Beat Candida With Threelac

No right minded person would claim that any one medicine or supplement will work for every individual but a fair number of candida sufferers reckon a course of Threelac obtained from The Finchley Clinic has worked well for them.

Most of us are aware that on and in our bodies are trillions of tiny microorganisms called bacteria and that the vast majority are contained in the large intestine.

A lesser though still very significant number reside in our small intestines. It is not certain but most experts in this field reckon there is anything between a few hundred and one thousand different types of bacteria.


Many are considered the good guys and are responsible for breaking down waste and helping the lining of the intestines to absorb nutrients and other essentials for human survival. In addition to these different bacteria there are four or five other types of gut flora that are more correctly known as fungi.

Candida is one of these yeasts that naturally occur in the mouth, stomach and vagina and there are a number of reasons why it can flare up in certain people. The very young, very old and others on drugs are susceptible but interestingly it can happen to people on a course of strong antibiotics.

There are recognised problems with antibiotics starting with the major worry that humans are becoming resistant to them and also the known problem of good bacteria being killed off with the bad it is targeted at.

Probiotics is a recognised way of topping up good bacteria and live yoghurt along with Kefir are just two examples. Various other probiotic products are available here from the same supplier and the best way to decide what might be right for one individual’s problem is to read all the many reviews and testimonials.

Threelac is just one probiotic but there are plenty others to look at. It works by releasing three live bacteria in huge numbers into the intestines with the intent of killing off the excess candida flora.


Symptoms of Colon Problems and how to solve them

Food should be chewed well before it is swallowed as this is the first part of the whole digestive system and the more it is chewed the quicker it will go through all the other processes.

The next stop is the stomach where these chewed up bits are softened up by acids before moving to the next and longest stage, the journey through the intestines.

This next part of the journey is over eight metres long and the exact time the food takes to be fully processed before waste is expelled depends on many variables.

The type of food can dictate the length of time it takes as western over-processed foods take longer to break down than simple natural foods.

It also varies with individuals and can also be affected by health issues. Despite the fact the digestive tract is a whopping nine metres long and turns bananas, fruit cake, steak and chips and any other food you can think of into a uniform small piece of waste consisting mainly of water and dead bacteria is an indication of how efficient it is.


Apart from the enzymes and acids that start the process the critical part played by those trillions of bacteria must not be forgotten. It is these little microorganisms that finally break it all down until the nutrients and water can be absorbed through the intestinal lining via minute blood capillaries.

Any blockage or hold-up in the intestines must be removed as quickly as possible if we need to avoid an imbalance of the different bacteria. The first sign is usually a bit of discomfort like bloating or fewer trips to the lavatory.

Something to help move it along such as the colon cleanser, Colosan can be very useful at this point and if you have not yet tried it then read some of the testimonials on the Finchley Clinic site to get some more independent comments.

Some people suggest colonic irrigation but that seems a very harsh way to clean the colon when this gentler and cheaper method is available.


Why Oxy Powder Is Not A Scam

Constipation can be cause by various things.  If you experience hormonal changes, such as the menopause, pregnancy or during menstruation you may all of a sudden experience bloating and flatulence, even if you do not normal suffer these symptoms.

The doctor could prescribe you medication if you were to visit the surgery, but is it not much better to treat the symptoms the natural way by adding a dietary product such as Oxy powder to your diet?

This product has been around a long time and so far as I have been able to ascertain it has never done anybody any harm.  Yes, sure, some people have not been able to take the side effects if that is how you want to label them.  These include soft stools and a few days of feeling as if you have the flu.

It is true that not all of the people all of the time will tolerate this supplement, but since there are products available that have pretty much the same effect at the end, you could try one of these instead and see if they will suit you better.

Oxy Powder

Whoever thought this product is a scam and you can be forgiven to think that as there are no meaningful trials available, the many blogs that are posted on the internet from satisfied customers speak for themselves.

