Why This Supplement Sustains The Brain

The efficient working of your body depends entirely on your lifestyle and diet.  You should make sure that you take in enough nutrients by eating the right foods.  If you are a vegetarian you may have to take supplements.

NADH is a co-enzyme and is one of the most important produced by the body.  What is a co-enzyme?  They are made out of smaller enzymes than enzymes themselves. A collection of enzymes utilise this active form of vitamin B3 in the production of energy and water for our cells.

This substance is produced by converting the vitamin B3 that we ingest daily from our food.  If there is an insufficient intake of this vitamin then the body will utilise tryptophan (which is an amino acid) for the production of this co-enzyme.

If we have insufficient niacin (B3) in our body this will ultimately lead to an illness with symptoms such as diarrhoea and dementia.

What are the best sources of this vitamin?  It is predominantly found in milk products, eggs and leafy vegetables, but also in sunflower seeds, wholegrain products and nuts such as cashews.

The co-enzyme is found in meats, fish and poultry, but in this form it does not survive well when our food is cooked, so, therefore, it is better to increase the intake of vitamin B3 so that the body can produce it for itself.

In normal circumstances we derive enough nutrition from our daily food to produce this co-enzyme naturally, but if you are a vegetarian or you approach an advanced age then a supplement can increase energy levels.  However, taking supplements should be done under medical supervision.

It is believed that supplying the body with increased levels of this supplement may prevent the onset of Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s and also help people with forms of depressive illnesses.  Studies have shown that Alzheimer sufferers experienced increased cognitive levels and they certainly did not regress during the taking of this co-enzyme.

If you are suffering any of the above symptoms, no harm can be done just to try and increase your NADH levels so that you will soon feel better.  For people suffering from depression, it should be noted that the co-enzyme will improve serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain.

No research has found any negative side effects when taking a supplement of this nature.  Some people experienced increased anxiety or insomnia, but they had just taken too great a dose and if you limit yourself to a low dose every other day then this co-enzyme will improve your alertness.

Whilst side effects are negligible, it should also be pointed out that not enough research has gone into this by the relevant professional bodies, so data is not available to the contrary.

Many products of this nature are sold in health food shops, but increasingly you will find these products online.  You should always do your homework as to which product has been shown to work best, but please read up what the retailers say too.

The more recognised brands that the manufacturer says actually do work properly, are very pricey to buy and you need to be absolutely sure that this is the only way you can elevate this co-enzyme’s levels in your body.  Perhaps you could have a look at your diet first before deciding to take supplements.

For extensive information about the NADH products available we invite you to have a look at http://www.thefinchleyclinic.com/.

Why Health Is Linked To An Efficient Body

If you want to improve your wellbeing it is important to change your lifestyle.  Include fresh produce to your diet and take more exercise.  Cleansing your colon is a good start too.

If you have pets that need walking every day, have you noticed that when they go to the toilet on their walk, then you invariably need to as well as soon as you get home?  Pets need their walk in order to eliminate their waste and we, humans, are not any different.

In a simple way we are shown this way that exercise is important to our body.  Unfortunately we do not get much chance to go for a walk if we have a stressful office job.  Perhaps you will be able to take a stroll in the park in your break time.

Exercise is not the only step we can take to make our body healthy.  What we eat is also of vital importance.  Have you noticed that with such a busy life we often skip cooking and go for the easy pre-cooked meals we find in the super market, or we pick up a take-away such as a burger or a pizza?

Colon Cleanser

You need to know that these foods have very little nutritional value and eating this kind of rubbish over a prolonged period of time will make our digestive tract suffer.

If we want to be feeling good, have no head aches and be alert we should take a look at the DIY we do.  If you are doing a re-painting job on your home you have to go back to basics.  Preparation is the key and after you have stripped the old paint off, you apply a new layer.

In getting back to optimum health you should apply the same principles.  Your gut needs to be stripped of impacted faeces and you can get some good products such as Colosan to help you on your way.

This product is sold on the internet and some shops in your high street.  It is a cheap and effective powder which must be taken before a meal and dissolved in some water.  The taste is not great and for this reason a capsule form is also now available.

With the water you should also include some vinegar or lemon juice as the acidity of these products will help to facilitate the absorption of the powder.

There are some disadvantages in taking this product.  It is not a gentle way to clean your gut and for the first couple of days you will need to be near a toilet.

The product strips the old faecal matter away and the powder is good for people that need to lose weight and for those amongst us that are convalescing after an illness.  A clean colon will enable your body to take up more nutrients from the food we eat.  It should be said that the oxygen element in the formula is gentler at removing compacted matter than any fibrous product on the market.

It goes without saying that you need to alter the way you eat too.  Try and cook from scratch, to include healthy ingredients.  You should have plenty of fruit and vegetables and make sure that you do not eat too much red meat.

