Probiotics: Is It Something You Should Consider Taking?

There are hundreds of health supplements available on the market, and one of the most common ones, and part of an expanding market, are the probiotics. As with any health supplement, we have a bunch of people on one side touting them as the elixir of life, and a bunch of people on the other side, saying they’re just nonsense. Given this, it can be confusing trying to work out if it’s a supplement that you should consider taking. So, if you’re uming and ahing about Biocare products, or bifidus disgestous (or whatever it’s called), then you’ve come to the right place. Here, we’re going to consider the place of probiotics in our lives.

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How Do You Choose the Right Vitamin/Mineral Supplement?

The government is about to issue guidelines concerning vitamins and mineral health products. They will advise that we all take a daily multi-vitamin supplement to make up for any shortfall in our diets. This means that more and more of us will start to take a multi-vitamin. Here, we have provided you with some information to help you make the right choice when buying health supplements. Whether you’re buying health products London, Southampton, or any particular town, or you’re buying them online, you need to follow this advice to get the most from your supplement, and to stay safe.

you’re buying health products London

  1. Unless otherwise instructed by your doctor, choose a multi vitamin, rather than a single vitamin. This will help to ensure that you plug all the gaps in your diet. You may believe that you lack a specific vitamin, but unless you have your full blood analysed you can never know for sure. It is always better to be safe than sorry. The only exception is if you need to avoid certain vitamins. For example, if you are taking the acne treatment Accutane, you need to avoid Vitamin A.
  2. Make sure that the supplement provides almost your recommended daily amount (RDA) of the particular vitamin. It is important that you do not take vitamins exceeding your RDA because dangerous levels can accumulate. This is true of some vitamins and not others, so do your research to find out which vitamins your body stores easily, and which it will flush out (e.g. the body stores vitamin A easily, and so it can quickly build to dangerous levels when taken in excess. This can lead to liver damage. Make sure you take a supplement with less vitamin A than RDA).
  3. Whether you’re buying health products London or online, you need to check the ingredients to make sure there are no additives that are dangerous for you. For example, many supplements contain wheat and gluten and so are dangerous for people celiac disease.

 If you would like to browse a collection of health products London, then please visit thefinchleyclinic

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There are around seven billion people on planet Earth and that’s the number 7 followed by 10 zeros but if you want an idea of how many live bacteria there are you would have to add another one million zeros.

Bacteria are little microorganisms that live everywhere from in the earth to inside our guts. It must have been the most extraordinary moment in one man’s life when he made the first powerful enough microscope to see them in a scraping he took from an old man’s tooth.


That happened in Delft nearly three and a half centuries ago and the same man was the first to see red blood cells and spermatozoa.

At birth a baby has absolutely no bacteria but at the very first cry they will be in the mouth and traveling south. An extraordinarily weird sounding concept but without some of these bacteria inside our gut we would not live.

This symbiotic arrangement means we give a home to these bacteria and they help break down food to enable us to absorb nutrients. They also help create our immune system and despite some types being described as bad where others are supposedly good the fact is they must all have some purpose.

For thousands of generations humans have existed by growing vegetables and catching fish and meat when possible. It is only during the past couple of generations that the habit of buying heavily processed supermarket food has become the norm.

Instead of a more balanced diet we are eating a lot of junk and sadly this applies to many young children who quickly get into the habit of thinking a readymade pie made with over processed white flower laced with salt as a preservative along with a fizzy drink that can be up to fifty per cent sugar, is normal.

When feeling bloated or constipated there is a theory that products like Threelac can assist by introducing millions of known good bacteria into the intestines to bring some relief but at the same time perhaps we should all take a closer look at what we are eating.

For Threelac log on to thefinchleyclinic

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Have you ever watched people as they walk by when you are sitting quietly having a glass of wine? You will not fail to have noticed that there are so many obese people around. Yes, the world population is getting bigger by the minute.

The reason for this is that there are too many refined sugars and flours about which are very hard for our digestive systems to cope with and they also cause many diseases such as diabetes and a yeast overgrowth called candida.

