Have you ever wondered, when you compare people of a similar age, that some look older than others? The same is true of the workings within the body.  We are similar, but some of us are just healthier inside too.  It could be that we had a good start in life with the right foods, but most of it has also to do with your genes.

The way our intestines processes foods differ between people too.  However, if you do not move your bowels at least once per day, it could be because you are constipated. Not expelling waste matter regularly can leave you open to infections because of an impaired immune system.  It is sensible, therefore, that you cleanse your colon.  This can be done with the help of a dietary product called Colosan.


You will now ask yourself why impacted matter in the colon could make you ill.  Well, the debris that lies around for too long will cling to the wall of the digestive tract.  This will make it much more difficult for your body to derive enough nourishment from what we have eaten.

There is another problem that occurs with impacted faeces.  It produces toxins.  These toxins can move through the intestinal wall into the blood stream where they are transported through circulation to the organs.

These toxins are able to build up because bacteria that need oxygen to function will all of a sudden find themselves in an oxygen poor environment in which they die off.

The dietary supplement will introduce oxygen to your intestinal tract which will cause the faecal impacted matter to dissolve and to re-establish a balance between beneficial and other gut flora.  Although, when anaerobic bacteria take the upper hand you will start to feel unwell and lethargic, we still need them around as they do perform some functions.

It is a much cheaper option to cleanse your colon with Colosan, rather than book a colonic irrigation session at your local clinic.  The supplement will clean the whole length of your intestinal tract of any debris; not just the colon area.  Irrigation can only reach the end of your intestines, thus not cleansing thoroughly.

Colonic irrigation is expensive and not as thorough and, above all, it will remove both beneficial and bad bacteria.  With the introduction of oxygen by the dietary product the good bacteria will thrive and will thus not be affected.

You will suffer a bout of loose stools for a few days, but that is normal because the excess faecal waste is expelled.  Even with colonic irrigation debris will be removed with copious amounts of water.

It is advisable to alter your diet and substitute processed foods with an abundance of fresh legumes and lean meats.  It will take you a little longer to prepare a meal, but your intestines will be thankful for it.  Vegetables and fruit contain fibres as well as vitamins.  Fibres will not be utilised by the body, but they will keep the intestinal wall clean.

Because Colosan is an easy way to cleanse your bowels you may want to do some further reading at http://www.thefinchleyclinic.com/shop/colosan-capsules-120-caps-p-25.html

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If you feel generally not on top form there may be several reasons for this.  It is likely, however that something is going on in your intestinal tract that, of course, you cannot observe.  Or is it?  Every individual has a different rate at which food is processed, but roughly speaking you should be going to the toilet at least once per day to pass a stool.

If this is not the case, then old debris is left behind and you may have become constipated.  This can lead to all kinds of complications as your body is not able to pick up nutrients and the impacted waste will start to form toxins which can pass through the intestinal lining.


The prudent step to take is to try and get rid of impacted matter.  This you can do by taking a natural product called Fivelac.  This supplement contains five different strains of bacteria which, when taken together in one product will help to stabilise the PH levels in your intestinal tract.  They will introduce oxygen and probiotics to your system so that the good bacteria can go to work to attack the impacted debris to liquefy it.

The toxins mentioned above will, once they enter the bloodstream cause all kinds of problems, amongst which an overgrowth of yeast which is caused by anaerobic bacteria, i.e. they thrive without oxygen, to overwhelm the good bacteria.

A yeast overgrowth causes candida and thrush which are a menace to get rid of.  However if you re-establish a balance between the two bacteria, your immune system will perk up and will better be able to fight off the infection.

It is a no hassle supplement to add to your daily diet and it should be taken with a little water.  This product has shown not to have any adverse side effects and people who take it have generally been very positive about the efficient working of the supplement.

