There are around seven billion people on planet Earth and that’s the number 7 followed by 10 zeros but if you want an idea of how many live bacteria there are you would have to add another one million zeros.

Bacteria are little microorganisms that live everywhere from in the earth to inside our guts. It must have been the most extraordinary moment in one man’s life when he made the first powerful enough microscope to see them in a scraping he took from an old man’s tooth.


That happened in Delft nearly three and a half centuries ago and the same man was the first to see red blood cells and spermatozoa.

At birth a baby has absolutely no bacteria but at the very first cry they will be in the mouth and traveling south. An extraordinarily weird sounding concept but without some of these bacteria inside our gut we would not live.

This symbiotic arrangement means we give a home to these bacteria and they help break down food to enable us to absorb nutrients. They also help create our immune system and despite some types being described as bad where others are supposedly good the fact is they must all have some purpose.

For thousands of generations humans have existed by growing vegetables and catching fish and meat when possible. It is only during the past couple of generations that the habit of buying heavily processed supermarket food has become the norm.

Instead of a more balanced diet we are eating a lot of junk and sadly this applies to many young children who quickly get into the habit of thinking a readymade pie made with over processed white flower laced with salt as a preservative along with a fizzy drink that can be up to fifty per cent sugar, is normal.

When feeling bloated or constipated there is a theory that products like Threelac can assist by introducing millions of known good bacteria into the intestines to bring some relief but at the same time perhaps we should all take a closer look at what we are eating.

For Threelac log on to thefinchleyclinic

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Have you ever watched people as they walk by when you are sitting quietly having a glass of wine? You will not fail to have noticed that there are so many obese people around. Yes, the world population is getting bigger by the minute.

The reason for this is that there are too many refined sugars and flours about which are very hard for our digestive systems to cope with and they also cause many diseases such as diabetes and a yeast overgrowth called candida.

If you find yourself in a position where you are often bloated, suffer from diarrhoea or constipation, the chances are that your digestive tract is overloaded with indigestible foodstuffs. You can do something about it and the easiest way to get rid of this impacted waste is to take a dietary supplement called Threelac.



This supplement is a good way to deliver probiotics right to the heart of the problem. It is especially beneficial to people who find foods that contain these, such as milk products, which those amongst us that are lactose intolerant, cannot take.

Although this product contains minute traces of lactose, it is generally well tolerated by most people. However, there are other supplements on the market that do pretty much the same thing for those who find even the smallest trace difficult to digest.

The aim of the three bacilli is to re-oxygenate the intestinal tract so that the beneficial flora can do its work to liquefy impacted matter. Candida is the result of a yeast overgrowth which started in your intestinal tract because of the blockage caused by impacted waste.

You can imagine if waste sticks to the intestinal lining then your body cannot take up the necessary nutrients from the food that is eaten. The impacted matter produces toxins which allow the yeast loving anaerobic bacteria to thrive as they love an unhealthy atmosphere where there is a scarcity of oxygen present.

The probiotic bacteria will allow the aerobic bacteria to recover so that a balance between good and bad can once more be established.

If the balance is not restored in your intestines and nutrients cannot be picked up by the bloodstream to nourish the body your immune system will be compromised. The result of this is that your body will be unable to fight infections such as a candida overgrowth.

This in turn can allow the condition to become chronic with serious results. An unhealthy gut can also cause other diseases to take hold. So you can see that many ailments have their origin in your digestive system.

Of course, the process involves some discomforts as you can well imagine. For a start you will suffer some loose stools for a few days. It cannot be otherwise as liquefied matter will have to be expelled somehow.

Initially you may also have increased symptoms of being unwell which are absolutely normal and is the result of fungal die-off.

Here Is A Sure Way To Get Over Candida

Again there was a warning about the public taking in too much sugar the other day.  It is to be found in everything these days, including foods, fizzy drinks and sweets, of course.  The population seems to be going towards obesity which brings with it all kinds of diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

We have got to change our diets to stay healthy and if you suffer from bouts of candida which can also manifest itself as thrush there is a simple first step you can take by taking a dietary supplement called Threelac.