These are people who would otherwise have used products that are harsh, such as herbal laxatives or worse, have taken antibiotics to clear up a condition.  The laxatives are far too abrasive for the delicate stomach lining and they are habit forming and antibiotics will strip your intestinal tract of most bacteria, including the beneficial ones.

This product aims to introduce increased amounts of oxygen to your intestines to help the good bacteria to repopulate so that they can do battle with impacted waste that has accumulated over time, making the intestinal tract oxygen poor.

This situation will allow the bad bacteria to gain the upper hand which often results in a yeast overgrowth.  This overgrowth produces toxins that can cross over into the blood stream causing havoc with your organs.

So, this product cleanses your colon of unwanted and impacted faeces and acts similarly to a colonic irrigation.  Only it does the irrigation much more effectively than having a tube stuck up your rectum.  The latter system will only reach so far up into your colon whilst the supplement will treat the whole of the intestinal tract.

Having water introduced via a tube into your intestines will also flush away good as well as the bad flora in your intestines and you would have to introduce probiotics to achieve a balance once again.  Incidentally, taking a probiotic supplement in one form or another is also recommended if you have been on a course of antibiotics.

Of course we will all benefit from consuming a healthy diet rather than convenience foods.

Solving Colon Problems

With a perfectly healthy diet that includes plenty of fresh fruit and vegetable along with roughage such as kale, lentils and grains we should not suffer any bowel problems.

Unfortunately there are times when we over indulge in processed and high fat foods and often get a bloated feeling in the gut and sometimes constipation.

The early signs of colon problems can be that bloated feeling, constipation and perhaps excessive wind. If it continues for too long then other signs may reveal themselves such as unusual tiredness, irritability and possibly headaches.


These secondary signs can all be to do with the fact that a blockage in the intestines will result in nutrients not being absorbed satisfactorily. With any blockage or compacted waste stuck to the lining other more sinister problems will follow such as a build-up of pathogens and an increase in the wrong sort of bacteria.

The gut is lined with trillions of these microorganisms and it is thought that there are between five hundred and one thousand different types. Each has a specific purpose but less than a hundred have been identified and their specific purpose understood.

There are two obvious routes to take when the colon feels blocked and one involves an oral supplement and the other a colonic irrigation.

Colonic irrigation is highly controversial and disapproved of by most medical practitioners. It can be a little like taking a hammer to crack a nut and many believe that far from just flushing out waste it also removes a great deal of healthy flora from the gut and may leave an imbalance of healthy bacteria.

What little is known about bacteria results in people calling the two kilos we carry about inside our bodies as good or bad. The fact is there must be a reason for all the different types and it is certainly true that we would have no immune system and defence against any disease without the good gaining strength fighting the bad.

Upsetting the balance between the bacteria is a little like taking something out of the food chainand an example of that is when ancient wetlands are drained and a line of creatures suffer such as in a part of Western Turkey where migrating and nesting storks no longer find their primary food source of frogs which in turn used to keep down mosquito larva.

A gentler approach to cleaning the colon is to take something like Colosan that is more than just a mild laxative as it helps promote healthy bacteria in the colon as well.

Available from The Finchley Clinic this is a tried and tested product that has stood the test of time and has a loyal following.

When taking a course of this product it is worth remembering to look carefully at your diet and work out how you can improve it. One tip might be to look at all products that are truly probiotic as these will help multiply healthy bacteria.

These Five Keep Intestines Alive

Because of our fast food culture it seems that digestive disorders are occurring more and more in our modern age.  This can be anything from bloating, upset stomach to urinary infections and even candida.  Most of these have their origin in our gastro intestinal tract where foods are broken down and nutrients taken up.

Modern, highly refined foods are hard to break down and they will coat your intestinal lining with debris that your body will not easily expel.  It stands to reason that you should get rid of constipation and the easiest way to do this is to take a dietary supplement called Fivelac.

Although this product contains a very small amount of lactose, it is generally tolerated by lactose intolerant people.  You will be able to take probiotics without the need to consume milk products such as live yoghurt.

