If you have never experienced a colonic irrigation treatment, you should try and read up about it before committing yourself.  This treatment is quite costly and the risks attached to it can be great if you choose an inexperienced practitioner.  The lining of the intestines is delicate and it can easily be perforated.

The best way to find a trusted clinic is to find out from the people in your immediate area.  This is now easily done via twitter or face-book where good as well as bad reviews are posted. You can then decide for yourself. There are some problems attached to this particular procedure.

Firstly it is impossible to cleanse the whole of the intestinal tract this way and, secondly, by undergoing this procedure good as well as beneficial bacteria are removed from the intestines.  This may leave you with an imbalance that can mean a proliferation of bad bacteria.  This can then lead to a yeast overgrowth.


Colosan Powder


A much safer and more effective way to cleanse your colon is to resort to safe, natural products that will do the job much more thoroughly.  One of these products is Colosan.  This dietary supplement will cleanse the whole of the intestinal tract.  The supplement is taken orally and approaches the intestines via the stomach directly to the whole area.

Although this supplement does the work thoroughly, it is not a particularly gentle product.  However, it is far superior to the way laxatives work.  Laxatives can be very abrasive to the lining of the gut.  If you feel the need for roughage you can increase the intake of leafy vegetables and whole-grain foods. The perfect working of the colon is not helped by the rubbish foods we eat nowadays.

The world eats far too much refined foods such as ready meals, white sugars and flour that have been stripped from all nutrients.  These will form a glutinous mass that will stick to your intestinal lining. This in turn will cause the body being unable to take up the nutrients that our foods provide. When this happens, you can appreciate that we will soon start to feel unwell if this goes on unchecked.

Impacted matter must be removed in order for a proper balance to be restored. The supplement will deliver extra oxygen to your intestinal tract.  It is recommended that this product is taken on an empty stomach with a little water in which lemon juice can be squeezed for better absorption.  You should then not eat for an hour in order to let it do its work efficiently. As you can imagine, your colon will not be cleansed instantly.

It will take a few days, during which time you will experience an urge to go to the toilet frequently.  For this reason it is prudent not to stray too far from the toilet.  If you are in a busy job, it is better to start this treatment in the weekend or in a holiday period. Colosan is sold in powder and capsule form and is to be taken with a little water.

For more information please go to


There are several reasons why we can become lethargic and generally feel under the weather.  You cannot pinpoint exactly what is going on inside your body, but there is a chance that you may be suffering from a yeast overgrowth.  This is entirely possible if you eat large amounts of yeast containing foods or eat foods such as sugar and refined starches that will convert into excess yeast.

Many people do not realise that the external symptoms of yeast overgrowth is the result of what is going on inside your body and particularly in your intestines. No amount of creams on the affected area on the outside is going to cure what goes on inside.

Therefore, if you suffer from thrush or vaginal itching, the chances are that candida bacteria are at play here. If so, it is a prudent move to try and clear up the infection naturally, rather than to resort to antibiotics.  Antibiotics will make the condition much worse as they tend to kill off bad as well as beneficial bacteria.



To this end, there is a product called Fivelac available to you that will help you achieving a rebalance between good and bad bacteria.  It is important to re-establish a healthy gut to get you back to rude health and to clear up recurring infections.

The trick here is to stick with the product and give it time to start working.  This means that sometimes you have to take it over some months to feel the benefits. We are not all the same and products may work immediately on one person, but take a little longer to kick in.

This product is taken orally with a little water.  As the name suggests it contains five different strains of bacteria that together strive to restore the PH balance in the intestines.  This will allow the good bacteria to flourish again and keep yeast proliferation in check.

Although limited clinical testing has been done as to the efficacy of this product, customer reviews have nevertheless been very positive overall.  There are few reported side effects, one of which is that you may experience a sudden brief period of the underlying problems intensifying.  However, this phase passes very quickly.

All you need to remember is that symptoms of nausea and others, means that the toxins are gradually being removed from the intestinal system.

It is undoubtedly to your benefit to modify your diet at the same time as adding dietary supplements to your daily routine.   The use of probiotics is often recommended, but if you are lactose intolerant this is not suitable for you.

The supplement above described has minute traces of lactose added and lactose intolerant people should experience no problems in taking this product.

Other good things to do are to add fibre to your diet in the form of leafy vegetables, whole-grains and nuts.  Exercise is beneficial too to get the circulation going so a walk with the dog every day is an easy way to achieve this.

If you need to read more about Fivelac and other beneficial products we urge you to visit



Because of our often poor diet there are many people these days that have experienced a yeast overgrowth called candida at some time in their lives.  Some people even suffer an almost chronic version of this nasty bacterial infection.  Sometimes I think that it is a far too beautiful name for such a debilitating condition.

This overgrowth of yeast can appear anywhere in the body and if there is an attack of white spots combined with a thick tongue then this bacterial infection is called thrush.  You need to try and get rid of it smartly at this stage as, if left unchecked; it may start to affect major organs.

Here are some causes of yeast overgrowth.  The number one culprit is to take a course of antibiotics.  This medical remedy is a great way of battling infections and it has to be said that it has saved many lives in the past.  The trouble with it is that it kills good and bad bacteria alike.  The result of this is that an imbalance is created within our bodies that will allow yeast bacteria to get the upper hand.

People still think of this drug as a cure-all for many things.  If we would only be careful enough to take it as a last resort many candida cases can be avoided.

The second big problem is that we do not take in enough fibrous foods.  These days we rely too heavily on convenience meals and white and refined flours and sugars.  The result of not eating enough fibre is a constipated bowel.  If we then do not drink enough fluids it will make matters worse still.