To buy Colosan to improve your intestinal tract, please have a look on The Finchley Clinic.

Why We Suffer Colon Problems

Have you ever wondered why we are often bloated and fat these days?  It has been proved that after the United States Britain is the most obese country in the western world.

The reason for this is that we have all become fast food addicts.  Fast food outlets will serve you huge portions of unhealthy refined fats, sugars and flour products with which our colon cannot cope.

This food is convenient for people who are short of time due to work pressure and they are also a relatively cheap way to feed the family.  If you eat these particular foods all the time you will probably begin to feel ill as your system cannot cope with all this sticky food.

The upshot of all this unwanted nutrition is that our intestines get clogged up and impacted old faeces will start to cling to the intestine wall.  This will prevent the colon from working properly and nutrition will not reach our vital organs.

oxy powder

When you start feeling bloated you will probably reach for the laxatives.  They will give you some relief as they will make you go to the toilet to shift some of this unwanted debris.  Many people these days also use them to lose some of the weight they have gained.  Beware, although you might feel better initially, these products will not clean your colon at the same time.  They may even be too abrasive and harmful to your stomach lining.

If you really want to make your intestines healthy you should have a look at a product called oxy powder.  This natural remedy you will be able to find in your local health food store or the many retailers that promote natural products on-line.

In order to use this powder correctly you can do no better than go on line and read the many instructions that are posted out there for effective relief.

The online sites will tell you that you have to take this powder for a week, starting with an initial dose at bedtime on the first day.  This dose should give you about five visits to the toilet the next day.  If you have achieved this then your course of powders can begin.

This product should be taken in tandem with a sensible diet and a generous water intake.  After taking the powder before a meal in the morning you should eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean meat and whole grains.

The reason you take this product on an empty stomach is that it reacts with your stomach acids to get your bowels moving.  If you find that your stomach acid is low, then you can take this product with a little lemon juice to produce the required reaction.

When you have sorted yourself out you can continue using the powders every other day before bed time to keep your gut healthy.  The oxygen in this product is needed by the healthy bacterial in your gut to enable them to thrive and keep a balance between good and bad bacteria.

If you have problems with your intestinal tract why not read up on oxy powder at Thefinchleyclinic.com.

What Is This Co-Enzyme?

This co-enzyme is naturally produced by our body to promote the production of energy and water for our cells.  In later life you may want to take a supplement of this enzyme when our bodies become less efficient.

It is difficult to know these days what supplements to take to improve our overall health.  Especially since we are not sure whether the food we eat, especially the convenience meals have any beneficial effects on our bodies.

To be absolutely sure you will have to do your research on the internet whether any supplement is either necessary or safe.  As we are talking about NADH in this article you need to know what it is first of all and how this co-enzyme plays a role in the interaction between the cells in our body.

When you read about this biological form of hydrogen you will find out that it is the active form of the vitamin B3.  This compound is made by our body and, as such, is not considered a vitamin.

Because our body produces this compound, it is debatable that we derive much benefit from eating products that contain it.  This co-enzyme is generally found in any meats such as fish, poultry and cattle.

What role does this substance play in our body?  This co-enzyme helps other enzymes in the chemical reactions that occur in our body all the time.  It helps to produce water and energy for the cells. This reaction stimulates clarity, alertness, concentration and memory and the greatest concentration of this enzyme is found in the heart and brain.


Companies that promote this substance as a supplement say that increased usage of it will make cells even more alert and energetic and will prolong their life.

As we age our bodies will become less efficient in producing life enhancing substances and it can be argued that extra supplements will meet a shortfall to keep certain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s at bay.

To date there are no safety concerns in taking these supplements, but it needs to be made clear that they have yet to be evaluated properly by the relevant medical bodies.  For this reason, you should always consult your physician before embarking upon such a course of action.

According to some studies, people with Alzheimer’s did seem to have improved cognitive responses. Therefore, at this time there is a case to be made to support the taking of this product.

You need to make sure that this product is not taken with other stimulants as this will make you anxious and your sleep patterns will be disturbed.  Although not enough study has been done, it seems that low doses of this supplement are best and they should not be taken every day.

To date there are no debilitating side effects recorded other than the ones mentioned above and so long as low doses are taken you should benefit from taking this supplement.

The conclusion and general consensus is that if you feel the need to add this supplement to your diet, it seems fairly safe to do so as long as you inform your physician.  If you do experience some interesting side effects, your doctor is likely to be very mindful of them and, therefore, you should discuss these with him or her.

For further information about NADH and dosage please refer to Thefinchleyclinic.