There are other things that can trigger bowel problems such as modern medication, stress, inactivity through a sedentary job and low fibre consumption due to the refined foods.  Although we mostly suffer from constipation, sometimes you can also suffer from diarrhoea in these instances.

Modern medication to clear up bowel problems are often very bad for the kidneys and if you can clear the problem up yourself naturally that has got to be the best way.  You should not confuse the above product with laxatives.  Laxatives such as Senna are very harsh and they should never be taken for a prolonged period.

Whatever your problem is things need to be sorted out before more long lasting problems will manifest themselves.  Impacted waste produces toxins which could be released into your bloodstream which could cause chronic conditions later on in life.

If you should suffer from candida which is a yeast overgrowth, it is important that you avoid foods that contain yeast to stop the condition from getting out of hand.  It is recommended that you should step up your intake of water.  Many people are dehydrated in our modern world without even knowing it.

It is a great mistake not to care about your digestive system.  There are simple steps you can take to keep your bowels clear, apart from taking a probiotic supplement.  My mother always used to say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

There is some truth in that as apples contain a decent amount of fibre which is needed to keep the intestinal lining clean.  As funny as it may seem, bananas are a very good fruit to add to your diet.  Even though they are easy to consume, they are packed with vitamins and fibre too.  However you should always make sure that you drink plenty of water after eating them.

It stands to reason that most green vegetables contain plenty of fibre in the form of cellulose.  We cannot digest it so it leaves the body undigested when we go to the toilet.

What Is Fibromyalgia And How To Cure It

Fibromyalgia is a condition where the sufferer experiences pains in various parts of the body and an intense feeling of tiredness.  The cause of this disease is unclear, but if the immune system is laid low, it is possible that anything nasty could be picked up to make this condition more painful. However, this is speculation on my part.

There is no medical cure for this condition, but symptoms can be alleviated by gentle exercise and taking strong painkillers when the pain is intense.

However, I have just read an article about a woman’s relief when she found a product called Aerobic oxygen which has helped her to cope with this condition.This is a totally natural dietary supplement which has no know bad side effects.  All it does is to introduce extra oxygen in a stabilised form to your bodily system which will help the cells to take up increased amounts of oxygen to keep them healthy.

Aerobic oxygen

Since the oxygen levels in her body were sadly lacking it has caused all sorts of low immune responses such as sinusitis, lack of energy and insomnia.  Although she did not see any improvements for several weeks, she suddenly realised that her sinus symptoms cleared up.

After that her energy returned and for the first time in ages she had a good night’s sleep.  Since the air around us is now so polluted, especially in built up areas, oxygen starvation is on the increase.  A lack of this life giving element causes all kinds of diseases.

Although she had always maintained a healthy diet, many of us nowadays eat totally inappropriate foods that do not suit our digestive systems.  The lack of oxygen in the digestive tract leads to good bacteria not thriving or dying off, leaving the bad bacteria to take over and thus creating havoc with our internal organs.

It is said that gentle exercise will also help this condition, but the emphasis has to be on the word gentle.  You may feel a little stiffer in the limbs for a few days, but if you do not move it you will lose it as they say.

A lack of oxygen in the blood causes the body cells to look for alternative sources of energy and this is often sugar.  This is a wrong chain of events as the wrong chemicals are being produced.  The result of this is that the cells lose much of their natural immunity against pathogens that are always to be found in our bodies.

You need to realise that there is no effective medication against fibromyalgia and although the symptoms will become very manageable if you find something that works for you, if you have the chronic condition the pain will never go away entirely.

Having said that, if you feel rotten, anything is worth a try and oxygen supplements can be beneficial and they will certainly do you no harm.

If you are unwell and want to try out something new like Aerobic oxygen please log on to our site at

Balance Candida

We all live with the candida yeast in our gut but it is kept suppressed and in small amounts by certain bacteria also present in the gut.