If you find yourself in a position where you are often bloated, suffer from diarrhoea or constipation, the chances are that your digestive tract is overloaded with indigestible foodstuffs. You can do something about it and the easiest way to get rid of this impacted waste is to take a dietary supplement called Threelac.



This supplement is a good way to deliver probiotics right to the heart of the problem. It is especially beneficial to people who find foods that contain these, such as milk products, which those amongst us that are lactose intolerant, cannot take.

Although this product contains minute traces of lactose, it is generally well tolerated by most people. However, there are other supplements on the market that do pretty much the same thing for those who find even the smallest trace difficult to digest.

The aim of the three bacilli is to re-oxygenate the intestinal tract so that the beneficial flora can do its work to liquefy impacted matter. Candida is the result of a yeast overgrowth which started in your intestinal tract because of the blockage caused by impacted waste.

You can imagine if waste sticks to the intestinal lining then your body cannot take up the necessary nutrients from the food that is eaten. The impacted matter produces toxins which allow the yeast loving anaerobic bacteria to thrive as they love an unhealthy atmosphere where there is a scarcity of oxygen present.

The probiotic bacteria will allow the aerobic bacteria to recover so that a balance between good and bad can once more be established.

If the balance is not restored in your intestines and nutrients cannot be picked up by the bloodstream to nourish the body your immune system will be compromised. The result of this is that your body will be unable to fight infections such as a candida overgrowth.

This in turn can allow the condition to become chronic with serious results. An unhealthy gut can also cause other diseases to take hold. So you can see that many ailments have their origin in your digestive system.

Of course, the process involves some discomforts as you can well imagine. For a start you will suffer some loose stools for a few days. It cannot be otherwise as liquefied matter will have to be expelled somehow.

Initially you may also have increased symptoms of being unwell which are absolutely normal and is the result of fungal die-off.


Our modern lifestyles have allowed the world population to reach a greater age. It has also produced drugs to stave off diseases which in earlier times put an untimely end to our lives. However, some of these drugs have come to haunt us as bad bacteria and pathogens in our bodies have developed a resistance to them.

Antibiotics are a case in point and doctors, especially in the country I live, are advocating strengthening our immune systems with natural products. In the United Kingdom you can do the same by researching health products London for natural alternatives to antibiotics.

Health products London

I have a friend who is now 91 who was recently advised by her doctor to take probiotics so that her body would be able to fight off viruses and other illnesses that so often floors the elderly. My friend is not, of course, in as good a health as a younger person might be, but for her age she is in fantastic shape.

So much so that she takes herself off to the beach each morning to have a good swim. She has to be assisted in this by being driven there by someone as her eyesight prevents her from driving herself in the last year or so.

If we would all take more exercise and lead a healthier lifestyle there is no reason to believe that more people would live to a healthier old age. As the saying goes, if you do not use it, you will lose it and nothing is truer than taking regular exercise every day to stop the muscles from seizing up and keeping the circulation going.

Of course, some are luckier than most because they live in a less polluted place or they have a natural propensity towards good health. Even in cities you can keep yourself healthy by walking rather than taking public transport. It would serve you well too to have a good look at what you eat every day. Eating healthily does not cost the earth; it merely requires you to spend a little longer in the kitchen to cook meals from scratch.

You can reduce your time in the kitchen by making a healthy meal such as a stew which can be dressed up as other meals, for instance by adding some spices to last a few days.

If you are intolerant to milk products and can, therefore, not take probiotics in lactose form, modern health products are there to help you. Probiotics are available in pill or powder form and although they can contain minute traces of lactose which bothers very few people. However, there are also oxygenating supplements available that have no lactose in them at all.

Convenience foods are all well and good in our busy lives, but they should be consumed sparingly as they contain all kinds of unnecessary ingredients such as starches and colourings to tempt the eye rather than the stomach.

