Part of today’s problem with obese children and adults is the ignorance people have about the values of the food they eat. Many people eat what they like the taste of and with children this is often sweet things at the expense of healthy things.

Many people of a certain age will remember being virtually force fed their greens by their parents when they were small tots. Eat your greens they are good for you or eat your carrots they’ll help you see in the dark.

Unfortunately many parents today lead by bad example and eat simply what they like the taste of without any thought to the nutritional values.


Biocare from Finchley Clinic

The digestive system is designed to break down foods into essential nutrients and water to be absorbed mainly in the small and large intestine. When certain nutrients or vitamins are in short supply things can go wrong with the body and it is now thought that most problems are linked in this way to poor diets of junk foods.

There are known benefits of various essential fatty acids in controlling many parts of a healthy body and these are known as Omega 3, 6 and 9. In this content the word essential has a slightly less than usual interpretation as it means the body cannot produce the fats on its own.

The range of Omega fatty acids can only be digested in whole form and the bulk of them come from dark green vegetables, fruit and berries as well as many types of fish with some being far more concentrated than others.

Going back many decades every mother in the UK used to give small children a spoonful of cod liver oil. This tradition goes all the way back to malnourishment in children after the First World War and continued for many generations further.

The human body cannot make its own Omega 3, 6 and 9 and has to get it from an outside source and as most of the source comes from all the things young children mostly hate like oily fish, dark fresh greens like curly kale and so on, it is hardly surprising that since kids these days are no longer bullied into eating they are simply not getting enough.


The various supplements Biocare available at reputable online stores like The Finchley Clinic can boost the Omega levels in the body and there are many claims from authorities in every aspect of medical and alternative care of the benefits derived from this.

As with any supplement this is not designed to replace any medical advice you may have received or medicines you may be prescribed but if you read the contents of these pages and especially the posts left by others who have tried and benefitted then you should be able to choose from the full range of products a number that you feel will be beneficial to yourself.

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