There are many contributing factors towards an outbreak of this yeast which is then termed candidiasis. The most common are an existing health problem, poor diet and an immune system weakened and lacking enough of the good bacteria that attacks the candida.

Out of control the yeast grows in the gut lining and eventually gets into the blood stream where it starts to do some real damage.

Candidiasis is a primary cause of poor health in all parts of the body and leads to a long list of ailments including an ever weakened immune system and perhaps most debilitating is a sense of irritability and depression.

There are various ways to try and defeat the outbreak but it should be understood that the candida yeast develops an almost armour plated outer shell that makes the job difficult. Only certain very specific bacteria can successfully attack it and this is why products such as Threelac exist to deliver the live good bacteria into the intestines.


The success rate is good but nobody would claim it is one hundred per cent with every individual.

Looking at diet is crucial when suffering with this problem. Always remember that it is a yeast that can change into a fungi and back; a remarkable achievement for this annoying little microorganism.

As yeast it thrives on sugar and that means you will have to give up all those things most of us enjoy from beer and wine to anything at all with sugar in it. Cheese, pickles, bread, coffee and anything acidic like vinegar will all have to be avoided.

The problem with candida is that like diabetes there are many people suffering from it without even knowing and again like diabetes the numbers are growing particularly in the west where so much junk food is consumed.

Taking a product like Threelac will have a far greater chance of working if the diet is changed to avoid all the above and follow a much healthier line of products. This includes plenty of fresh greens along with many other vegetables that should be eaten raw or slightly steamed. Eggs and lean meat can also be eaten but you should try and buy organic and discover whether any growth hormones have been injected or antibiotics.

There are many religions that include a period of fasting and as long as you are in otherwise good health it should be practised. The body contains around a thousand different toxins at any one time and a period of drinking water and eating fresh organic greens and fruit might do us all a bit of good.

The product mentioned here is available online along with many hundred other products that are all designed to help you but there are circumstances where it may be better to consult with a doctor particularly when something like candidiasis seems out of control.

Is it necessary to have a Colon Cleanse

The benefits of Colosan are that it is one of the easiest ways to clean your intestinal tract and compared to other products it is also much cheaper.

This product does not claim to be gentle.  You will experience some very watery stools initially and you will have to stay near your toilet. Some people say that some of us will experience weight loss or weight gain.  Weight gain after illness and weight loss are a result of a cleaner colon which is able to absorb increased amounts of nutrients from the food we consume and the resultant higher energy levels.

This product is not an aid to gain or loss and should not be taken when the sole reason you take it is to help you do this.

The product contains combinations of oxide magnesium which will release oxygen in the intestines. After all digestion is all about an oxidation process which turns undigested foods into an easily expelled mass.


It loosens unwanted waste products so that it is easier for the body to take up nutrients.  Some sites say that this supplement is a first step to full detoxification.  Whilst this may be true, you need to know that colonic irrigation will flush out good as well as bad bacteria and the use of herbal laxatives can become habit forming and they are very abrasive.

This product will kick start your detoxification and as it is a natural addition to your diet it is not addictive and once you have completed the initial dosage you will be able to take it as and when it is needed.

There are a few points to mention before taking this product.  The first is that it should always be taken on an empty stomach and secondly that you will have to drink an acidic beverage straight after.  The supplement needs some acid to work efficiently.

The dietary supplement will cleanse the whole of the colon, not just the lower end which is something that colonic irrigation does not do.  You will experience loose stools and you may experience headaches as the toxins that have built up over time leave the body. This is entirely normal as it indicates that the supplement is working well.

Bloating, gas and constipation are some of the indicators that will tell you that there is a build-up of debris and you should take measures to expel impacted waste as a matter of urgency.  They are often the root of more serious problems to come if you do not.

You should also ensure that you start eating foods that the intestinal tract can easily process and processed and refined foods are not among these.  You will need the roughage of fresh legumes, pulses and wholegrain products to keep the lining of your gut free of waste.  It is also advisable to increase your intake of water and leave manufactured fizzy drinks alone.