ThreelacIt seems too easy to think that this product is able to rid your body of candida, but the simple fact is that this is a yeast overgrowth that is caused by consuming too many refined foods.  This will cause an imbalance in your digestive system causing oxygen loving good bacteria being unable to work properly in an oxygen poor environment.

Your body needs oxygen and you would say I am breathing and therefore my body is taking in enough oxygen to keep our body cells healthy.  Nothing is further from the truth as the air we breathe is full of pollutants.

It seems also that we are not breathing properly to breathe in extra oxygen as we are too sedentary. You need to take exercise to get your body working for you.  Exercise should not be strenuous and sixty minutes three times a week should be sufficient.  So if you take a walk every day for thirty minutes you should get your circulation going again and proper breathing too.

So, how can this supplement help you? This product contains three probiotic organisms which together deliver extra oxygen to your intestinal area by interacting with the beneficial bacteria.  This enables them to clean away impacted faecal residues which are obstructing your intestinal tract and which can cause toxins from entering your bloodstream.

Of course you can take an anti-fungal treatment which is obtainable via prescription by your doctor.  However, the bad bacteria can develop an immunity against this.  What they cannot do is to develop an immunity against an oxygenated environment.  We also reach too quickly for the antibiotics when we are feeling unwell.

Because the oxygenation process allows beneficial bacteria to break down impacted matter, you will experience a few uncomfortable loose stools for a few days.  You may also suffer flu like symptoms initially.

These are both normal as the overgrowth and toxins are leaving your body.  You will very quickly feel better and have much more energy to start getting your body into shape and to begin eating sensibly.

As your immune system strengthens you will also suffer less from any viral infections that do the rounds in the winter months.  A strengthened immune system will allow your body to fight pathogens that will invade our bodies through breathing polluted air and which we also ingest when we eat.

Threelac plus information about its action can be obtained from thefinchleyclinic

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Beat Candida With Threelac

No right minded person would claim that any one medicine or supplement will work for every individual but a fair number of candida sufferers reckon a course of Threelac obtained from The Finchley Clinic has worked well for them.

Most of us are aware that on and in our bodies are trillions of tiny microorganisms called bacteria and that the vast majority are contained in the large intestine.

A lesser though still very significant number reside in our small intestines. It is not certain but most experts in this field reckon there is anything between a few hundred and one thousand different types of bacteria.


Many are considered the good guys and are responsible for breaking down waste and helping the lining of the intestines to absorb nutrients and other essentials for human survival. In addition to these different bacteria there are four or five other types of gut flora that are more correctly known as fungi.

Candida is one of these yeasts that naturally occur in the mouth, stomach and vagina and there are a number of reasons why it can flare up in certain people. The very young, very old and others on drugs are susceptible but interestingly it can happen to people on a course of strong antibiotics.

There are recognised problems with antibiotics starting with the major worry that humans are becoming resistant to them and also the known problem of good bacteria being killed off with the bad it is targeted at.

Probiotics is a recognised way of topping up good bacteria and live yoghurt along with Kefir are just two examples. Various other probiotic products are available here from the same supplier and the best way to decide what might be right for one individual’s problem is to read all the many reviews and testimonials.

Threelac is just one probiotic but there are plenty others to look at. It works by releasing three live bacteria in huge numbers into the intestines with the intent of killing off the excess candida flora.


Balance Candida

We all live with the candida yeast in our gut but it is kept suppressed and in small amounts by certain bacteria also present in the gut.

There are many contributing factors towards an outbreak of this yeast which is then termed candidiasis. The most common are an existing health problem, poor diet and an immune system weakened and lacking enough of the good bacteria that attacks the candida.

Out of control the yeast grows in the gut lining and eventually gets into the blood stream where it starts to do some real damage.

Candidiasis is a primary cause of poor health in all parts of the body and leads to a long list of ailments including an ever weakened immune system and perhaps most debilitating is a sense of irritability and depression.

