Is it necessary to have a Colon Cleanse

The benefits of Colosan are that it is one of the easiest ways to clean your intestinal tract and compared to other products it is also much cheaper.

This product does not claim to be gentle.  You will experience some very watery stools initially and you will have to stay near your toilet. Some people say that some of us will experience weight loss or weight gain.  Weight gain after illness and weight loss are a result of a cleaner colon which is able to absorb increased amounts of nutrients from the food we consume and the resultant higher energy levels.

This product is not an aid to gain or loss and should not be taken when the sole reason you take it is to help you do this.

The product contains combinations of oxide magnesium which will release oxygen in the intestines. After all digestion is all about an oxidation process which turns undigested foods into an easily expelled mass.


It loosens unwanted waste products so that it is easier for the body to take up nutrients.  Some sites say that this supplement is a first step to full detoxification.  Whilst this may be true, you need to know that colonic irrigation will flush out good as well as bad bacteria and the use of herbal laxatives can become habit forming and they are very abrasive.

This product will kick start your detoxification and as it is a natural addition to your diet it is not addictive and once you have completed the initial dosage you will be able to take it as and when it is needed.

There are a few points to mention before taking this product.  The first is that it should always be taken on an empty stomach and secondly that you will have to drink an acidic beverage straight after.  The supplement needs some acid to work efficiently.

The dietary supplement will cleanse the whole of the colon, not just the lower end which is something that colonic irrigation does not do.  You will experience loose stools and you may experience headaches as the toxins that have built up over time leave the body. This is entirely normal as it indicates that the supplement is working well.

Bloating, gas and constipation are some of the indicators that will tell you that there is a build-up of debris and you should take measures to expel impacted waste as a matter of urgency.  They are often the root of more serious problems to come if you do not.

You should also ensure that you start eating foods that the intestinal tract can easily process and processed and refined foods are not among these.  You will need the roughage of fresh legumes, pulses and wholegrain products to keep the lining of your gut free of waste.  It is also advisable to increase your intake of water and leave manufactured fizzy drinks alone.


Have you ever wondered, when you compare people of a similar age, that some look older than others? The same is true of the workings within the body.  We are similar, but some of us are just healthier inside too.  It could be that we had a good start in life with the right foods, but most of it has also to do with your genes.

The way our intestines processes foods differ between people too.  However, if you do not move your bowels at least once per day, it could be because you are constipated. Not expelling waste matter regularly can leave you open to infections because of an impaired immune system.  It is sensible, therefore, that you cleanse your colon.  This can be done with the help of a dietary product called Colosan.


You will now ask yourself why impacted matter in the colon could make you ill.  Well, the debris that lies around for too long will cling to the wall of the digestive tract.  This will make it much more difficult for your body to derive enough nourishment from what we have eaten.

There is another problem that occurs with impacted faeces.  It produces toxins.  These toxins can move through the intestinal wall into the blood stream where they are transported through circulation to the organs.

These toxins are able to build up because bacteria that need oxygen to function will all of a sudden find themselves in an oxygen poor environment in which they die off.

The dietary supplement will introduce oxygen to your intestinal tract which will cause the faecal impacted matter to dissolve and to re-establish a balance between beneficial and other gut flora.  Although, when anaerobic bacteria take the upper hand you will start to feel unwell and lethargic, we still need them around as they do perform some functions.

It is a much cheaper option to cleanse your colon with Colosan, rather than book a colonic irrigation session at your local clinic.  The supplement will clean the whole length of your intestinal tract of any debris; not just the colon area.  Irrigation can only reach the end of your intestines, thus not cleansing thoroughly.

Colonic irrigation is expensive and not as thorough and, above all, it will remove both beneficial and bad bacteria.  With the introduction of oxygen by the dietary product the good bacteria will thrive and will thus not be affected.

You will suffer a bout of loose stools for a few days, but that is normal because the excess faecal waste is expelled.  Even with colonic irrigation debris will be removed with copious amounts of water.

It is advisable to alter your diet and substitute processed foods with an abundance of fresh legumes and lean meats.  It will take you a little longer to prepare a meal, but your intestines will be thankful for it.  Vegetables and fruit contain fibres as well as vitamins.  Fibres will not be utilised by the body, but they will keep the intestinal wall clean.