Health Starts From Within

Aerobic oxygen is a surprising dietary supplement that can be used as an alternative to antibiotics in minor ailments such as fatigue and chest complaints.  The reason for this is that it is packed with stabilised oxygen.  Oxygen has the power to tackle anaerobic bacteria as they die off in an oxygen rich environment.  You should only ever take antibiotics if nothing else works for you.

If our bodies do not get enough oxygen from the air we breathe the cells are being starved and there will be a toxic build-up in our bodies. This is because the anaerobic bacteria, i.e. organisms that do not require oxygen in order to thrive will create an overgrowth of the yeast fungus.

This form of liquid oxygen is said to increase the available oxygen in the blood.  It has also been approved by the World Health Organisation as acceptable for the purposes of water purification.

Aerobic oxygen

It follows, therefore, that this is a supplement that has various uses.  Firstly to keep your body healthy and secondly a handy product to take on holiday if you know that the local water supply may not be up to standard.

You should always eat a healthy diet for optimum health.  It gives your body a fighting chance to stay healthy. If you are abroad you may want to rinse your fresh vegetables adding a few drops of this supplement to your rinsing water to keep you safe.  Do remember in countries where sanitation is poor you should never eat salads if the restaurant is not reputable.

For a healthy colon you need to eat plenty of roughage.  This can be obtained from leafy vegetables which contain cellulose which cannot be digested by our body, but is an excellent plant ingredient for keeping the intestinal wall free of debris.

Stress is a major factor in lowering the body’s immune system.  Our hectic and often sedentary work life does much to contribute to our feeling stressed out.  If this is the case with you, you should walk away once in a while to have a break.

If you are interested in taking Aerobic oxygen with you on your travels please visit our website.

Benefits Of Fivelac

First there was Threelac and now there is Fivelac but is one better than the other?

The fact that Threelac is still available and just as popular means there is probably little difference between the two but research suggests that it is just a matter of trial and error and what works for one person may not necessarily work for another.

Both the products are designed to combat the dreaded candida that impacts on the lives of many and is often difficult to get rid of. To understand candida it is necessary to appreciate that we all carry in our intestines a small amount of this particular yeast.

For most of us it is usually kept under control but sometimes something triggers it off and then as a di-morphed organism it can convert from yeast to fungi and then back again.

The trigger is very often down to a poor diet and most processed foods from readymade meals to snacks on the run simply do not contain enough nutrients for our intestines to absorb.


Signs of candida infection often start with stress, chronic fatigue and allergic reactions. One way of testing is to take the saliva test which involves spitting into a glass of water first thing in the morning and noting if that saliva forms strands hanging down from the surface.

This is not a failsafe test as it can be indicative of many other problems such as an overabundance of any of the one thousand or more different toxins that we regularly carry around in our bodies.

There are other additional benefits with Fivelac other than treating candida as the product is designed to introduce extra good bacteria into the intestines.

The intestines contain most of the two or more kilos of bacteria we carry around with us. Candida is not the only microorganism that can get out of control. Apart from the handful of yeast organisms of which candida is the most recognisable and problematic, there are an estimated 500 to 1,000 different types of bacteria amongst the many trillion we carry.

In normal circumstances a fine balance is kept between them all and we then develop no illness but when the balance is out and harmful bacteria grows too quickly then we have problems with a huge variety of minor and major ailments.

Anything probiotic can only be good for our intestines and along with this product and similar ones available from The Finchley Clinic there are other natural foods and drinks that also help keep a healthy gut.

Amongst the obvious is live yoghurt and the far harder to find live Kefir. Kefir is a popular Eastern drink that is like a creamy milk product with an additional friendly live culture and has been around for thousands of years.

If you think of all of these products that deliver good bacteria into the gut as reinforcements for the front line troops then you won’t be far away from the truth.