Endive, Bayberry or Daisy

There’s a large genus of plant that covers a number of flowers we are all aware of. Some of them make for good salads such as Belgian endive.

But that particular one was discovered more or less by accident and doesn’t grow in the wild. In fact, it’s notoriously difficult for amateur gardeners to grow at all.

As with so many plants there are known to be some health benefits and as supplements they are easy to buy. But there is the curious case of one related plant that used to be sold as a bayberry formula.


The problem with that plant was that despite the fact it has been used for many hundreds of years for treatments and even beer making, there are occasional side-effects. Despite the point that the version that was always available as a supplement never had any cause for alarm didn’t stop the EU from banning the sale.

In its place the product wild endive has taken over. This plant cum supplement, shares a number of identical properties. Its primary role is to aid digestion and to help tackle outbreaks of candida.

All of us carry some amounts of candida in our gut. Along with trillions of bacteria it seems they all have some purpose in aiding digestion by helping to break down food in the intestine.

Unfortunately, with our generally unhealthy diet and stressed lifestyle, it’s easy for an imbalance with an overgrowth or even a deficiency of some of the essential bacteria.

Spotting candida overgrowth is usually a fairly simple matter. But keeping in mind the fact that it can become noticeable at one or other or even both ends of the complete digestive tract, it’s not just localised treatment that will become necessary.

It may be visible at the back of the throat or even on fingernails but the problem still lies deep within us; usually concentrated in the small intestine.

So a combination of supplements as well as ointments should be taken together. If you only like to treat with natural remedies then wild endive ingested and surprisingly, coconut oil externally applied, may be just right for you.

Four Tips That Can Help You Ward Off the Candida Infection Once and for All

If you’ve ever suffered with candida, then you too are privileged to have experienced that incessant itching that comes along with it. Candida in itself is rarely dangerous, but it can be in people taking immunosuppressant drugs,   or who have a compromised immune system. However, for those of us who are healthy, the itch is nonetheless infuriating, even if it is relatively benign. Fortunately, there are few things that you can do to deal with the candida infection.

1.    Take the correct medicine
If you are already infected, then you should take a trip to your local pharmacist where they can sell you a special anti-fungal medicine. Typically, you take a capsule containing fluconazole and rub a topical cream into the infected area. This tackles the infection on two fronts.
2.    Take a supplement to help keep certain areas healthy
You can get thrush (another word for the candida infection) practically anywhere in the body, from the toes to the ears. Taking a supplement such as Oxygen Element Max can really help control the infection and to prevent it from recurring. It does this by ensuring your body is healthy and an infertile ground for the infection to proliferate.

3.    Take a probiotic
Usually, you develop a candida infection because your body has too few friendly bacteria to keep the yeast infection at bay (candida is a yeast. All these different terms can be confusing, but candida goes by many different names).

If you are lacking in the type of probiotics that can help to fight off candida, then it stands to reason that you should take an appropriate supplement. You can find many online, but your doctor might be able to prescribe you some too.

4.    Eat a healthy diet and exercise well
If you keep your body healthy, you make it a welcoming place for your friendly bacteria and an unwelcoming place for bad bacteria and yeast. Keeping a healthy lifestyle can massively help you to remain candid free.

If you would like further help and advice about candida-fighting supplements and probiotics, then please visit https://www.thefinchleyclinic.com/shop

Find out How to Tell If You Need a Colon Cleanse

Do you think you need a colon cleanse, but you aren’t sure whether you do or don’t? If so, you have come to the right place. Here, we are going to teach you how to tell if you need a colon cleanse. A dirty colon can be incredibly uncomfortable and it can make you feel tired and sluggish, so it’s important that you recognise the signs of when you may need a colon cleanse.

The Signs That You Need a Colon Cleanse
Many signs exist that indicate a colon cleanse is in order. Here, we are going to look at the top signs:

1.    Long-term constipation
It’s normal to become constipated from time to time, but if it’s happening all the time, then that’s something to which you should be paying attention. It isn’t normal to suffer from long-term constipation, so if it’s a recurring problem, have a colon cleanse and see if that helps.

2.    Gas and bloating
This usually happens when you’re lacking probiotics in the digestive tract. Probiotics (aka friendly bacteria) will consume gasses, such as sulphur, and render them non-gassy (they’re very clever!). When your colon is dirty, it can kill off your friendly bacteria because they need healthy conditions in which to thrive.

3.    You have recurring candida infections.
Candida infections, otherwise known as thrush/yeast infections, can often be caused by a dirty colon. This is because it affects the amount of friendly bacteria in the body. Friendly bacterial usually serves to keep candida in check, but if you’re missing the good bacteria, the yeast infection can proliferate.


If it does, you then need to prevent it from happening again by maintaining a good diet, 20 minutes of exercise a day, and taking Colosan capsules. If the problems persist, please visit your GP, who may be able to give you further help and advice.

If you would like to learn more about Colosan capsules, and other colon cleansing products, please visit our website.