You will feel a little worse for the first few days as your body is ridding itself of the yeast overgrowth.  Impacted and now malleable debris will also produce loose motions.   It is, therefore, advised not to stray too far from the bathroom to prevent embarrassing accidents.

Of course, you have to ensure that you change your lifestyle too.  You should definitely stay away from convenience foods such as ready meals and commercial sauces as these contain starches which may have caused the overgrowth in the first place.

You must ensure that you keep your large and small intestines clear of debris and you can do this by starting to eat fresh greens and more fruit.  These foods have enough roughage in them.  It is also beneficial to take some probiotics which the above supplement will supply you with.  Not all people can take yoghurt products as some of us may be lactose intolerant.

These work by the dislodging of waste materials for easy removal from the body.

All dietary supplements including Fivelac can be obtained from reputable internet sites including http://www.thefinchleyclinic.com/shop/fivelac-p-55.html.

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It seems to me that, reading articles online, that yeast overgrowth is on the increase.  It causes a very unpleasant condition called candida that can turn up anywhere.  Most often the genitalia of both men and women are involved.  It is easily spread between couples and it difficult to get rid of.

Sometimes it affects other parts of the body too, such as the mouth, when we often call it thrush.  This persistent growth should be cured as quickly as possible as it can adversely affect organs of the body when it is left unchecked.  One way to do this is to take a totally natural and simple product called Threelac.



A yeast overgrowth can be caused by several factors.  Modern medicines such as antibiotics are the number one culprits.  It rids our bodies of beneficial as well as harmful organisms in our intestinal area on top of killing the bacteria that made us ill in the first place.  If you should not correct the imbalance you will leave your digestive tract vulnerable.

The second culprits are our modern convenience foods.  It is now so easy to produce a meal in minutes when we have been busy at work all day.  However you should know that they are packed with many unhealthy ingredients such as refined flours and sugars.

These are hard to digest and often linger around our gut for a long time.  They stick to the intestinal wall and become hard and compacted.  This results in our body not being able to absorb enough nutrients to function properly.

It is much better to take a little longer to prepare nutritious meals out of fresh produce such as leafy vegetables and fruit.  These contain healthy amounts of roughage that will keep our intestinal walls clean.

The supplement already mentioned above will provide extra oxygen to our gut.  The resulting benefit is that the beneficial intestinal flora will utilise this to thrive and so attack the impacted matter.

This will result in passing some liquid stools for a couple of days whilst your body is ridding itself of the unwanted baggage.  You should know that Threelac is a natural dietary supplement that has no known nasty side effects save for the above mentioned liquid stools.  If the soft stools do not appear, then it is advisable to increase the dosage of the supplement until all is working well for you.

You may feel a little under the weather when you experience yeast die back too.  This is understandable as you will have some withdrawal symptoms that will disappear within a few days.

With successful elimination of impacted matter you will feel more energised and healthy after a few days, your immune system will be strengthened and you may prevent more serious illnesses in the long run.  A healthy immune system is really important, especially as we age and our bodies become less efficient.  As you can see it is a much better option to cure your body the natural way.

If you need more information about the natural dietary supplement Threelac you should log on to http://www.thefinchleyclinic.com/shop/threelac-p-1.html

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Without a balanced intestinal flora for which oxygen is needed we will start to suffer all kinds of maladies such as repeated infections, yeast overgrowth and other debilitating conditions such as fatigue and brain fog.  It is really dangerous to let matters slide and hope you will soon feel better again.

Your first thought may be that you should go on a course of antibiotics to set you on the right path.  This is indeed what we did in the past.  However, a natural supplement such as Aerobic oxygen is much more beneficial to your wellbeing.

Antibiotics have been a destructive force for so long in our lives as good as well as bad bacteria are killed off to fight an illness.  This will leave you very vulnerable and open to more infections if you do not sort out the balance in your intestinal tract.  Another worrying thing is that our bodies are proving increasingly resistant to antibiotics and ever stronger doses are needed to battle an illness.