Because Colosan is an easy way to cleanse your bowels you may want to do some further reading at

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Get Your Body Fighting Fit the Easy Way: Clean Your Colon!

Ok, the title is a little odd, but the message that we are trying to convey is that the colon plays a massive role in overall health. If you’ve been feeling slow and sluggish lately, if you’ve had a low mood, migraine, bloating or flatulence, then the problem may be as simple as an inefficient colon. The good thing is that you can do something about it, and you can do this easily.

Firstly, you should get have a regular colon cleanse. There are many different types of cleanser available on the market. For instance, you can have colonic irrigation, or if this seems too intrusive, then a colon cleanse supplement may provide a decent alternative.

It is important to keep your colon clean because:

  1. The colon absorbs nutrients, vitamins and minerals from the food you eat. It absorbs those that the small and large intestines miss.
  2. Clearly, vitamins, minerals and nutrients, are directly responsible in maintaining a healthy body. Without them, or without the correct levels, the body will soon become unhealthy, leading to a plethora of problems, and of course, if the body does not absorb any mineral/vitamins/nutrients, then this is fatal. When the colon, and the small and large intestine, work well, you feel well.
  3. You will find it easier to maintain a decent weight. This is because the body craves food when it does not have the necessary minerals/nutrients/vitamins, if your body is absorbing these well, it will not crave food, you will not be as hungry, and you will eat less.
  4. Your colon removes toxins from the body. This is essential, because toxins damage body tissues at every level, including molecular. If you do not eliminate toxins you will quickly become ill – this can express itself in many different ways, from bad skin to poor concentration, and everything in between.

A healthy colon will therefore lead to a healthy you, and nothing feels better than that. The good news is that it is really easy to maintain good colonic health. All you have to do is this:

  • Eat fresh fruit and vegetables
  • Eat whole grains (e.g. brown rice, brown bread, brown pasta)
  • Take a little exercise (this will help to improve blood flow and get things moving)
  • Stay hydrated (drink between 1.5 and 2.5 litres of liquid a day

That’s all there is too it, but you can help your colon a little more by using a regular colon cleanse.

There are several different types of colon cleanser available on the market at present. You have the Oxy powders, which are really good and many people like these products. You have the colonic irrigation, which, again, are very good, but not everyone is comfortable with the procedure. Then you have a variety of other supplements, such as Threelac and Fivelac, which add friendly bacteria to the guts, intestines and colon.

If you would like further information about, or are interested in buying, a colon cleanser then please visit

Keeping Your Colon in Top-Tip Condition

Colon health is fundamental to overall health. There are two reasons why it is one of the most important organs in the body:

  1. The colon is responsible for eradicating toxins: if the body fails to eradicate toxins, these toxins attack body tissues and change the functioning of certain cells; they may even play a role in the DNA changes seen in some cancers. It is vital, therefore, that toxins are eliminated from the body.

  2. The colon helps to remove nutrients from food: it is less important here, because the small and large intestine also have the same role. Nonetheless, it does improve nutrient levels in the body, and, as everybody knows, every little helps.

You need, then, to keep your colon working at optimum capacity. But, how do you do this? Well, there are several different things that you can do to help your colon do its job well. Here are a few of the most important factors for good colonic health:

  • You need to makes sure that you eat foods that are very high in dietary fibre (- which is also called soluble fibre). Such foods include fresh fruit and vegetables, brown rice, and whole grains, such as wheat and oats. Some fruit and veg are better than others in providing fibre. Bananas are very good, but they are calorific too, if you want to reduce your calorie intake too, then try watermelon instead, it contains a lot of fibre (don’t eat too much, though, because it can cause diarrhoea if your body is not used to it).

  • You need to drink lots of water. Water helps to ‘move things along’, keeps your stools soft (and therefore easier to move through the system), and helps keep the colon hydrated, which as with any organ in the body, is essential. Professionals recommend that you drink at least two litres of water, which is roughly the equivalent of eight glasses.