There are various ways to try and defeat the outbreak but it should be understood that the candida yeast develops an almost armour plated outer shell that makes the job difficult. Only certain very specific bacteria can successfully attack it and this is why products such as Threelac exist to deliver the live good bacteria into the intestines.


The success rate is good but nobody would claim it is one hundred per cent with every individual.

Looking at diet is crucial when suffering with this problem. Always remember that it is a yeast that can change into a fungi and back; a remarkable achievement for this annoying little microorganism.

As yeast it thrives on sugar and that means you will have to give up all those things most of us enjoy from beer and wine to anything at all with sugar in it. Cheese, pickles, bread, coffee and anything acidic like vinegar will all have to be avoided.

The problem with candida is that like diabetes there are many people suffering from it without even knowing and again like diabetes the numbers are growing particularly in the west where so much junk food is consumed.

Taking a product like Threelac will have a far greater chance of working if the diet is changed to avoid all the above and follow a much healthier line of products. This includes plenty of fresh greens along with many other vegetables that should be eaten raw or slightly steamed. Eggs and lean meat can also be eaten but you should try and buy organic and discover whether any growth hormones have been injected or antibiotics.

There are many religions that include a period of fasting and as long as you are in otherwise good health it should be practised. The body contains around a thousand different toxins at any one time and a period of drinking water and eating fresh organic greens and fruit might do us all a bit of good.

The product mentioned here is available online along with many hundred other products that are all designed to help you but there are circumstances where it may be better to consult with a doctor particularly when something like candidiasis seems out of control.

A Candid Look At Three Probiotics

Candida is a very uncomfortable condition caused by a yeast overgrowth which, if not treated at the earliest opportunity, can cause further damage to organs if the toxins cross over into the bloodstream.  Most of us have experienced a bout of this which manifests itself outwardly by an outbreak of thrush in the mouth or sexual organs.

The yeast fungus is always present and if we are healthy they pose no problem.  It is quite the wrong thing to tackle the overgrowth with antibiotics as they will eradicate beneficial as well as bad bacteria.  It is much more sensible to adopt a good diet regime and add probiotics to your daily diet.

Some people, however, will not be able to take milk products containing these due to lactose intolerance.  All is not lost, though as there are several dietary products such as Threelac available to them that will administer these probiotics safely.


There is a tiny amount of lactose present in this supplement which should not cause problems, but if you are still intolerant to it then there are other preparations on the market which will help your condition in a different way.  The trick is to ask your provider and to experiment with another product if the probiotic supplement does not suit you.

The above mentioned dietary product administers three different organisms which are not anti-fungal.  The antifungal treatment you may obtain from your doctor is not as effective since the yeast fungus can become resistant to it.  This is not the case with probiotic, natural treatments.

The supplement contains three strains of live bacteria.  The first one, bacillus coagulans, is a probiotic that has shown itself to have a beneficial effect in trials on vaginitis.  Vaginitis is an infection that is sometimes caused by yeast.

The second organism is bacillus subtilis which ensures a healthy gut flora and to date there are no safety concerns about it.  Because of its high stability in a harsh environment it is a good choice for probiotic uses.  Before the advent of antibiotics it was used extensively to treat intestinal and urinary infections.

The third, enterococcus faecalis, has caused the most controversy. However the amount of the organism in this supplement is very small and safe.  It is said that this ingredient helps to lessen the frequency of sinus conditions and it will obviate the need to grab for the antibiotics, which are bad for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria alike.

Although there are no adverse side effects when taking this supplement you may nevertheless experience diarrhoea and headaches as the yeast infection dies off and is expelled the natural way.  It is only to be expected that your body reacts as the toxins leave your body.

Once you are on the path to good health it seems prudent that you should avoid highly refined foods such as convenience meals and all polished and white flour, sugar and rice.

Three Good Bacteria For The Gut

Microbiology is entering interesting times in particular with increasing research into all the microorganisms living in the human gut.

You can now send a small sample of your poo to a specialist laboratory where they will analyse the bacteria from which they can make accurate guesses at what sort of diet you follow. There is a lot more to this than what appears to be a party trick as scientists in this type of research are discovering close links with the levels of certain bacteria in the gut with particular diseases.