Why Decreasing Oxygen Levels Are Bad For Health

It is a fact that our modern world is a less healthy place to live as far as oxygen levels are concerned.  Not only are we breathing less of it, we also eat all the wrong things to keep our intestines healthy.

These days the air we breathe has deteriorated in quality and we inhale less oxygen than our great grand parents did in their day.  The reason for this is, as we all know, the increased pollution, the cutting down of vast forests and other heinous acts we perform in our congested world.

As if this was not enough our modern lifestyle has brought us factory produced convenience foods that are full of refined ingredients that do nothing for our digestion.

The result is to be seen all around us.  Many people have become morbidly obese and a variety of diseases are attributed to our lifestyle.

Aerobic Oxygen

It is no wonder that toxins are piling up within our body.  The lack of oxygen allows acids to build up too which, in turn depletes oxygen levels within.  You can see; it is a vicious cycle.

However, we can remedy this situation by researching aerobic oxygen which many on line retailers and also high street outlets are selling in liquid form these days.  This product is natural and safe to be taken by all ages in the population.  Drops should be diluted in clean water.  They should not be taken in hot drinks such as tea or coffee.

You will know when you have taken too high a dosage of this product if you suffer from diarrhoea or vomiting.  This is not serious; you should just reduce the intake.  Your body will tell you soon enough to take it easy.

If you smoke, drink or often go to bed late, i.e. have a relatively unhealthy life style, you may have to build up the dose of this oxygen until your body has responded to it.

This wonder product has many other uses too.  It is a must have remedy if you are embarking on a holiday trip to a country with a less than perfect drinking water system.  A few drops in water will kill most anaerobic bacteria.  If you are in such a country you should also use the treated water when brushing your teeth.

Apart from using these drops in this manner, you can also add it to water in which you are going to rinse your fruit and vegetables and you could use it as a household cleaner around the home.

It has been claimed by some physicians that lack of oxygen can be the cause of many cancers in the body.  Although this has not been proven clinically and hereditary factors play a major part in the onset of these ailments.

What is certain, however, is that some unpleasant symptoms can be attributed to oxygen depletion and we can do something to alleviate these by taking the oxygen supplement.  These ailments are yeast infections, impaired mental capacity and immune system problems.

The increased oxygen levels in the blood that this product will afford you will keep good bacteria in balance with the bad ones, thus creating a healthy environment in which our digestive tract will start working properly again.

In order to purchase aerobic oxygen and to learn more about its efficacy please visit thefinchleyclinic.com.

How To Cure Bloating

There are several ways to relieve a bloated stomach and constipation.  By going to the doctor, taking a laxative or taking a colon cleanser you can get relief from these symptoms.

If your colon is congested then your body will not work to its maximum capacity.  Consequently the food we eat will be poorly digested and we will not derive the nutrients we need to keep our body healthy.

How do you know when you have a problem?  All kinds of symptoms will present themselves, such as bloating, feeling tired all the time and you get constipated because you do not go to the toilet every day.

If this happens to you, body waste will pile up in your colon and will start to compact which will upset the fine balance of your intestinal tract and will put organs at risk.

There are a couple of things that you can do if you start feeling under the weather.  You can go to your doctor, take a laxative or you can go to a natural health site on the internet and purchase a colon cleanser such as oxy powder.

Perhaps the doctor should be the first port of call as at the surgery they can check you over and you can discuss your options.  If your physician gives you a prescription, it would be worth your while checking out the ingredients on line.

Oxy Powder

Say he gives you an anti-biotic.  The medicine might clear up your symptoms, but at a cost.  Although these medicines will make you better after a few days, you need to understand that an anti-biotic will kill good bacteria as well as bad. Our gut harbours many bacteria and most of the time they are in total harmony with another.  If you destroy the good inhabitants of your colon you will begin to have problems.

Laxatives are an alternative.  However, many laxatives in the market place are very harsh to the colon lining although they will make you go to the toilet very soon.  These over the counter laxatives are cheap to buy and they do promote bowel movement.  What they do not do is cleanse your gut at the same time.

Compacted waste will still cling to the bowel lining, preventing it working properly.  The third option, the oxygenating powder you can buy from health stores.  The ingredients this product contains are all natural and the best way to go on a detox with these is in conjunction with a healthy diet and an adequate water intake.

This product should be used for a week, starting with an intake of capsules at night.  You should have five or more stools the next day which are mostly of a watery consistency.  If you have achieved this, then you should take the product as directed every morning on an empty stomach.

This powder will interact with your stomach acids. You may experience withdrawal like symptoms such as headaches and flu like aches and pains in your joints.  This is normal, but if they persist beyond a reasonable time, then you should consult your physician.

This product will work best if you adopt a healthy life style with plenty of fruits and vegetables and lots of water, of course.

If you would like more information about oxy powder please visit our website at thefinchleyclinic.com.