  • Avoid nicotine and, to a lesser degree, caffeine. These are each stimulants and they will speed up your metabolism. Food will move more quickly through the system, which when not to natural speed, will mean that nutrients are missed and that toxins are not eliminated enough. If it moves too quickly the system goes on overload and stops working efficiently.

  • Undertake a colon cleanse once or twice a month, or use a colon cleanse supplement every day for a month or two. You have several options here. Firstly, you can opt for a colonic irrigation. This is great, but you will need at least three courses before it removes everything. We recommend starting with a colonic irrigation, and then maintaining your colon health by using a supplement once or twice a month, and then have colonic irrigation once a year, just to keep it all going smoothly. If you cannot face the idea of an irrigation, then a regular oxy powder will be just as effective, but will take a little longer – again, keep up colon cleansing once or twice a month, and then once a year, do a full cleanse once more.

    If you would like to purchase a good colon cleanse, or would like to find out more, then please


Detox Diet: Why do People Do Them?

Modern life can wreak havoc on the body and sometime we need to do something about it. This can involve as little as doing a detox diet, lasting a few days to a week, and nothing much more. It is quite easy, and here, we will show you what to do and how to do it.

Following your detox diet, you should find that you have plenty more energy, that your mood is better and that your general sense of well-being is much improved.

A detox works by helping the colon to eliminate toxins better. Toxins can cause problems in the body because they attack body cells and prevent various cells from working properly. The colon is usually responsible for removing toxins, but sometimes, it needs a little help; particularly in the modern world where the body is constantly attacked by things it isn’t used to, such as processed foods.

There are a variety of different detox diets that you can choose; some promote the use of detoxification products and supplements, others by sticking to a single type of food. We personally recommend a combination of both. A colon cleanse supplement will really help to boost the eradication of toxins, but combine this with a diet of fresh, organic, fruit and vegetables for at least three days to really help eradicate all that nastiness of modern life. Make sure that you eat vegetables such as lentils and chickpeas, to ensure that you get enough protein. Stick to drinking water, too, because it contains no or very few if you opt for tap water, chemicals (aside from Hydrogen and Oxygen, of course!).

People go on detox diets to counteract some of the chemicals introduced to our bodies by modern life. You may be surprised about the sort of chemicals added to everyday food. For instance, did you know that many meats contain antibiotics? Farmers, particularly those that produce to mass markets, give their cattle antibiotics as a matter of course. These pass through the food chain and we end up eating them. There are also all of those pesticides on vegetables and fruit, which is why it is important to stick to the organic version of the detox diet, because they are free of all manmade chemicals. Then there is all of the pollution in the atmosphere – obviously there is nothing that you can do immediately to get rid of pollutants, but you can help your body to get rid of those that have encroached. A detox diet will help to eliminate all of these unwanted nasty things.

There are many benefits of detox diets, those that are most often reported are:

  • Increased energy

  • Improvements in complexion

  • Less bloating and flatulence

  • Increased metabolism (and weight loss)

  • Improved mood

  • Lower stress levels

  • Fewer symptoms of PMS

Combine the detox diet with a decent colon cleanse to help your body as much as possible. If you would like further information on colon cleansers, then please visit us at

Boost Your Immune System: Keep Your Colon Clean

The lower intestinal tract plays a very important role in the body: it eliminates toxins. It does this by compacting food and squeezing out all the goodness, what is left is waste, which it then moves along down the intestines. It also produces mucus, to make sure that the waste binds together, making it easier to move waste through the system. Unfortunately, the mixture can become very hard and very sticky, and when this happens it can stick to the intestinal and colonic walls, which causes a problem because these organs can no longer do their work effectively.

The waste that sticks to the walls and cannot be moved is called compacted waste. The causes for this substance are unclear, but most doctors agree that our modern diets have a lot to answer for – particularly the high levels of refined sugars (found in white breads, pastas, rice, biscuits and cereals). This is problematic because an unhealthy colon will lead to a weakening of the immune system, which will then cause widespread problems throughout the body.

Colon Cleanser

Colon Cleanser

Fortunately, a good colon cleansing session will remove compacted waste from the system. There are several different types of cleansers, and we will now look at each in turn.