Just one example of this involves type 2 diabetes where it is clear that those suffering from this illness all show signs of being short of one particular bacteria in the intestines.


The continuing research around the world into what goes on inside our guts as presented by analysis of a poo sample looks like the new approach to future illness prevention just as DNA research does.

In the year 1676 the Dutchman vanLeeuwenhoek built a microscope and became the first man to see microorganisms in some junk scraped from the teeth of an old man. Three and a half centuries later we know that one hundred trillion of these single celled microbes live inside our gut.

Put them all together and they would make a decent football. What they all do is still a matter of debate as the exact figure of all the types is not even known although it is generally thought to be between a few hundred and one thousand.

We do know some of the good and essential ones and three of these are concentrated in a supplement known as Threelac obtainable at The Finchley Clinic through their online sales service.

On that site there is a great deal more information about the means and the whys and the wherefores in getting a boost of good bacteria and oxygen into the gut when it is needed on those days when we feel bloated, constipated or just generally under the weather.


If you have ever suffered a yeast overgrowth, called candidiasis, you will know how uncomfortable this condition is.  Yeast fungi live naturally in our bodies and on our skin and normally, if you are healthy, they pose no problems.

However, due to antibiotics and an unwise lifestyle they can proliferate and can cause untold damage if you do not try to eradicate the problem.  Your discomfort can be helped enormously by adding probiotics to your diet.  These are naturally found in live yoghurt, but if you are lactose intolerant you will be helped by taking a dietary product called Threelac.

There are various ways to combat this condition.  You can either take the said supplement, but you can also cleanse your colon.  There are specific natural dietary preparations available for this if you find that you cannot get on with probiotic supplements.


The supplement works by introducing three live bacteria directly to where they are needed, i.e. the intestines.  The supplement is not destroyed by the digestive juices of the stomach.  These natural and helpful bacteria will help to destroy the candida yeast, thus restoring the pH balance of your intestinal tract.

In taking this supplement your may initially feel worse as the yeast fungi die off.  You may also have loose bowel movements, which is understandable as the dead matter will have to be expelled somehow.

Once you are starting to feel better, it makes sense to revise your diet.  You should really cut back on refined foodstuffs such as white bread and sugar.  It is better to cut these out of your diet altogether since bread contains yeast and sugar is food for the yeast fungus.

There are plenty of nice foods that you can eat to minimise the risk of a recurrence of candida.  There are grains that are gluten free and meats such as chicken, beef and fish are also beneficial.

You need to know that candidiasis if not checked can become systemic.  You may ask what this word means.  Systemic means that it will affect your system and uncontrolled candida can affect all the organs of the body.  This can lead to the onset of chronic illnesses.

By tackling the overgrowth in the intestines, you will prevent toxins from travelling through the intestinal wall and attacking your organs via the bloodstream.

Are there any side effects when using this product? If you are lactose intolerant, then perhaps you should consider a similar product that works the same way.  However, the two milk bacteria that have been added to this product are there in minute quantities.  If you are severely lactose intolerant they may still produce an adverse reaction.

As with all products, holistic or not, if you are on existing medication, it is always wise to consult your doctor before you add these dietary supplements to your daily food.  As already mentioned the die off may cause you to feel under the weather with flu like symptoms.

If you would like more information about Threelac you will find it at http://www.thefinchleyclinic.com/shop/threelac-p-1.html

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It seems to me that, reading articles online, that yeast overgrowth is on the increase.  It causes a very unpleasant condition called candida that can turn up anywhere.  Most often the genitalia of both men and women are involved.  It is easily spread between couples and it difficult to get rid of.

Sometimes it affects other parts of the body too, such as the mouth, when we often call it thrush.  This persistent growth should be cured as quickly as possible as it can adversely affect organs of the body when it is left unchecked.  One way to do this is to take a totally natural and simple product called Threelac.