Here Is A Sure Way To Get Over Candida

Again there was a warning about the public taking in too much sugar the other day.  It is to be found in everything these days, including foods, fizzy drinks and sweets, of course.  The population seems to be going towards obesity which brings with it all kinds of diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

We have got to change our diets to stay healthy and if you suffer from bouts of candida which can also manifest itself as thrush there is a simple first step you can take by taking a dietary supplement called Threelac.

ThreelacIt seems too easy to think that this product is able to rid your body of candida, but the simple fact is that this is a yeast overgrowth that is caused by consuming too many refined foods.  This will cause an imbalance in your digestive system causing oxygen loving good bacteria being unable to work properly in an oxygen poor environment.

Your body needs oxygen and you would say I am breathing and therefore my body is taking in enough oxygen to keep our body cells healthy.  Nothing is further from the truth as the air we breathe is full of pollutants.

It seems also that we are not breathing properly to breathe in extra oxygen as we are too sedentary. You need to take exercise to get your body working for you.  Exercise should not be strenuous and sixty minutes three times a week should be sufficient.  So if you take a walk every day for thirty minutes you should get your circulation going again and proper breathing too.

So, how can this supplement help you? This product contains three probiotic organisms which together deliver extra oxygen to your intestinal area by interacting with the beneficial bacteria.  This enables them to clean away impacted faecal residues which are obstructing your intestinal tract and which can cause toxins from entering your bloodstream.

Of course you can take an anti-fungal treatment which is obtainable via prescription by your doctor.  However, the bad bacteria can develop an immunity against this.  What they cannot do is to develop an immunity against an oxygenated environment.  We also reach too quickly for the antibiotics when we are feeling unwell.

Because the oxygenation process allows beneficial bacteria to break down impacted matter, you will experience a few uncomfortable loose stools for a few days.  You may also suffer flu like symptoms initially.

These are both normal as the overgrowth and toxins are leaving your body.  You will very quickly feel better and have much more energy to start getting your body into shape and to begin eating sensibly.

As your immune system strengthens you will also suffer less from any viral infections that do the rounds in the winter months.  A strengthened immune system will allow your body to fight pathogens that will invade our bodies through breathing polluted air and which we also ingest when we eat.

Threelac plus information about its action can be obtained from thefinchleyclinic

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How I Improved My Health With Probiotics

Probiotics have been a buzz word for some time now.  They are said to help to maintain the balance between good and bad bacteria in your gut.  In all there are some 400 different strains of these organisms in our digestive tract.  The one that most people have heard of is lactobacillus acidophilus.

You will probably know that lactobacilli are found in live yoghurt products.  What if you are intolerant to lactose, though?  The easiest way to take these is in a probiotic dietary supplement called Fivelac.  This product has minute traces of lactose in it which most people can tolerate.

How I Improved My Health With ProbioticsIf you suffer from diarrhoea it is said that these organism can help you combat it.  It will also alleviate wind problems and cramping of the stomach.  An oxygenated intestinal tract can also prevent candida rearing its ugly head.

Most problems start with poor digestion where matter that cannot be processed such as all refined foods will stick to the intestinal lining and stay there, causing either diarrhoea or constipation.  A product such as the above mentioned dietary supplement aids the good bacteria to liquefy this matter so that it is easily got rid of.

To have a clean tract is very important as many illnesses have their origin there.  If all is working well your immune system will be boosted and you will be better equipped to combat viruses and bacterial overgrowths such as candida.

I have been taking probiotics for some time now and it does seem that you become very regular in your daily toilet arrangements.  I am also fighting fit as I have modified my diet to eat healthy foods and cut out all foods in packets and convenience foods.  You will be amazed what a difference that will make and how easy and tasty it is to eat healthily.

It is also essential to take daily exercise which is good for the circulation, gets your body and lungs working properly.  If you lead a sedentary office life you will have noticed that you do not take as deep a breath as if you were walking the dog and it is really important for the cells in our bodies to get enough oxygen.

You may wonder why you should take probiotics if your lungs will provide enough oxygen to all parts of your body.  Well, the air we breathe is not as clean as at the beginning of the industrial revolution and we inhale many pollutants at the same time.