Aerobic Oxygen

Of course, many people have been saved by this modern medicine too, but it should always be taken as an absolute last resort if nothing else is working.  It is much better to tackle any problem with natural products first.

Have a good look at your diet.  Are you eating the right things?  So often our digestive tract gets impacted and, therefore compromised, so that our intestines cannot take up enough nutrients from our food.  The reason for this is that glutinous substances which are found in refined foods prove impossible to remove because they will stick to the delicate gut lining.  The result of this is that they become hard and impacted.

If our colon is unable to expel these, very often the first sign is that we do not go to the toilet as often as we should.  You can imagine if waste matter piles up inside us, this cannot be good for your system.

So, the first thing that should be done is to ditch anything unhealthy in your larder.  We need fresh fruits and vegetables for roughage, antioxidants, nutrients and vitamins.

Now your larder is full of nutritious foods, you should give the above dietary supplement a go to rid yourself of debris which is stopping you from getting well.  Like similar products the aim of this product is to introduce increased levels of oxygen to your gut.

The good bacteria need this extra boost to enable them to thrive and tackle the impacted matter.  This is done by liquefying and softening this waste so that it can be got rid of in the natural way.

In the first couple of days you will unfortunately have to stay near a toilet as you will experience loose stools as the waste gets out of your system.  This is nothing to worry about as it is a visible sign that the supplement is working well.

Aerobic oxygen has no known debilitating and worrying side effects and if you should want to learn more please visit our website at http://www.thefinchleyclinic.com/shop/aerobic-oxygen-60ml-p-20.html .

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It is not until we start feeling unwell that we begin to think how best to get better again.  What we may not realise, however, that illness often starts with a malfunctioning digestive tract.  Normally our small and large intestines process what we eat very efficiently.

Unfortunately in our Western society we eat far too many processed foods that are very difficult to deal with by our bodies.  These refined foods tend to stick to our intestinal wall and starts to clog our system up.  You will have to rid yourself of this waste somehow and one of the things you can do is to buy a dietary product called Oxy powder.

Oxy powder

How do you realise that all is not well?  You may be suffering recurring infections and lethargy.  You may develop candida which is a yeast overgrowth.  These are all symptoms that need to be cleared up before they start taking over our organs causing lasting damage.

When refined foods are not successfully expelled from our colon they impact and cause them to harden.  You may suffer constipation and you may not go to the toilet regularly.  These are all signs that all is not well with your intestines.

The above mentioned powder is designed to deliver a large amount of oxygen to your intestines to help the good bacteria to deal with processing this impacted waste.  These aerobic bacteria, as they are called, thrive when there is oxygen present and the waste will be liquefied with the help of the extra oxygen that is introduced.

Impacted waste produces toxins that cause the good bacteria to die off and thus creating an imbalance between good and bad.  Anaerobic bacteria are the organisms that thrive in an oxygen poor environment.

As you can imagine, there are some side effects associated with taking this supplement.  The first is the die back of the anaerobic bacteria, which may cause you to feel a little nauseous for a couple of days.

The second effect that you will notice is that you have liquid stools for a few days as the excess waste is removed.  These symptoms are entirely normal as you can imagine and will subside soon as the intestinal situation is normalised.

As soon as the balance between good and bad bacteria has been re-established, your body will be able to take up nutrients from our food more efficiently with the result that you will start to feel better again.  Your immune system will be boosted and your body will be able to fight off infections successfully and swiftly.

To prevent recurring problems it is important that you should start eating healthy foods again.  This means ditching starch laden foods such as white bread and baked confectionery and, surprisingly, many tinned foods and sauces that have been thickened with gluten.  It is much better to visit the farmers’ markets again over a weekend and buy decent amounts of fresh fruit and vegetables.

If you are interested to know more about Oxy powder and how it works, please visit http://www.thefinchleyclinic.com/shop/oxy-powder-120-capsules-p-39.html

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