The trick is to change your diet completely and start eating proper food.  This includes leafy vegetables, whole grains and moderate amounts of meat.  If an attack occurs, you should stay well clear of yeast products and refined sugars.


Candida thrives in an unbalanced environment and the last thing we need is to eat glutinous foods when an attack occurs.  Rather than going to your doctor, you should try natural dietary supplements such as Threelac.  This product has been developed to deliver extra oxygen directly to your intestinal tract.

The good bacteria need this in order to re-establish themselves.  At the same time oxygen kills anaerobic bacteria as they need an oxygen poor environment in order to thrive.

The internet is a great place to research this product.  You will be able to glean so much informationbefore you buy it.

The above mentioned supplement will give you a runny stool for a few days as the oxygen contained in this product will loosen impacted waste.  Although it is advisable to stay near a toilet whilst this is going on, it is a good sign as the body is getting rid of the problem.  If watery stools do not occur, you may have to increase the dosage.  In this case it is advisable to seek advice from your provider.

Because Threelac is a natural product it is entirely safe to take.  For a supply of this supplement please go to


Oxygen in our digestive tract is needed to help the good bacteria do their work and keep a balance between good and bad there.  An imbalance is the biggest cause of people starting to feel under the weather through infections and lethargy.  It can be very serious if you just let things go on for a period of time.

Your first thoughts may be that you should go to the doctor.  However, if an antibiotic is prescribed for an infection, it will make matters worse still.  Antibiotics kill good bacteria as well as bad.  Your best course of action is to remedy the situation through natural means.

The biggest cause of an imbalance in the colon is our consumption of inappropriate foods.  We rely heavily on foods that have been prepared for us by big catering manufacturers.  Although they are tasty to the palate, they are really stuffed with refined sugars and starches, flavour enhancers and the like.

It is really no surprise that there are so many of us that are either constipated or do not go to the toilet as often as we should.  Impacted waste products in our intestines produce very hard stools that are difficult to expel.  Some of this debris gets left behind and starts clinging to the intestinal lining.

This will make it increasingly difficult for our body to take up the necessary nutrients to keep our organs working properly.  In ordinary circumstances our body can be likened to a finely tuned machine.  We eat, our body takes up the vitamins and nutrients and we go to the toilet a couple of times a day to expel what we do not need.

Aerobic Oxygen

A sluggish bowel is an unhealthy one and we should do something about it before we fall seriously ill.  There are several dietary supplements on the market nowadays that will help us restore a balance in our gut.  One of these is aerobic oxygen This is taken daily orally and it will supply extra oxygen to the intestines to help the good bacteria thrive.  The oxygen sets to work by liquefying impacted matter so it can easily be got rid of by our body.

You will find that you have to be near a toilet initially whilst this process is going on.  You need to be reassured that this is a wholly natural product with absolutely no known harmful side effects. There is nothing alarming in producing watery stools, therefore, as explained above.

Another benefit of taking this dietary supplement is that it has been shown to have anti-bacterial properties too.  It is an essential product to take on holiday to countries that have a less than efficient water supply.  A few drops added to water will kill anaerobic bacteria in a matter of minutes.

If you should experience recurring winter infections then you can take this product safely without resorting to antibiotics immediately.  It will not kill good bacteria and your immune system is boosted at the same time.

There are many safe dietary supplements available and aerobic oxygen is one of them.  For further information please refer to



It is not really difficult to understand that if we are fit and healthy it is probably because our digestive tract is working well and we are processing waste food matter efficiently.  The problem occurs when, mainly because we eat the wrong foods, some of the waste products get impacted and starts clogging up our colon.

This manifests itself in various ways. You may have recurring bouts of infections and you could begin to feel sluggish and lethargic.  You could even think that you have put on weight because you will start to feel bloated.

Oxy powder

If all or some of these signs apply to you, then it is really important not to ignore this as it is an indication that your body is not able to take up enough nutrients because of the barrier that waste matter causes.  If you leave it too long, toxins in your blood will overwhelm your organs in the end and will seriously impede their function.

Of course, we are what we eat, and this has never been more noticeable as many of us eat convenience foods.  These are really not healthy if they are part of your everyday diet.  They are one of the causes of malnutrition as they are too refined and have too many additives.  It may seem odd that you can be malnourished and yet eat regular meals.

If you feel the need to purge your intestines of this unwanted debris, then there is a product called oxy powder that can be used to flush out impacted waste matter.  The theory behind how it works is that it introduces extra oxygen straight to your digestive tract.

When your intestines are being poisoned by toxins because of a bacterial imbalance, your gut becomes an oxygen poor environment.  The extra oxygen being delivered by this dietary supplement will allow the good bacteria to thrive once again.  The baddies will die off as they need an environment with little oxygen.

When the bad bacteria die off, they will produce some side effects.  You will have loose stools whilst the waste matter is expelled.  On top of that you may experience withdrawal symptoms.  These side effects are very normal and they show you that the product is cleansing your intestinal tract.

For this reason it is recommended that this supplement is taken at night when you will experience less discomfort.  It will also help your system if you follow the taking of this product with a little water with either lemon juice or vinegar added.

Now you are on the way to better health, you should not go back to the old way of eating.  If you adopt a healthy diet you should never have to feel under the weather again.  It will be a little more difficult to achieve, especially if you have a busy working life.  The reason for this is that you have to start making meals from scratch with fresh produce.

Oxy powder is a well-known and trusted product that has been used for many years.  It is available from