A yeast overgrowth can be caused by several factors.  Modern medicines such as antibiotics are the number one culprits.  It rids our bodies of beneficial as well as harmful organisms in our intestinal area on top of killing the bacteria that made us ill in the first place.  If you should not correct the imbalance you will leave your digestive tract vulnerable.

The second culprits are our modern convenience foods.  It is now so easy to produce a meal in minutes when we have been busy at work all day.  However you should know that they are packed with many unhealthy ingredients such as refined flours and sugars.

These are hard to digest and often linger around our gut for a long time.  They stick to the intestinal wall and become hard and compacted.  This results in our body not being able to absorb enough nutrients to function properly.

It is much better to take a little longer to prepare nutritious meals out of fresh produce such as leafy vegetables and fruit.  These contain healthy amounts of roughage that will keep our intestinal walls clean.

The supplement already mentioned above will provide extra oxygen to our gut.  The resulting benefit is that the beneficial intestinal flora will utilise this to thrive and so attack the impacted matter.

This will result in passing some liquid stools for a couple of days whilst your body is ridding itself of the unwanted baggage.  You should know that Threelac is a natural dietary supplement that has no known nasty side effects save for the above mentioned liquid stools.  If the soft stools do not appear, then it is advisable to increase the dosage of the supplement until all is working well for you.

You may feel a little under the weather when you experience yeast die back too.  This is understandable as you will have some withdrawal symptoms that will disappear within a few days.

With successful elimination of impacted matter you will feel more energised and healthy after a few days, your immune system will be strengthened and you may prevent more serious illnesses in the long run.  A healthy immune system is really important, especially as we age and our bodies become less efficient.  As you can see it is a much better option to cure your body the natural way.

If you need more information about the natural dietary supplement Threelac you should log on to http://www.thefinchleyclinic.com/shop/threelac-p-1.html

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Because of our often poor diet there are many people these days that have experienced a yeast overgrowth called candida at some time in their lives.  Some people even suffer an almost chronic version of this nasty bacterial infection.  Sometimes I think that it is a far too beautiful name for such a debilitating condition.

This overgrowth of yeast can appear anywhere in the body and if there is an attack of white spots combined with a thick tongue then this bacterial infection is called thrush.  You need to try and get rid of it smartly at this stage as, if left unchecked; it may start to affect major organs.

Here are some causes of yeast overgrowth.  The number one culprit is to take a course of antibiotics.  This medical remedy is a great way of battling infections and it has to be said that it has saved many lives in the past.  The trouble with it is that it kills good and bad bacteria alike.  The result of this is that an imbalance is created within our bodies that will allow yeast bacteria to get the upper hand.

People still think of this drug as a cure-all for many things.  If we would only be careful enough to take it as a last resort many candida cases can be avoided.

The second big problem is that we do not take in enough fibrous foods.  These days we rely too heavily on convenience meals and white and refined flours and sugars.  The result of not eating enough fibre is a constipated bowel.  If we then do not drink enough fluids it will make matters worse still.

The trick is to change your diet completely and start eating proper food.  This includes leafy vegetables, whole grains and moderate amounts of meat.  If an attack occurs, you should stay well clear of yeast products and refined sugars.


Candida thrives in an unbalanced environment and the last thing we need is to eat glutinous foods when an attack occurs.  Rather than going to your doctor, you should try natural dietary supplements such as Threelac.  This product has been developed to deliver extra oxygen directly to your intestinal tract.

The good bacteria need this in order to re-establish themselves.  At the same time oxygen kills anaerobic bacteria as they need an oxygen poor environment in order to thrive.

The internet is a great place to research this product.  You will be able to glean so much informationbefore you buy it.

The above mentioned supplement will give you a runny stool for a few days as the oxygen contained in this product will loosen impacted waste.  Although it is advisable to stay near a toilet whilst this is going on, it is a good sign as the body is getting rid of the problem.  If watery stools do not occur, you may have to increase the dosage.  In this case it is advisable to seek advice from your provider.

Because Threelac is a natural product it is entirely safe to take.  For a supply of this supplement please go to http://www.thefinchleyclinic.com/shop/threelac-p-1.html