Colonic Irrigation

Colonic Irrigation, also known as colon hydrotherapy, is a procedure whereby a tube is inserted into the rectum. Water is then pumped down the tube all the way into the upper intestines. The machine that pumps the water has a one way valve, so the water does not come back out straightaway; instead, the practitioner will massage the stomach in an attempt to loosen the compacted matter. Once they have done this they then ‘release’ the valve and suck the water out…along with years’ worth of compacted faecal matter.

It sounds a bit disgusting and many people find it too embarrassing to contemplate, but it does work, and it will increase your energy levels.

You will need between 3-6 treatments to make sure that the procedure removes all the waste.

Colon Cleansers

These are the most popular types of treatment and come as a tablet or a powder. They are non-medical procedures, and so can be done at home. All that happens is that you take a tablet and let the active ingredients work their magic through your intestines and colon. They are very good at eliminating toxins, but some people can go a little overboard and take them too often, which can cause problems. If you do choose this route then make sure that you do read the manufactures instructions and you only take them for the recommended period of time.

There are a wider range of colon cleansers available, so you will have to read the manufacture’s description of the product to make sure it is right for you.

Remember, that once your colon is clean, you will need to maintain this by eating a healthy diet. Do as the doctors recommend and eat plenty of vegetables and fruit, reduce your intake of red meat and swap refined food for whole foods and unprocessed foods.

If you would like to purchase a  colon cleanser please visit

Colon: Keep it Healthy, Keep Happy

The responsibility of the colon in the human body is to eliminate toxins and prevent them building up. The colon receives little press in the contemporary world, but it is paramount to good health. Problems with the colon can cause widespread problems within the body, weakening the immune system, causing depression, causing anxiety, causing migraines, etc. We feel, therefore, that it should be much more talked about than it is at present. Poor colonic health is contributing too many people’s poor health.

If you feel that you are a little run down, then you may have a problem with your colon. Fortunately, this is easily rectified. All you need to do is to take a colon cleanser, and make a few lifestyle changes. You will soon be feeling your happy, energetic, self once more.

Colon Cleanser

Colon Cleanser

There are several solutions for colon cleansing, and here we will take a closer look at the most popular ones.

  • Colonic Irrigation: this is the most invasive procedure and many people feel embarrassed by it. Here, the technician will insert a plastic tube into the rectum, they will then pump water into your body (your tummy will expand and you will feel the water sloshing around), they then massage your tummy to make sure that the water is picking up the compacted waste. Once they have done this they then ‘flush’ you out by releasing the water. It sucks all of the waste out, even stuff that may have been there years! It sounds a bit horrid, but it does work. Fortunately, though, it is not the only solution.
  • Colon Cleanser Supplements: you can purchase colon cleanser supplements online or in a pharmacy. They normally arrive as tablets or in powder form, which you then take with water. After about 12-24 hours, they will start to do their job, and will eliminate waste from the body. These are great if you want to avoid the embarrassment of colonic irrigation, but they are also good because you can take them to your own schedule – preferably when you know you will be near a toilet when ‘it’ happens!
  • Eat plenty of Fibre: Fibre is nature’s natural colon cleanser. Eating plenty of fibre will literally ‘sweep’ out your insides. Fibre is of a consistency that it acts, sort of, like a brush, brushing, sweeping and collecting waste from your lower intestinal tract and sweeping it out of the bottom. The best sources of fibre are fruit, vegetables, and whole wheat. You should avoid eating white bread, white pasta, and white rice, because it has a lot less fibre and the body finds it hard to digest – in fact, health practitioners think it may be the main cause of the increase in colonic ill health witnessed by many in today’s society. It is vital, when trying to maintain a healthy colon, that you consider your diet, you need to eat the foods with which the human body is familiar, and unfortunately, this means no processed food.

If you are interested in purchasing a high quality colon cleanser, then please visit

How to Clean Your Colon Non-Invasively

If you are reading this article, then it is probably because somebody (e.g. your doctor) has told you that you need to have a colon cleanse; or, for one reason or another, you think that it is time that you had your colon cleansed. For many people, this can be daunting, because what many people bring to mind when thinking about colon cleansing is colonic irrigation. Now, colonic irrigation is an embarrassing and invasive procedure and is something that most people wish to avoid. Fortunately, it is not the only solution to colon cleansing; there are many natural and man-made colon cleansers that require no invasive procedures.

