacteria thrive in an oxygenated environment, whilst the bacteria causing the obstructions die off.

This supplement has anti-bacterial properties and if you should feel ill with a cold or a sore throat, a couple of drops in a glass of water will increase your immune responses to deal with the infection.  The happy result is that you can reduce your intake of antibiotics to clear things up.

Because it has antibacterial benefits, it has been found that a solution of water and a few drops will purify water in areas of the world where the supply is suspect.  It is said that the preparation will kill most bacteria, including e-coli and other nasty attacks involving stomach upsets and diarrhoea.

You also need to start thinking of adopting a healthy diet.  Instead of going to the supermarket for your fruit and vegetables why don’t you visit your local farmers’ market, where you can get fresh produce that is in season?

Seasonal food has the advantage that it has been grown in whatever time of year it is in abundance, rather than having been transported from the other side of the world.  Produce that has been so transported can be months old and will have lost much of its nutritional value.

How To Find The Key To Good Health

Our colons are the key to good health.  No matter how efficient the body is to eliminate waste products, it is impossible to get rid of each and every bit completely.  If this impacted waste should accumulate further, you may start to feel unwell as your body will find it increasingly difficult to take up the necessary nutrients from the intestine.

If you should leave matters in this state you may run the risk that the toxic matter in the colon will pass over to the blood stream and gets to sensitive organs.  This is why a poorly functioning colon can cause many life threatening diseases.

You can help yourself by taking a product called Oxy powder.  This product is very efficient in clearing both the large and small intestines of debris, which you cannot say if you go for colonic irrigation.  This form of cleansing can only get rid of faecal debris in the lower part of the colon, leaving much behind.

As with most preparations of this kind, it is best to take it at night as you will have very loose stools for a couple of days.  You should also take these and immediately follow them with an acidic drink as the supplement will work better when you do this.

You can help yourself by also following a good diet.  You should reduce the intake of meats and fats and instead concentrate on vegetables and soups.  Fresh fruit will also help and the drinking of vegetable juices. Another aid to health is to increase your intake of probiotic beverages.  These you will be able to find in your local supermarket.Oxy powder

You need to understand that this product will give you very watery stools for some days.  It is recommended that you do not stray too far from your toilet during that time.  However, this is totally normal as the effect of this powder is to liquidise the impacted waste.  It is suspected that we all carry an excess of compacted waste matter by the time we are forty years of age.

It is also recommended that you drink plenty of water to help matters along.  You should be able to achieve several bowel movements per day to know that the product is working.  If this is not happening, perhaps you will have to increase the dosage.

Once you have successfully completed your diet for a week or more, you should keep taking these powders on a regular basis to maintain maximum health.

The aim of this powder is to create a balance between good and bad bacteria in the gut.  It must be said that we need the bad bacteria too; as if we did not have a certain amount of yeast producing bacteria in our bodies our system would not work efficiently either.  It is this balance between the two that is important.

It is important to note the difference between a laxative and this product.  A laxative is very harsh on the intestinal lining whilst the powder gently cleanses your colon.