In the first days of taking a supplement or probiotic foods you will suffer from bloating, nausea and perhaps symptoms that are like flu.  However it should only take a matter of days to subside until your digestive tract is clear of debris and bacterial overgrowth.

If this should not be the case perhaps you are on an unsuitable dietary supplement and you could switch to another that suits your system better.

Fivelac and other similarly working supplements are available from thefinchleyclinic

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Beat Candida With Threelac

No right minded person would claim that any one medicine or supplement will work for every individual but a fair number of candida sufferers reckon a course of Threelac obtained from The Finchley Clinic has worked well for them.

Most of us are aware that on and in our bodies are trillions of tiny microorganisms called bacteria and that the vast majority are contained in the large intestine.

A lesser though still very significant number reside in our small intestines. It is not certain but most experts in this field reckon there is anything between a few hundred and one thousand different types of bacteria.


Many are considered the good guys and are responsible for breaking down waste and helping the lining of the intestines to absorb nutrients and other essentials for human survival. In addition to these different bacteria there are four or five other types of gut flora that are more correctly known as fungi.

Candida is one of these yeasts that naturally occur in the mouth, stomach and vagina and there are a number of reasons why it can flare up in certain people. The very young, very old and others on drugs are susceptible but interestingly it can happen to people on a course of strong antibiotics.

There are recognised problems with antibiotics starting with the major worry that humans are becoming resistant to them and also the known problem of good bacteria being killed off with the bad it is targeted at.

Probiotics is a recognised way of topping up good bacteria and live yoghurt along with Kefir are just two examples. Various other probiotic products are available here from the same supplier and the best way to decide what might be right for one individual’s problem is to read all the many reviews and testimonials.

Threelac is just one probiotic but there are plenty others to look at. It works by releasing three live bacteria in huge numbers into the intestines with the intent of killing off the excess candida flora.


These Five Keep Intestines Alive

Because of our fast food culture it seems that digestive disorders are occurring more and more in our modern age.  This can be anything from bloating, upset stomach to urinary infections and even candida.  Most of these have their origin in our gastro intestinal tract where foods are broken down and nutrients taken up.

Modern, highly refined foods are hard to break down and they will coat your intestinal lining with debris that your body will not easily expel.  It stands to reason that you should get rid of constipation and the easiest way to do this is to take a dietary supplement called Fivelac.

Although this product contains a very small amount of lactose, it is generally tolerated by lactose intolerant people.  You will be able to take probiotics without the need to consume milk products such as live yoghurt.

There are other things that can trigger bowel problems such as modern medication, stress, inactivity through a sedentary job and low fibre consumption due to the refined foods.  Although we mostly suffer from constipation, sometimes you can also suffer from diarrhoea in these instances.

Modern medication to clear up bowel problems are often very bad for the kidneys and if you can clear the problem up yourself naturally that has got to be the best way.  You should not confuse the above product with laxatives.  Laxatives such as Senna are very harsh and they should never be taken for a prolonged period.

Whatever your problem is things need to be sorted out before more long lasting problems will manifest themselves.  Impacted waste produces toxins which could be released into your bloodstream which could cause chronic conditions later on in life.

If you should suffer from candida which is a yeast overgrowth, it is important that you avoid foods that contain yeast to stop the condition from getting out of hand.  It is recommended that you should step up your intake of water.  Many people are dehydrated in our modern world without even knowing it.

It is a great mistake not to care about your digestive system.  There are simple steps you can take to keep your bowels clear, apart from taking a probiotic supplement.  My mother always used to say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

There is some truth in that as apples contain a decent amount of fibre which is needed to keep the intestinal lining clean.  As funny as it may seem, bananas are a very good fruit to add to your diet.  Even though they are easy to consume, they are packed with vitamins and fibre too.  However you should always make sure that you drink plenty of water after eating them.

It stands to reason that most green vegetables contain plenty of fibre in the form of cellulose.  We cannot digest it so it leaves the body undigested when we go to the toilet.