You will need to have a colon cleanse if your colon is being sluggish, or if there is a great deal of waste compaction in the colon. When the colon is not working correctly, people can become lethargic, anxious and depressed, as well as suffering from a wide range of other symptoms, such as migraine, bloating, gas, diarrhoea, constipation, etc. These problems are caused by a build-up of toxins in the body, which the colon (- the organ responsible for removing toxins) has been unable to eradicate. At such times, a colon cleanser is essential.

Colon Cleanser

Colon Cleanser

Colonic irrigation can be painful, as well as embarrassing, and so it is essential for some of us that we find an alternative solution. The best products for a quick colon cleanse solution are the powders or tablet colon cleanser supplements. These are taken with water and within a few hours will help to eliminate waste – even the most compacted of waste matter. This will bring immediate relief to people suffering with constipation, bloating, and gas. Within a few days of treatment, you will find that your energy levels increase and that you general feelings of good health return. They can be a little expensive, but they are well worth the money if you are feeling down.

Once your colon is clean, you need to make sure that you help to maintain it that way. If you have had compacted matter, then this tells us that you have a poor diet, and so the first thing for you to do is to change your eating habits. If you have very bad stomach pains and cramps, then you must eliminate refined sugars from your diet. This means that you should not be eating any white bread, white pasta, or white rice. Instead, substitute these for brown versions. Additionally, you should be reducing your intake of carbohydrates, and so do try to eat less of these starchy foods, regardless of their colour. Fruit and vegetables are fantastic for maintaining colon health, so boost your intake of these – eat more than the recommended 5 a day, and try to eat more vegetables than fruit.

It is important that you make dietary changes because they will prevent problems in the future. You will feel much better in yourself, because a healthy body creates a healthy mind. If you are interested in finding out more about colon cleansers, then please visit

How to Maintain a Healthy Colon

Poor colon health can lead to a wide range of problems; problems that you may believe to be entirely unrelated. It is obvious that a poorly functioning colon will lead to bloating, gas, either diarrhoea or constipation, and abdominal cramping. However, it is less obvious that it can also lead to a poor complexion, reduction in energy levels, lethargy, depression, anxiety and migraine. The reason why those of the latter category are less obvious is because they seem largely unrelated to the colon. However, the colon eliminates toxins from the body, if the colon is not working correctly, toxins will move around the body and cause a range of problems, as those listed here.

Therefore, an impacted or lower functioning, colon will cause problems through the body. In this type of situation, many health problems can arise in the future. In such situations, therefore, a colon cleanse is imminent.

The first thing that you need to do is to increase the amount of liquid that you drink. It is recommended that the average person drinks two litres of liquid a day. This does not necessarily mean water, and there are certain teas and fruit juices that work wonders for the colon. These include green teas, apple juice, acai berry juice, prune juice and senna leaf tea.

Colon Cleanse

Colon Cleanse

Next, you will need to change your diet. Most importantly, you need to increase the amount of dietary fibre you are getting. Furthermore, refined wheat is harder to digest, and so you should be changing white bread, pasta, and rice for brown bread pasta and rice. You also need to increase your intake of fruit and vegetables – not too much fruit though, vegetables are much more important.

Thirdly, you need to increase your exercise levels. You should aim for around 30 minutes of exercise three times a week. This will speed up your metabolism and therefore increase the function of the colon – you will eliminate waste faster and it will not sit in the colon, where it will leak toxins into the body.

Next, you need to introduce a colon cleanse into your routine. These are supplements that you can buy online. They usually come in the form of soluble powder, which you then mix with water. These supplements take a few days to work, but they will clear out the colon and the lower intestinal tract. Please note, however, that you should only use a supplement for a week or so at a time, and then give your body a break. Use them every once in a while when you are feeling sluggish.

If you find that you are having severe problems with your colon, then you should visit a doctor, who will be able to give you further advice. Remember that colon health is essential, and that maintaining a healthy colon can help to prevent more serious problems, such as bowel cancer and such like.

If you are interested in purchasing a colon cleansing supplement, then please browse the range of products available at